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Age-related changes in human blood lymphocyte subpopulations / F. Erkeller-Yuksel in The Journal of Pediatrics, 120(1996)2 ([02/01/1996])
[article] Age-related changes in human blood lymphocyte subpopulations [printed text] / F. Erkeller-Yuksel, Author ; V. Deneys, Author ; B. Yuksel, Author ; I. Hannet, Author ; Frank Hulstaert, Author ; C. Hamilton, Author . - 1996 . - 216-222.
Languages : English (eng)
in The Journal of Pediatrics > 120(1996)2 [02/01/1996] . - 216-222
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adolescent ; Adult ; Aged ; Aging ; Antigens, CD ; Child ; Child, Preschool ; Female ; Fetal Blood ; Humans ; Immunophenotyping ; Infant ; Journal Article ; Leukocyte Count ; Lymphocyte Subsets ; Male ; Middle Aged ; Peer Review ; United StatesAbstract: Flow cytometric analysis of major lymphocyte populations and their subsets reveals age-related changes in the cellular human immune system. Immunophenotypic markers were evaluated in 110 normal pediatric subjects, divided into groups of newborn infants, infants aged 2 days to 11 months, and children aged 1 to 6 years and 7 to 17 years; results were then compared with those obtained from 101 normal adults aged 18 to 70 years. Comparisons among age groups from newborn infants through adults reveal progressive declines in the absolute numbers of leukocytes, total lymphocytes, and T, B, and natural killer (NK) cells. The percentages of T cells within the total lymphocyte population increase with age, in both CD4+ and CD8+ subsets. Percentages of B and NK cells are higher in newborn infants than in adults. The expression of the activation markers interleukin-2R and HLA-DR on T cells increases with age, as does the NK-associated expression of CD57 on CD8 cells. The proportions of B lymphocytes that coexpress CD5 or CDw78 decrease with age, whereas expression of Leu-8 and CD23 increases. The proportion of CD4 cells bearing the CD45RA and Leu-8 markers is consistently lower in adults than in children. These data may serve as a reference range for studies of pediatric subjects. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Requires Subscription] Record link: [article]Age-related changes in human blood lymphocyte subpopulations / Frank Hulstaert in Clinical immunology and immunopathology, 70(1994)02 ([02/01/1994])
[article] Age-related changes in human blood lymphocyte subpopulations : II. Varying Kinetics of Percentage and Absolute Count Measurements [printed text] / Frank Hulstaert, Author ; I. Hannet, Author ; V. Deneys, Author ; V. Munhyeshuli, Author ; T. Reichert, Author ; M. De Bruyere, Author ; K. Strauss, Author . - 1994 . - 152-158.
Languages : English (eng)
in Clinical immunology and immunopathology > 70(1994)02 [02/01/1994] . - 152-158
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adolescent ; Adult ; Aging ; Antigens, CD ; Antigens, Differentiation ; Child ; Child, Preschool ; Female ; Humans ; Immunophenotyping ; Infant ; Infant, Newborn ; Journal Article ; Leukocyte Count ; Male ; Middle Aged ; T-Lymphocytes ; United StatesAbstract: A reference range for lymphocyte populations, with particular emphasis on T lymphocyte subsets, was obtained for normal individuals covering age cohorts from birth through adulthood. This report confirms and extends findings from a developmental reference range published earlier (1). Absolute numbers of WBC, lymphocytes, and T, B, and NK subsets decline significantly during childhood. However, differences in the rate of decline of certain lymphocyte subsets leads to discordance between absolute numbers and percentages. Those lymphocyte subsets which decline less rapidly with age than the total lymphocyte count will show an increase in percentage, whereas those which decline more rapidly will show further declines in percentage values. T cell percentages were seen to increase over time whereas B cell percentages decline. Markers of immaturity such as CD45RA on CD4 cells and CD38 on CD8 cells declined in both percentages and absolute numbers. Activation markers, such as HLA-DR on CD8 cells and IL2-R on CD3 cells, increased in percentages with time but changed inconsistently in cell number from infancy to adulthood. These findings extend the lymphocyte references range to markers thought to be informative in various disease states, including HIV infection. Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: [article]An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents / Nancy Thiry in Vaccine, 22(2004)27-28 ([09/09/2004])
[article] An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents [printed text] / Nancy Thiry, Author ; Philippe Beutels, Author ; Francesco Tancredi, Author ; A. Zanetti, Author ; Paolo Bonanni, Author ; Giovanni Gabutti, Author ; Pierre Van Damme, Author . - 2004 . - 3546-3562.
Languages : English (eng)
in Vaccine > 22(2004)27-28 [09/09/2004] . - 3546-3562
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adolescent ; Adult ; Age Factors ; Aged ; Chickenpox Vaccine ; Child ; Child, Preschool ; Cost of Illness ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Economics ; Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster ; Epidemiology ; Female ; Hospitalization ; Humans ; Italy ; Journal Article ; Male ; Markov Chains ; Mass Immunization ; Middle Aged ; Netherlands ; Peer Review ; prevention and control ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading]Abstract: An economic evaluation was performed to assess five varicella vaccination scenarios targeted to 11-year-old Italian adolescents. The scenarios were: "compulsory vaccination" of all adolescents, recommended vaccination of susceptible adolescents on the basis of an "anamnestic screening", a "blood test" or a combination of both ("both tests") and vaccination of adolescents in the private sector, at the parents' charge ("private vaccination"). Probabilities and unit costs were taken from published sources and experts opinion. The accuracy of the anamnestic screening (81.6% sensitivity and 87.3% specificity) was derived from a separate descriptive study among 344 Italian adolescents. The costs and benefits of each scenario were simulated using a Markov model and cost-effectiveness, budget-impact and cost-benefit analyses were conducted. Of all considered scenarios, "both tests" and "anamnestic screening" were the most appealing options with an estimated net direct cost of 5058 and 8929 per life-year gained (compared to no vaccination) versus 14,693-42,842 for the other scenarios. These two scenarios further resulted in substantial net savings for society (over 600,000 per cohort, BCR: 2.17). The need for a serological confirmation was highly dependent on the sensitivity of the anamnestic screening, which is believed to increase once such a program is launched. For practical considerations, "anamnestic screening" seems to be the most convenient option. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: [article]Behandeling van autisme bij kinderen en jongeren / Geneviève Veereman / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2014)
Behandeling van autisme bij kinderen en jongeren : klinische praktijkrichtlijn - Synthese [printed text] / Geneviève Veereman, Author ; Kirsten Holdt Henningsen, Author ; Marijke Eyssen , Author ; Nadia Benahmed, Author ; Wendy Christiaens , Author ; Marie-Hélène Bouchez, Author ; Ann De Roeck, Author ; Nicolas Deconinck, Author ; Gaby De ligne, Author ; Griet Dewitte, Author ; Tine Gheysen, Author ; Maryse Hendrix, Author ; Claire Kagan, Author ; Ghislain Magerotte, Author ; Marleen Moonen, Author ; Herbert Roeyers, Author ; Sara Schelstraete, Author ; Marie-Vinciane Soncarrieu, Author ; Jean Steyaert, Author ; Flavio Tolfo, Author ; Géraldine Vrancken, Author ; Eric Willaye, Author ; Anne Wintgens, Author ; Sara Wouters, Author ; Jan Croonenberghs, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2014 . - 29 p. : ill., ; A4. - (KCE Reports A. Good Clinical Practice (GCP); 233AS) .
ISSN : D/2014/10.273/84 : € 0,00
Studie n° 2013-22
Languages : Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Indexation
2013-22 ; Adolescent ; Child ; Child Development Disorders, Pervasive ; Psychotherapy ; R233 ; Therapeutics
WS 350.8.P4 Pervasive development disordersAbstract: Autismespectrumstoornis (ASS) uit zich op veel uiteenlopende manieren en elke persoon met autisme is uniek. Omdat het gaat om een neurologische ontwikkelingsstoornis kan ASS niet worden ‘genezen’. Het komt er dus vooral op aan om de capaciteiten van een kind of jongere met autisme zoveel mogelijk te ontwikkelen, storend gedrag te vermijden of onder controle te houden en om bijkomende handicaps te voorkomen. Het bestaande zorgaanbod is zeer uiteenlopend. Het Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) onderzocht welke interventies wetenschappelijk onderbouwd zijn, in samenwerking met vertegenwoordigers van ouders en alle betrokken sectoren.
Voor elk kind of jongere met autisme moet een geïndividualiseerd, langdurig project worden opgezet en gedeeld door alle zorgverleners. De aanpak moet vooral bestaan uit psychosociale interventies waarbij ouders, zorgverleners en leerkrachten worden betrokken. Het rapport vermeldt ook welke praktijken niet wetenschappelijk onderbouwd zijn.Contents note: VOORWOORD 1 -- SYNTHESE 2 -- INHOUDSTAFEL 2 -- 1. INLEIDING 4 -- 1.1. WAT IS EEN AUTISMESPECTRUMSTOORNIS? 4 -- 1.2. WAT WETEN WE OVER DE OORZAKEN VAN ASS? 4 -- 1.3. WAT IS DE OMVANG VAN HET PROBLEEM? 5 -- 2. DOELSTELLINGEN VAN DIT RAPPORT 6 -- 2.1. WAAROM IS DIT RAPPORT NODIG? 6 -- 2.2. VOOR WIE ZIJN DEZE PRAKTIJKRICHTLIJNEN BESTEMD? 6 -- 3. METHODE 7 -- 3.1. HOE WORDEN PRAKTIJKRICHTLIJNEN ONTWIKKELD? 7 -- 3.2. WELKE PROBLEMEN WORDEN IN DEZE PRAKTIJKRICHTLIJNEN AANGEPAKT? 8 -- 3.3. WAAROM IS AUTISME EEN BIJZONDER GEVOELIG ONDERWERP VOOR AANBEVELINGEN? 8 -- 4. DEFINITIES 9 -- 5. AANBEVELINGEN 10 -- 5.1. ALGEMENE SAMENVATTING VAN DE POSITIEVE AANBEVELINGEN 11 -- 5.2. ALGEMENE SAMENVATTING VAN DE NEGATIEVE AANBEVELINGEN 12 -- 5.3. UITGEBREIDE LIJST VAN AANBEVELINGEN 13 -- 5.3.1. Interventies die inwerken op de basiskenmerken van autisme 13 -- 5.3.2. Interventies gericht op storend gedrag 14 -- 5.3.3. Interventies gericht op kenmerken verbonden met autisme 15 -- 5.3.4. Interventies om de impact van autisme op gezinnen te verbeteren 18 -- 5.3.5. Bijwerkingen van de verschillende interventies 18 -- 5.3.6. Maatregelen voor de algemene organisatie van de aanpak 18 -- 5.3.7. Aanbevelingen voor onderzoek 19 -- 5.3.8. Specifieke aanbevelingen voor de Belgische context 20 -- 6. CONCLUSIE. 21 -- 7. GLOSSARIUM (VERKLARENDE WOORDENLIJST) 21 -- 7.1. ALGEMENE DEFINITIES 21 -- 7.2. SPECIFIEKE INTERVENTIES 23 -- REFERENTIES 28 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (750 Kb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy
Biblioteca Virtual em Saude [electronic document] . - Biblioteca Virtual em Saude (BVS), [s.d.].
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 84 Health services. Quality of health care (General)
Adolescent ; Bioethics ; Central America ; Complementary Therapies ; Databases, Bibliographic ; Dentistry ; Latin America ; Nursing ; South AmericaContents note: LILACS - Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences
Latin American and Caribbean Literature on the Health Sciences is a BIREME System's cooperative database which covers literature related to the health sciences and has been published in countries of the Region since 1982. It contains articles from about 670 of the most well-known journals in the medicine field, reaching approximately more than 150,000 records and other documents, such as: theses, chapters of theses, books, chapters of books, congress and conference proceedings, technical and scientific reports and governmental publications.
ADOLEC - Literature on Adolescence Health
Bibliographic database which contains articles related to Adolescence, and has the objective of supporting PAHO's project coordinated by the Programa de Saúde Materno-Infantil. This project aims at the creation of a sub-net in the Latin American region which will be in charge of gathering and processing information related to the theme, keeping this database always updated.
BBO - Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry
Brazilian Bibliography in Dentistry is a database on national literature in the field of oral health, from 1986 onwards, and it works under the responsibility of the USP's Faculty of Odontology's Service of Odontological Documentation. It contains books, theses, brochures, reprints and periodical publications written by brazilian authors, including articles published in foreign and non specialized journals, the objective is to produce the National Memory in Odontology.
BDENF - Nursing Database
BIOETHICS - Data base of the Regional Program on Bioethics PAHO/WHO
Data base of the Documentation Center of the Regional Program on Bioethics PAHO/WHO. It contains bibliographic records about bioethical topics, Medical Ethics and Public Health, produced within the region and the rest of the world.
HISA - Latin American and Caribbean History of Public Heatlh
HOMEOINDEX - Homeopathy Brazilian Bibliography
LEYES - Latin American and Caribbean Basic Health Legislation
The information contained in the LEYES data base was extracted mostly from the registers of the 'Index to Latin American Lagislation' maintained by the Hispanic Law Division of the Library of Congress of the United States of America, with the exception of constitutional provision and health codes.
MEDCARIB - Caribbean Health Sciences Literature
Bibliographic database which gathers the literature in health sciences which comes, most of the time, from the Caribbean English speaking countries. It is produced by the Caribbean Net and coordinated by the MedCarib Net Coordinating Center, The Medical Library, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston - Jamaica. It indexes all types of documents, such as books, chapters of books, theses, technical reports, congress and conference proceedings, and articles from journals. It contains references of documents dating from the 18th Century up to the present date.
REPIDISCA - Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences
It is a database which contains bibliographic references on literature in the field of sanitary engineering and environment sciences, coordinated by CEPIS - Pan-American Center of Sanitary Engineering and Environment Sciences, located in Lima, Peru this is an international center of the Pan American Health Organization. In 1994, it incorporated the records of the ECO's database on human ecology and health.
PAHO - PAHO HQ Library Catalog
Pan American Health Organization is a database which contains bibliographic references and summaries of the Pan American Health Organization Library collection in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. PAHO's database covers documentation on themes related to health indexed by the Library.
WHOLIS - World Health Organization Library Information SystemLink for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: Online [Free] Record link: Cancer Incidence in Belgium 2010 / Belgian Cancer Registry=Kankerregister (Brussel) / Brussel [België] : Belgian Cancer Registry=Kankerregister (2013)
PermalinkA candidate vaccine based on the hepatitis C E1 protein / Leroux-Roels, G in Vaccine, 22(2004)23-24 ([08/13/2004])
PermalinkChild and Adolescent Mental Health Services / Greg Richardson / RCPsych Publications (2010)
PermalinkChild and adolescent psychiatry and mental health / Jorg Fegert / London [UK] : BioMed Central Ltd (2007)
PermalinkPermalinkCost-effectiveness of human papillomavirus vaccination in Belgium / Nancy Thiry in International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 25(2009)2 ([04/01/2009])
PermalinkCOVID-19 Transmission and children / Vicky Jespers / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2020)
PermalinkCrossover comparison of efficacy and preference for rizatriptan 10 mg versus ergotamine/caffeine in migraine / S. Christie in European Neurology, 49(2003)01 ([01/01/2003])
PermalinkEen quadrivalent vaccin tegen group B meningokokken / Germaine Hanquet / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2014)
PermalinkEfficacy and safety of ertapenem versus piperacillin-tazobactam for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections requiring surgical intervention / AS Dela Pena in Journal of gastrointestinal surgery, 10(2006)4 ([04/01/2006])