Development and validation of nursing resource weights for the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset in general hospitals / Walter Sermeus in International journal of nursing studies, 46(2009)02 ([02/02/2009])
[article] Development and validation of nursing resource weights for the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset in general hospitals = a Delphi questionnaire survey approach [printed text] / Walter Sermeus, Author ; Pierre Gillet, Author ; Daniel Gillain, Author ; J Grietens, Author ; N Laport, Author ; D Michiels, Author ; G Vanden Boer, Author ; Pieter Van Herck, Author ; Koen Van Den Heede , Author . - 2009 . - 256-67.
Languages : English (eng) in International journal of nursing studies > 46(2009)02 [02/02/2009] . - 256-67