Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (14)
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Atlas of the human skeleton / Matt Hutchinson / San Francisco : Benjamin Cummings (2001)
Atlas of the human skeleton [printed text] / Matt Hutchinson ; Jon Mallatt ; Elaine Nicpon Marieb ; R. T. Hutchings . - San Francisco : Benjamin Cummings, 2001 . - V, 55 p. : chiefly col. ill. ; 22 x 28 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-8053-4988-7
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QS 17 Atlases. Pictorial works
Anatomy ; Atlases [Publication Type] ; Musculoskeletal System ; Pictorial Works [Publication Type]Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00226 QS 17/HUT Book KCE Library (10.124) Available
Bodybrowser = Google Body [electronic document] . - American Fork [USA] : Zygote Media Group : Google, [s.d.].
You need a Web browser that supports WebGL
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QS 17 Atlases. Pictorial works
Anatomy ; Atlases [Publication Type] ; Pictorial Works [Publication Type]Abstract: Google Body is a detailed 3D model of the human body. You can peel back anatomical layers, zoom in, click to identify anatomy, or search for muscles, organs, bones and more. You can also share the exact scene you are viewing by copying and pasting the URL. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Web application (recquires WebGL compatible browser) Record link: Color atlas of histopathology / R. C. Curran / London : Harvey Miller (1985)
Color atlas of histopathology [printed text] / R. C. Curran, Author . - 3rd ed. . - London : Harvey Miller : Oxford ; Melbourne ; New York : Oxford University Press - OUP, 1985 . - 292 p.
ISBN : 978-0-19-921058-9
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QZ 17 Pathology. Atlases. Pictorial works
Atlases [Publication Type] ; Histology ; PathologyRecord link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Digestive System. Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1986)
Digestive System. Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas [printed text] / Frank H. Netter, Author . - Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, 1986 . - XIII, 200 p.. - (The Ciba collection of medical illustrations; 3-3) .
ISBN : 0-914168-05-3
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QZ 17 Pathology. Atlases. Pictorial works
Anatomy ; Atlases [Publication Type] ; PathologyContents note: Vols. 1-3 issued by Ciba Pharmaceutical Products; v. 4- by Ciba Pharmaceutical Company.
Some vols. reprinted.
CONTENTS. v. 1. Nervous system, with a supplement on the hypothalamus -- pt. 1. Anatomy and physiology --v. 2. Reproductive system.--v. 3, pt. 1. Upper digestive tract.--v. 3, pt. 2. Lower digestive tract.--v. 3, pt. 3. Liver, biliary tractand pancreas, with a supplement on new aspects of structure, metabolism, diagnostic and surgical procedures.--v. 4. Endocrine system and selected metabolic diseases.--v. 5. Heart.--v. 6. Kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder.--v. 7. Respiratory system -- v. 8. Musculoskeletal system -- pt. 1. Anatomy, physiology, and metabolic disorders.Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Digestive System. Lower Digestive Tract / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1987)
Digestive System. Lower Digestive Tract [printed text] / Frank H. Netter, Author . - Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, 1987 . - XII, 244 p.. - (The Ciba collection of medical illustrations; 3-2) .
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QZ 17 Pathology. Atlases. Pictorial works
Anatomy ; Atlases [Publication Type] ; PathologyContents note: Vols. 1-3 issued by Ciba Pharmaceutical Products; v. 4- by Ciba Pharmaceutical Company.
Some vols. reprinted.
CONTENTS. v. 1. Nervous system, with a supplement on the hypothalamus -- pt. 1. Anatomy and physiology --v. 2. Reproductive system.--v. 3, pt. 1. Upper digestive tract.--v. 3, pt. 2. Lower digestive tract.--v. 3, pt. 3. Liver, biliary tractand pancreas, with a supplement on new aspects of structure, metabolism, diagnostic and surgical procedures.--v. 4. Endocrine system and selected metabolic diseases.--v. 5. Heart.--v. 6. Kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder.--v. 7. Respiratory system -- v. 8. Musculoskeletal system -- pt. 1. Anatomy, physiology, and metabolic disorders.Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Digestive System. Upper Digestive Tract / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1983)
PermalinkEndocrine System and Selected Metabolic Diseases / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1981)
PermalinkHeart / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1981)
PermalinkKidneys, Ureters, and Urinary Bladder / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1987)
PermalinkMuskuloskeletal System / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1987)
PermalinkNervous System. Anatomy and Physiology / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1986)
PermalinkNervous System. Neurologic and Neuromuscular Disorders / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1983)
PermalinkReproductive System / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1984)
PermalinkRespiratory System / Frank H. Netter / Summit, N. J. : Ciba Pharmaceutical Products (1980)