Version 28/11/2022
If you identify any additional sources of information, please send it to the following e-mail address:, in order to complete this page.
- CADTH COVID-19 Pandemic : Literature searching tools
- CADTH COVID-19 Search Strings:
These search strings for topics related to COVID-19 have been developed and peer-reviewed by Research Information Specialists at CADTH. However, they have not been validated against a gold standard set of articles. Note, too, that the vocabulary and subject headings surrounding these topics are continuously changing. Individuals using these strings are therefore responsible for ensuring they are accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Specific PubMed links are included wherever possible.
- CADTH COVID-19 Grey Literature Resources:
A Curated List of Evidence-Based Sources for Health Professionals, Librarians, and Researchers
CADTH?s Research Information Services team has compiled this COVID-19 grey literature resource list, which highlights freely accessible evidence-based sources of grey literature on this topic. Grey literature includes government information and reports that are not published commercially and that may be inaccessible via bibliographic databases. This resource list is intended for use by health professionals, librarians, and information specialists, as well as the health technology assessment research community seeking information specific to COVID-19.
The CADTH COVID-19 grey literature resource list is organized by topic and jurisdiction. This is not an exhaustive list of COVID-19 resources. The list prioritizes Canadian resources and high-quality rapid knowledge syntheses. It will be updated regularly as new resources become available. Because of the continuously evolving nature of the internet, CADTH cannot be held responsible for occasional inaccuracies due to website changes.
- Cochrane Library:
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) ? Cochrane resources and news :
This page highlights content relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the various related activities that Cochrane is undertaking in response.
- Cochrane Special Collection: Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to critical care:
This Special Collection includes Cochrane Reviews on the following topics: fluid and vasopressor therapy; respiratory support and mechanical ventilation; weaning mechanical ventilation; managing hypoxaemia; pharmacological treatment; and nutrition in intensive care.
- Cochrane Special Collection: Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures:
It includes reviews that are relevant to the WHO interim guidance, as well as other potentially relevant reviews from three Cochrane Networks: Cochrane Public Health and Health Systems; Cochrane Musculoskeletal, Oral, Skin and Sensory; and Cochrane Acute and Emergency Care, and also draws on the knowledge of Cochrane groups in affected regions. Many reviews in this collection have associated Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs), with links provided.
- HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé):
- Coronavirus - COVID 19 HAS veille:
- Tous les travaux de la HAS - COVID -19:
- KULeuven:
- Overview of information available to support the development of medical countermeasures and interventions against COVID-19 (see below)
- NIH (National Institutes of Health): Coronavirus (COVID-19):
- National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) :
- LIT Covid :
LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to 134090 (and growing) relevant articles in PubMed. The articles are updated daily and are further categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access. You can learn more at Chen et al. Nature (2020) or our FAQ, and download our data here.
- Rijksoverheid
Dashboard coronavirus:
- UCLouvain:
- University of MICHIGAN:
- COVID-19 Best Evidence Front Door:
Includes 364 documents from 61 sources. Documents are either specific to COVID-19 or generally related to it.
- ZB MED - - preVIEW: COVID-19:
The ZB MED preprint Viewer preVIEW: COVID-19 includes 35.058 COVID-19 related preprints from medRxiv (11.793) and bioRxiv (3.782)(opens in a new tab or window), ChemRxiv (335) (opens in a new tab or window) , ResearchSquare (7.342)(opens in a new tab or window), arXiv (4.304)(opens in a new tab or window) and from (1.526) (opens in a new tab or window). The service has last been updated 3 hours ago. We try to update the data on a daily basis (7am CET/CEST).
The web page can also be accessed via API.If you use our application, please cite: 10.3233/SHTI210124
- BMJ Best Practice :
- Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19):
- Journal of Clinical Medicine:
- Potential Rapid Diagnostics, Vaccine and Therapeutics for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV):
A Systematic Review:
- The BMJ:
- Coronavirus (covid-19): Latest news and resources:
This page collects all BMJ coverage of the coronavirus outbreak from across the BMJ's journals and learning resources. All articles and resources are freely available.
- The Lancet:
- COVID-19 Resource Centre:
To assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre. This resource brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All of our COVID-19 content is free to access.
- The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM):
- Coronavirus (Covid-19):
A collection of articles and other resources on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.
- Dynamed:
- EBM Focus - Volume 15, Issue 11: COVID-19: 10 things you need to know:
- Ebsco:
This Information Portal has been created to support the immediate need for trusted information. It is comprised of news feeds and resources from trusted bodies of authority and the index is in its infancy.
- Elsevier:
- Novel Coronavirus Information Center (Elsevier's free health and medical research on the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19:
- Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publisher:
- Coronavirus Highlights urgent need for science-backed research :
The collection of articles is available free online to serve as open resources for the community as it works to ensure that the COVID-19 outbreak is fully understood and contained.
- Ovid:
- COVID-19 Tools and REsources for clinicians:
- Oxford Academic:
- Access to OUP resources on COVID-19, other coronaviruses, and related topics:
- Proquest:
- Coronavirus research Database:
Cross-disciplinary resource enables researchers to search and discover full-text articles, dissertations and other content from key publishers. The Coronavirus Research Database has been automatically enabled at no cost for all ProQuest platform customers.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Research:
This collection includes the latest medical research from SAGE related to the virus as well as top social and behavioral research.
- Springer Nature:
- SARS-CoV-2 and COVID+19: A new virus and associated respiratory disease:
- Taylors&Francis Group:
- COVID-19 : Novel Coronavirus Content Free to Access:
- Coronavirus Research Archive:
- Wiley Online Library:
- COVID-19: Novel Coronavirus Outbreak:
- AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco):
- Sperimentazioni cliniche - COVID-19:
- CDC:
- Information for Clinicians on Therapeutic Options of COVID-19 Patients:
- CEBD (Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology):
- CEBD Coronavirus Resource for Dermatology:
Collection of guidelines, web resources and journal articles on coronavirus relevant to skin diseases and dermatology.
- COMET Initiative:
- Core outcome set developers? response to COVID-19 :
Many clinical trials and systematic reviews are already underway, or will begin shortly, to strengthen the evidence base for the COVID-19 response. Core outcome sets (COS), showing the outcomes that should be measured and reported in these studies, will ensure that this evidence base will contain, as a minimum, the key information needed by decision makers about the effects of interventions. This briefing paper has been prepared by COMET to summarise work to date on COS for COVID-19 and the COMET team will try to respond to any queries you have about it. COMET will also facilitate contact with COS developers to help determine which COS may be most relevant to your particular research study.
- ECDC (European Centre for Disease and Control) :
- EUnetHTA
- COVID-19 Diagnostics :
This section is dedicated to rapid collaborative reviews and HTA reports on diagnostic tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 requested to inform timely national policy/decision-making.
- COVID-19 Treatments :
As part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, EUnetHTA is working to output ?Rolling Collaborative Reviews (RCR)?. The objective of such reviews is to provide decision-makers with a timely synthesis of available evidence on the comparative effectiveness of therapeutic health technologies relevant to the management of the current pandemic.
- European Commission ? DIGIT
- Digital Response to COVID-19 : Digital Response to COVID-19 gives you access to a large resource database including open source software, websites, and platforms that are useful for public administrations, businesses, and citizens dealing with the ongoing crisis
- COVID-19 INAHTA Response:
- Living mapping and living systematic review of Covid-19 studies :
Up to April 15, 2020 we have screened 4,624 records, included 10 RCTs and 56 observational studies. Today we have identified and included 1 new RCT assessing the efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) plus standard-of-care (SOC) compared with SOC alone in adult patients with COVID-19. We also identified one emulated trial evaluating the clinical efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in 181 patients with documented SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia requiring oxygen and 3 new observational studies. Characteristics of the randomized trials identified, including a complete description of the assessment of each risk of bias domain with supports for judgement and forest plots are available here. Up to April 9, 2020, we found 275 RCTs registered. Thanks to a collaboration with the CNRS, some teams are currently working with us to improve the visualisation of the data.
- Nice:
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) : (Rapid guidelines and evidence summaries, Changes to how we work, Free scientific advice, Links to sources of latest advice)
- NIHR Policy Research programme:
- Living systematic map of the evidence:
Suggested citation is: Lorenc T, Khouja C, Raine G, Sutcliffe K, Wright K, Sowden A, Thomas J (2020) COVID-19: living map of the evidence. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University College London.
- Research, innovation and expertise in Wallonia and Brussels fight against COVID-19:
At the initiative of the Royal Academy of Medicine and the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts, supported by the Universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the FNRS has drawn up an inventory of these, which is published on this website and is being enriched day by day.
- WHO:
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic:
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Dashboard:
- Global research on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):
WHO is gathering the latest scientific findings and knowledge on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and compiling it in a database. We update the database daily from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searches of the table of contents of relevant journals, and the addition of other relevant scientific articles that come to our attention. The entries in the database may not be exhaustive and new research will be added regularly.
- Blueprint - Coronavirus disease (Covid-2019) R&D:
- COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor:
The COVID-19 Health Systems Response Monitor (HSRM) has just been launched and currently includes up-to-date information for the following countries : Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Russian Federation, Serbia, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Trusted Sources :
- COVID19 Digital Health Factsheets & Podcasts (un lien pour tous les podcasts)
- PAHO/WHO COVID-19 dedicated portal
- COVID-19 guidance and the latest research in the Americas (PAHO/WHO)
- Bibliovid
- Veille scientifique sur le COVID-19 :
- BioWorld:
- Biopharma products in development for COVID-19:
- COVI-19 Evidence Alerts from McMaster Plus :
Request subscription
- EvidenceAID:
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Evidence Collection:
- OurWorldinData:
- Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) ? Statistics and Research:
- Vfa:
- Vaccines to protect against Covid-19, the new coronavirus infection: