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Celecoxib for the Treatment of Pain in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis / Carmen Moga / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2005)
Celecoxib for the Treatment of Pain in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis [printed text] / Carmen Moga, Author ; Christa Harstall, Author ; Zhiliu Tang, Author . - Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics, 2005 . - viii, 72 p. : ill. ; A4. - (Information Paper, ISSN 1706-7863; 24) .
ISSN : 1-894827-12-5 : 0 €
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal ; Arthritis, Rheumatoid ; drug therapy ; Therapeutics
WB 330 Drug therapyAbstract: Overall, short-term use of celecoxib was equivalent to non-selective NSAIDs (naproxen and diclofenac) and other COX-2 inhibitors (nimesulide and rofecoxib) and was superior to acetaminophen in reducing pain and improving function for patients with RA and OA. Short-term use of celecoxib was associated with a reduction in rates of gastroduodenal erosions or ulcers compared with those for non-selective NSAIDs (naproxen, ibuprofen, and diclofenac) in patients with RA and OA. Many questions remain to be addressed about the long-term safety of celecoxib compared with non-selective NSAIDs and about the combination treatment of NSAIDs and other types of drugs. Health Canada recommended usage restrictions for Celebrex beginning in April 2005. Celebrex should not be used in patients who have had a heart attack or stroke, serious chest pain related to hearth disease, or congestive heart failure. Celebrex may increase the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking. Also, Celebrex should be prescribed and used at the lowest possible dose and for the shortest, necessary period of time. Contents note: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . I -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . III -- ABBREVIATIONS . V -- SCOPE .1 -- BACKGROUND.2 -- EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL ASPECTS .3 -- COX-2 INHIBITORS .4 -- EVIDENCE FROM SRS .6 -- Efficacy/effectiveness .8 -- Safety ..8 -- EVIDENCE FROM RCTS .12 -- Efficacy/effectiveness .16 -- Safety .17 -- REGULATION STATUS AND POST-MARKETING DATA.20 -- Health Canada and FDA regulatory status .20 -- Labeling and public health alerts in the United States, Canada, and Australia .21 -- Post-marketing data in Canada .22 -- POSITION PAPERS AND GUIDELINES .24 -- COST AND MARKETING .26 -- DISCUSSION .28 -- SRs on celecoxib .28 -- RCTs on celecoxib .28 -- Future research .29 -- Clinical relevance .30 -- CONCLUSION .33 -- REFERENCES .34 -- APPENDIX A: SEARCH AND METHODOLOGY .41 -- APPENDIX B.1: SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS ON EFFICACY/EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY .54 -- APPENDIX B.2: RCTS ON EFFICACY/EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY .58 -- APPENDIX C: STUDIES (RCTS) ON CELECOXIB FOR OA AND RA INCLUDED IN THE SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS .62 -- APPENDIX D: QUALITY ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST FOR SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS .66 -- APPENDIX E: EXCLUDED SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS AND RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDIES .71 -- Tables and Figures -- FIGURE 1: NUMBER NEEDED TO HARM (NNH) .32 -- TABLE 1: CYCLO-OXYGENASE SELECTIVITY OF COX-2 SELECTIVE AND NON-SELECTIVE NSAIDS (IN VITRO DETERMINATIONS) .5 -- TABLE 2: SUMMARY OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS .7 -- TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF RCTS .13 -- TABLE 4: LICENSURE AND INDICATIONS IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES .20 -- TABLE 5: POSITION PAPERS AND GUIDELINES ON THE USE OF COX-2 INHIBITORS FOR RA AND OA .25 -- TABLE A.1: DATABASES AND SEARCH TERMS USED IN THE SEARCH STRATEGY (MARCH 2004) .42 -- TABLE A.2: DATABASES AND SEARCH TERMS USED IN THE UPDATED SEARCH STRATEGY (NOVEMBER 2004) .45 -- TABLE A.3: EFFICACY/EFFECTIVENESS OUTCOME MEASURES .51 -- TABLE A.4: SAFETY OUTCOME MEASURES .52 -- TABLE B.1.1: EFFICACY/EFFECTIVENESS OF CELECOXIB FOR THE TREATMENT OF RA .54 -- TABLE B.1.2: SAFETY OF CELECOXIB FOR THE TREATMENT OF OA AND RA .55 -- TABLE B.2.1: EFFICACY/EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY OF CELECOXIB FOR THE TREATMENT OF OA AND RA .58 -- TABLE C.1: STUDIES (RCTS) ON CELECOXIB FOR OA AND RA INCLUDED IN THE SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS .62 -- TABLE D.1: CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF REVIEWS .69 -- TABLE E.1: EXCLUDED SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS .71 -- TABLE E.2: EXCLUDED RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDIES .72 Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: PDF (553 KB) Record link: Copies(1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01742 WB 330/MOG Report KCE Library (10.124) Not for loan Effective Dissemination of Findings from Research / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2008)
Effective Dissemination of Findings from Research : a compilation of essays [printed text] . - Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics, 2008 . - v, 79 p.. - (IHE Report, ISSN 1710-6605) .
ISBN : 978-1-897443-30-9
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 74 Medical economics. Health care costs (General)
Communication ; Economics, Medical ; ResearchAbstract: Effective Dissemination of Findings from Research contains essays resulting from a workshop on effective dissemination of findings from research organized by the Institute of Health Economics. The publication is intended as one of the many available resources on dissemination of research findings for those interested in the subject. Contents note: Foreword ii -- Contributors. iii -- Chapter 1. Overview. 1 -- The chapters in this report. 3 -- References. 7 -- Chapter 2. Knowledge translation of research findings 8 -- Introduction. 8 -- What should be transferred? 9 -- To whom should knowledge be transferred -- and with what effect?. 10 -- With what effect should knowledge be transferred?. 11 -- How should research knowledge be transferred?. 11 -- Effectiveness of professional behaviour change strategies. 12 -- Effectiveness of knowledge translation strategies focusing -- on patients 17 -- Effectiveness of knowledge translation strategies focusing -- on policy makers and senior health service managers. 18 -- Summary. 20 -- References. 21 -- Chapter 3. Knowledge Transfer and Exchange (KTE): a systematic -- review, key informant interviews and design of a KTE strategy. 25 -- Introduction. 25 -- Background. 25 -- Methods. 26 -- Systematic review. 26 -- Stakeholder interviews. 27 -- Results. 28 -- Literature review. 28 -- Implementation studies. 32 -- Stakeholder interviews. 33 -- Discussion. 36 -- Summary of findings. 36 -- Developing a KTE strategy 37 -- A three phased KTE ‘intervention’. 39 -- Conclusion. 40 -- Acknowledgements. 40 -- References. 41 -- Appendix A: Steps in the systematic review. 46 -- Appendix B: Summary of KTE implementation studies -- identified in the literature. 47 -- Chapter 4. SBU’s Ambassador Program in Northern Sweden 55 -- The Swedish Health Care System. 55 -- The Swedish Council on Technology -- Assessment in Health Care 56 -- The SBU Ambassador Program. 58 -- The SBU North Ambassador Program 61 -- Has the Ambassador Program served its purpose?. 65 -- References. 67 -- Chapter 5. The Alberta HTA Chronic Pain Ambassador Program: -- an Alberta adaptation of the SBU clinical Ambassador Program. 68 -- Lessons learned. 73 -- Conclusions and implications.73 -- Acknowledgements. 74 -- References. 74 -- Chapter 6. CADTH’s Liaison Program. 75 -- References.79 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01299 W 74/EFF Report KCE Library (10.124) Available Exercise Testing for the Prediction of Cardiac Events in Patients with Diabetes / Bing Guo / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2009)
Exercise Testing for the Prediction of Cardiac Events in Patients with Diabetes [printed text] / Bing Guo, Author ; Christa Harstall, Author . - Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics, 2009 . - vii, 68 p. : ill. ; A5. - (IHE Report, ISSN 1710-6605) .
ISBN : 978-1-897443-57-6 : 0 €
This report on Exercise Testing for the Prediction of Cardiac Events in Patients with Diabetes examines the clinical research evidence on the prognostic value of exercise testing (including electrocardiogram exercise testing and cardiopulmonary exercise testing) for the prediction of cardiac events in patients with diabetes.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WK 810 Diabetes mellitus
Canada ; Diabetes Mellitus ; Exercise Test ; Heart Diseases ; Prognosis ; Risk Factors ; Technology Assessment, BiomedicalContents note: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IV -- ABBREVIATIONS VI -- GLOSSARY OF TERMS VII -- Introduction 10 -- Scope of the Report 10 -- Background 11 -- Clinical condition 11 -- Definition 11 -- Epidemiology 11 -- Prognosis 11 -- Management − physical exercise 12 -- Safety concerns about exercise 13 -- Pre-exercise examinations 13 -- Overvie w of Technology – Exercise Testing 14 -- Description of exercise testing 14 -- Exercise ECG test (graded exercise test) 14 -- Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) 15 -- Six-minute walking test (6MWT) 16 -- Indications and contraindications 17 -- Indications 17 -- Contraindications 17 -- Safety issues 18 -- Local Context 18 -- Methods of Analy zing Prognostic Studies 19 -- Definitions 19 -- Analytical methods and interpretation 19 -- Available Evidence 20 -- Description of the selected studies 20 -- Methodological quality of the selected studies 21 -- Prognostic value of exercise testing 22 -- ECG ST-segment deviation 25 -- Duke Treadmill Score 26 -- Delayed heart rate recovery 27 -- Metabolic equivalents (METs) 28 -- Peak VO2 28 -- Impaired chronotropic response (CR) 29 -- Safety 29 -- Guidelines/Consensus Statements /Position statement 30 -- Discussion 31 -- Summary of results 31 -- Methodological issues 32 -- Questions unanswered 32 -- Which patient groups can forgo the exercise stress testing? 33 -- The best way to predict patients’ risk of future cardiac events 34 -- Limitations 34 -- Conclusion 35 -- Appendix A: Method 36 -- Appendix B: Living Well Exercise Test Triage 45 -- Appendix C: Excluded Studies 48 -- Appendix D: Quality Assessment Results 52 -- Appendix E: Summary Of Results From The Selected Prognostic Studies 55 -- Appendix F: Covariates Considered In The Included Prognostic Studies 61 -- Appendix G: Patients With Chronic Diseases Who May Forego Exercise Testing 62 -- References 63 -- List of Tables and Figures -- Figure 1: Living well exercise test triage 46 -- Table 1: Contraindications to exercise testing 17 -- Table 2: Overview of the included prognostic studies 21 -- Table 3: Characteristics of the included participants 23 -- Table 4: Prognostic variables under investigation 24 -- Table A.1: Search strategy 36 -- Table C.1: Excluded studies and reasons for exclusion 48 -- Table D.1: Methodological quality assessment results 53 -- Table E.1: Prognostic studies for diabetes 55 -- Table F.1: Covariates considered in the univariate analysis 61 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (1,3 MB) Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01733 WK 810 /GUO Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Health Technology Assessment on the Net / Liz Dennett / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2011)
Health Technology Assessment on the Net : A guide to internet sources of information [printed text] / Liz Dennett, Author ; Dagmara Chojecki, Author . - 12th . - Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics, 2011 . - III, 34 p. : ill. ; A5. - (IHE Report, ISSN 1710-6605) .
ISBN : 978-1-897443-91-0 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 82 Biomedical technology (General)
Directory ; Technology Assessment, BiomedicalAbstract: This twelfth edition includes some minor additions and deletions as compared with previous versions. Each year new resources are developed and introduced. As we become aware of them, we assess their relevance and utility to the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) search process. If they meet our criteria, we add them to the list of resources followed by the IHE Information Specialists when doing a comprehensive search for the production of an HTA report. We have tried as much as possible to match this guide to that search process. While the sources we search do change depending on relevance to a particular topic, this is a reasonably comprehensive list of resources from which we choose when designing a search. Contents note: Acknowledgements i -- Preface to the Twelfth Edition ii -- Introduction 1 -- Selection Criteria 1 -- Arrangement of Resources in This Guide 2 -- Free Bibliographic Databases 3 -- Library Catalogues and Book Databases 5 -- Fee-Based Bibliographic Databases ($$$) 6 -- Canadian HTA Sites 10 -- International HTA Sites 12 -- Regulatory and Coverage Information 16 -- Data and Statistics 17 -- Clinical Trials 18 -- Practice Guidelines 19 -- Evidence Based Resources 21 -- Complementary & Alternative Medicine 23 -- Health Economics 26 -- Cost Lists 27 -- Further Information 28 -- Methodology in HTA 28 -- Building Critical Appraisal Skills 29 -- Knowledge Transfer and Research Utilization 29 -- Listservs 30 -- Literature Searching Guides and Tools 30 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] (258 KB) Record link: E-copies
Health Technology Assessment on the Net (12th)URL
IHE In Your Pocket 2008 : A Handbook of Economic Statistics [printed text] . - Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics, 2008 . - vi, 90 p.. - (IHE Report, ISSN 1710-6605; IYP 2008) .
ISBN : 978-1-897443-26-2
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 74 Medical economics. Health care costs (General)
Economics, Medical ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading]Abstract: IHE In Your Pocket 2008 - a handbook of economic statistics includes the most currently available data, presented in separate sections on the economic burden of illness, health care resources, health behaviours, health status and demographics and health system performance. Contents note: Economic burden of illness 1 -- Health care resources 5 -- Health care expenditures 6 -- Resources – quantities 12 -- Resources – prices 28 -- Resources - investment and technology 36 -- Service utilization 40 -- Health care finance 54 -- Health behaviours 61 -- Health status and demographics 69 -- Health system performance 75 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01300 W 74/IHE Report KCE Library (10.124) Available IHE in your pocket / Institute of Health Economics / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2006)
PermalinkSafety and efficacy of inhaled nitric oxide in the management of Hypoxemic respiratory failure in adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome / Gregory Duchscherer / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2007)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkThe use of the automated auditory brainstem response and otoacoustic emissions tests for newborn hearing screening / Don Schopflocher / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2007)