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50 Years of Cancer Control in India [electronic document] . - Indian Department of Health, 2003.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QZ 200 Neoplasms. Cysts (General)
History of Medicine ; India ; Neoplasms ; prevention and controlContents note: 1 History Of Medical Services And Cancer Treatment Facilities D P Punia -- 2 Addressing The Cancer Agenda : How Have We Measured Up ? K.A. Dinshaw -- 3 Cancer Registration In India Kishore Chaudhry & Usha K. Luthra -- 4 Cancer Genetics Subrata Sinha -- 5 Molecular Approaches To Cancer Management In The Postgenomic Era Alpana Saxena, Sarita Agarwal and Y. N. Rao -- 6 Cancer Prevention And Control In India Cherian Varghese -- 7 Role Of Tumor Markers And Recent Advances In Cancer Diagnosis Manisha Bhutani, Amish Vora and Vinod Kochupillai -- 8 Evolution Of Radiotherapy Machines And Changing Scenario In India A.V. Lakshmanan -- 9 Choice Of A Teletherapy Unit K.S. Reddy -- 10 Radiation Therapy In The Management Of Cancer G. K. Rath -- 11 Role Of BARC In Quality Assurance And Safety In Medical Applications Of Ionizing Radiation B.C. Bhatt -- 12 Cancer Control Programme In Kerala, India M. K. Nair -- 13 A Novel Comprehensive Integrated Model For Cancer Control P.S.Prabhakaran, P.P.Bapsy, Aruna E.Prasad, U.D.Bafna and Kunwraswamy -- 14 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation In India Parikh Purvish M, Shah Pankaj M, Easow Jose Kumar Lalit -- 15 Technological Advances In Surgical Management Of Cancer Relevance To Indian Scenario R. K. Karwasara and Sanjeev Prashad -- 16 Supportive Care In Oncology : Historical Perspectives And Future Options B. B. Rewari, Sudhir Gupta -- 17 Emerging Strategies For Cancer Control In Women Of India Sudhir Gupta, Y. N. Rao and S. P. Agarwal -- 18 Tobacco Control In India Kishore Chaudhry -- 19 The Joy Of Cancer Anup Kumar -- 20 Radiation Accidents: Guidance To The Handling Of Overexposed Individuals Kumar T. Bhowmik -- 21 New Horizons In Oncology- The Years To Come... Santanu Chaudhuri -- 22 Contributors -- 23 Addresses Of Regional Cancer Centres -- 24 List Of Radiotherapy Centres In India Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Webpage Record link: An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents / Nancy Thiry in Vaccine, 22(2004)27-28 ([09/09/2004])
[article] An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents [printed text] / Nancy Thiry, Author ; Philippe Beutels, Author ; Francesco Tancredi, Author ; A. Zanetti, Author ; Paolo Bonanni, Author ; Giovanni Gabutti, Author ; Pierre Van Damme, Author . - 2004 . - 3546-3562.
Languages : English (eng)
in Vaccine > 22(2004)27-28 [09/09/2004] . - 3546-3562
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adolescent ; Adult ; Age Factors ; Aged ; Chickenpox Vaccine ; Child ; Child, Preschool ; Cost of Illness ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Economics ; Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster ; Epidemiology ; Female ; Hospitalization ; Humans ; Italy ; Journal Article ; Male ; Markov Chains ; Mass Immunization ; Middle Aged ; Netherlands ; Peer Review ; prevention and control ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading]Abstract: An economic evaluation was performed to assess five varicella vaccination scenarios targeted to 11-year-old Italian adolescents. The scenarios were: "compulsory vaccination" of all adolescents, recommended vaccination of susceptible adolescents on the basis of an "anamnestic screening", a "blood test" or a combination of both ("both tests") and vaccination of adolescents in the private sector, at the parents' charge ("private vaccination"). Probabilities and unit costs were taken from published sources and experts opinion. The accuracy of the anamnestic screening (81.6% sensitivity and 87.3% specificity) was derived from a separate descriptive study among 344 Italian adolescents. The costs and benefits of each scenario were simulated using a Markov model and cost-effectiveness, budget-impact and cost-benefit analyses were conducted. Of all considered scenarios, "both tests" and "anamnestic screening" were the most appealing options with an estimated net direct cost of 5058 and 8929 per life-year gained (compared to no vaccination) versus 14,693-42,842 for the other scenarios. These two scenarios further resulted in substantial net savings for society (over 600,000 per cohort, BCR: 2.17). The need for a serological confirmation was highly dependent on the sensitivity of the anamnestic screening, which is believed to increase once such a program is launched. For practical considerations, "anamnestic screening" seems to be the most convenient option. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: [article]Antimicrobial Stewardship / Céline Pulcini / Amsterdam : Elsevier/Academic Press (2017)
Antimicrobial Stewardship : Developments in Emerging and Existing infectious Diseases [printed text] / Céline Pulcini, Author ; Onder Ergonul, Author ; Fusun Can, Author . - Amsterdam : Elsevier/Academic Press, 2017 . - 349 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Developments in Emerging and Existing Infectious Diseases; vol. 2) .
ISBN : 978-0-12-810477-4 : € 145.59
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Anti-Infective Agents ; Drug Resistance, Microbial ; prevention and control
QV 250 Anti-infective agents. DisinfectantsAbstract: Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS), Volume Two includes the experience of ESGAP workshops and courses on antibiotic stewardship since 2012. It combines clinical and laboratory information about AMS, with a focus on human medicine.
The ESCMID study group on antibiotic policies (ESGAP) is one of the most productive groups in the field, organizing courses and workshops. This book is an ideal tool for the participants of these workshops.
With short chapters (around 1500 words) written on different topics, the authors insisted on the following points: A ‘hands on’, practical approach, tips to increase success, a description of the most common mistakes, a global picture (out- and inpatient settings, all countries) and a short list of 10-20 landmark references.
. Focuses on the most recent antimicrobial stewardship strategies
. Provides a detailed description of laboratory support
. Offers a balanced synthesis of basic and clinical sciences for each individual case, presenting clinical courses of the cases in parallel with the pathogenesis and detailed microbiological information for each infection
. Describes the prevalence and incidence of the global issues and current therapeutic approaches
. Presents the measures for infection controlRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03358 QV 250 / PUL Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 06/23/2019 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
ggplot2 Wickham, Hadley Droit institutionnel de l'Union européenne Blumann, Claude The European Union Kenealy, Daniel Brandpreventie / Emmy Streuve / Wolters Kluwer Belgium (2013)
Brandpreventie [printed text] / Emmy Streuve, Author . - Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2013 . - 254 p. : ill., ; 22 cm.
ISBN : 978-90-465-5434-0 : € 96,43
Languages : Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Indexation
Belgium ; Fire Prevention ; Fire risk assessment ; Legislation ; legislation and jurisprudence ; prevention and control
KJK 1 3016-3019 Fire prevention and controlAbstract: Brandpreventie wordt in ons land geregeld door een samenhangend geheel van wetgevingen en normen en er zijn heel wat spelers bij betrokken.
Dit dossier leidt u doorheen de reglementering inzake brandpreventie en biedt een synthetisch overzicht van de geldende wetgeving.
Komen onder meer aan bod:
het koninklijk besluit van 7 juli 1994 tot vaststelling van de basisnormen voor de preventie van brand en ontploffing waaraan de nieuwe gebouwen moeten voldoen, en de talrijke wijzigingen ervan;
de specifieke wetgeving voor industriële gebouwen: bijlage 6 van het koninklijk besluit betreffende de basisnormen, de bepalingen in het ARAB, het AREI en de Codex over het welzijn op het werk;
de reglementering betreffende de nood- en interventieplannen.
In dit dossier maakt de auteur een stand van zaken op over de wijzigingen die werden aangebracht door het koninklijk besluit van 12 juli 2012:
ze vergelijkt de vroegere bepalingen van de bijlagen 2, 3, 4 van de basisnormen met de nieuwe bepalingen van de bijlagen 2/1, 3/1 en 4/1 die op 1 december 2012 in werking zijn getreden;
ze beschrijft de aanpassingen die werden aangebracht aan het koninklijk besluit betreffende de basisnormen om het in overeenstemming te brengen met de Europese reglementering, meer bepaald met betrekking tot de voorschriften in verband met de reactie bij brand en de brandweerstand van bouwproducten.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02986 KJK 1 3016-3019 / STR Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 03/17/2019 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Microsoft SQL server 2008 reporting services Misner, Stacia Het eenheidsstatuut arbeiders-bedienden De Wilde, Inger Klein AREI 2014-2015 Duurzame veiligheidscultuur Wastyn, Willy Preventiezakboekje welzijn op het werk 2015 Lange, H. Microsoft SQL server 2008 Mistry, Ross Evacuatie - Oefeningen Heldenboek Clement, Dirk Pensioengids 2019 Demil, Colette Microsoft SQL server 2008 reporting services unleashed Lisin, Michael Interventie - Ploegleden Breast cancer screening / Lyon : IARC (2002)
Breast cancer screening : IARC working group on the evaluation of cancer-preventive strategies, Lyon, France, 5-12 March 2002 [printed text] . - Lyon : IARC, 2002 . - XIII, 229 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, ISSN 1027-5622; 7) .
ISBN : 978-92-832-3007-6 : 48,57 €
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WP 870 - Breast - - Neoplasms
Breast Neoplasms ; Mass Screening ; prevention and controlAbstract: Breast cancer is the leading site of new cancer cases in women. Early enough detection through mass screening with mammography has been introduced in many countries in the hope that early intervention would lead ro reduced mortality and less aggressive treatment. The aim of this publication is to provide an independent, authoritative review of the evidence of the efficacy and effectiveness of breast cancer screening. This will be of value to governments, public health officials and others concerned with policy recommendations for cancer control. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00146 W 870/IAR Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Fundamentals of nuclear pharmacy Saha, Gopal B. Radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear pharmacy and nuclear medicine Kowalsky, Richard J. MAMMOGRAPHY SCREENING Gotzsche, Peter, C. European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis Perry, N. Glossaire des termes utilisés en Evidence-Based Medicine De Cort, Paul Dois-je me faire tester pour le cancer ? Welch, H. Gilbert Essential of nuclear medicine physics Powsner, Rachel A. Cervix Cancer Screening IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Cancer Preventive Strategies Handboek financiële analyse van de onderneming (volume 1) Ooghe, Hubert Handboek financiële analyse van de onderneming (volume 2) Ooghe, Hubert Analytisch boekhouden en kostencalculatie Bruggeman, W. Le code de la prévention, de l'aide à la jeunesse et de la protection de la jeunesse / Amaury de Terwangne / Bruxelles : ELS Belgium (2019)
PermalinkPermalinkDois-je me faire tester pour le cancer ? / H. Gilbert Welch / Québec [Canada] : Presses de l'Université Laval (2005)
PermalinkLa drépanocytose, une identité, un combat et un métier / Fidèle Jonas Kaluila Mamba / Bureau d'études et de recherche pour la promotion de la santé (BERPS) (2007)
PermalinkEconomic evaluations of pneumococcal vaccination strategies in adults / Nancy Thiry in Acta Clinica Belgica, 60(2005)6 ([11/02/2005])
PermalinkEconomic evaluations of varicella vaccination programmes / Nancy Thiry in Pharmacoeconomics, 21(2003)1 ([01/01/2003])
PermalinkEconomische evaluatie van meerlaags siliconen schuimverband voor de preventie van doorligwonden in het ziekenhuis / Mattias Neyt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2023)
PermalinkEen nationale richtlijn voor Decubituspreventie / Dimitri Beeckman / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2012)
PermalinkEndovasculaire behandeling van Carotisstenose / Luc Bonneux / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2005)