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Added Value Project / M Einhorn / Bruxelles : Cmpmedia (2002)
Added Value Project : nieuwe visie op gezondheidszorg [printed text] / M Einhorn, Author ; Vincent Claes, Author . - Bruxelles : Cmpmedia, 2002 . - xvi p.. - (Artsenkrant; 25(1483)) .
Bijlage van Artsenkrant
Languages : Dutch (dut)
Descriptors: Classification
W 74 Medical economics. Health care costs (General)
Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Health Expenditures ; Pharmaceutical PreparationsRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01107 W 74/EIN Journal KCE Library (10.124) Available An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents / Nancy Thiry in Vaccine, 22(2004)27-28 ([09/09/2004])
[article] An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents [printed text] / Nancy Thiry, Author ; Philippe Beutels, Author ; Francesco Tancredi, Author ; A. Zanetti, Author ; Paolo Bonanni, Author ; Giovanni Gabutti, Author ; Pierre Van Damme, Author . - 2004 . - 3546-3562.
Languages : English (eng)
in Vaccine > 22(2004)27-28 [09/09/2004] . - 3546-3562
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adolescent ; Adult ; Age Factors ; Aged ; Chickenpox Vaccine ; Child ; Child, Preschool ; Cost of Illness ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Economics ; Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster ; Epidemiology ; Female ; Hospitalization ; Humans ; Italy ; Journal Article ; Male ; Markov Chains ; Mass Immunization ; Middle Aged ; Netherlands ; Peer Review ; prevention and control ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading]Abstract: An economic evaluation was performed to assess five varicella vaccination scenarios targeted to 11-year-old Italian adolescents. The scenarios were: "compulsory vaccination" of all adolescents, recommended vaccination of susceptible adolescents on the basis of an "anamnestic screening", a "blood test" or a combination of both ("both tests") and vaccination of adolescents in the private sector, at the parents' charge ("private vaccination"). Probabilities and unit costs were taken from published sources and experts opinion. The accuracy of the anamnestic screening (81.6% sensitivity and 87.3% specificity) was derived from a separate descriptive study among 344 Italian adolescents. The costs and benefits of each scenario were simulated using a Markov model and cost-effectiveness, budget-impact and cost-benefit analyses were conducted. Of all considered scenarios, "both tests" and "anamnestic screening" were the most appealing options with an estimated net direct cost of 5058 and 8929 per life-year gained (compared to no vaccination) versus 14,693-42,842 for the other scenarios. These two scenarios further resulted in substantial net savings for society (over 600,000 per cohort, BCR: 2.17). The need for a serological confirmation was highly dependent on the sensitivity of the anamnestic screening, which is believed to increase once such a program is launched. For practical considerations, "anamnestic screening" seems to be the most convenient option. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: [article]An EQ-5D-5L value set for Belgium / Nicolas Bouckaert / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2021)
An EQ-5D-5L value set for Belgium : How to value health-related quality of life? [printed text] / Nicolas Bouckaert, Author ; Sophie Gerkens , Author ; Stephan Devriese , Author ; Irina Cleemput , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2021 . - 106 p. : ill., ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Services Research (HSR); 342C) .
ISSN : D/2021/120210.273/19 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 84.3 Health Services Research (General)
2017-12 ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Models, Statistical ; Quality of Life ; Quality-Adjusted Life Years ; R342 ; Surveys and QuestionnairesContents note: KEY POINTS 1 -- LIST OF FIGURES 5 -- LIST OF TABLES 6 -- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 7 -- SCIENTIFIC REPORT 9 -- 1 INTRODUCTION 9 -- 1 1 HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE 9 -- 1 2 APPLICATION OF HEALTH STATE UTILITY DATA IN CLINICAL AND ECONOMIC -- EVALUATIONS 12 -- 1 3 THE EQ-5D INSTRUMENT 13 -- 1 4 STUDY OBJECTIVE 15 -- 2 METHODS 16 -- 2 1 STUDY PROTOCOL 16 -- 2 1 1 Valuation techniques 16 -- 2 1 2 EQ-VT Software 19 -- 2 1 3 Structure of the interview 19 -- 2 1 4 Target sample 20 -- 2 1 5 Number of interviewers 20 -- 2 1 6 Training and pilot tests 21 -- 2 1 7 Quality control 21 -- 2 2 SAMPLING PROCESS 21 -- 2 2 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria 21 -- 2 2 2 Sampling procedure 22 -- 2 3 STUDY APPROVAL AND PRIVACY PROTECTION ASPECTS 31 -- 2 4 DATA COLLECTION 32 -- 2 4 1 Initial recruitment of interviewers 32 -- 2 4 2 Recruitment of respondents 32 -- 2 4 3 Data collection time frame and recruitment of new interviewers 32 -- 3 DATA ANALYSIS 37 -- 3 1 DATA PREPARATION AND REPRESENTATIVENESS 37 -- 3 1 1 Creation modelling dataset 37 -- 3 1 2 Representativeness 38 -- 3 2 MODEL CONSTRUCTION 39 -- 3 2 1 Modelling cTTO valuation 39 -- 3 2 2 Modelling DCE valuation 41 -- 3 2 3 Hybrid model 42 -- 3 2 4 Fitting of the models 43 -- 3 3 MODEL SELECTION 43 -- 3 3 1 Logical consistency 43 -- 3 3 2 Goodness of fit 43 -- 3 3 3 Predictive accuracy 44 -- 3 3 4 Theoretical considerations 45 -- 3 4 PREFERRED MODEL AND VALUE SET 46 -- 4 RESULTS: THE BELGIAN EQ-5D-5L VALUE SET 47 -- 4 1 SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS 47 -- 4 2 DATA CHARACTERISTICS 52 -- 4 2 1 cTTO data 52 -- 4 2 2 DCE data 59 -- 4 3 MODELLING RESULTS AND SELECTION 60 -- 4 3 1 Logical consistency 60 -- 4 3 2 Goodness of fit 60 -- 4 3 3 Predictive accuracy 62 -- 4 3 4 Theoretical considerations 63 -- 4 4 VALUE SET 68 -- 4 4 1 Summary of model selection 68 -- 4 4 2 Preferred model and value set 68 -- 4 4 3 Comparison with 3L value set and value sets of other countries 72 -- 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 75 -- 5 1 STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW VALUE SET 75 -- 5 2 IMPLICATIONS OF THE NEW VALUE SET 76 -- 5 3 APPLICABILITY OF THE BELGIAN EQ-5D-5L VALUE SET 77 -- 5 4 FUTURE RESEARCH AND REFLECTIONS 78 -- APPENDICES 79 -- APPENDIX 1 LIKELIHOOD FUNCTIONS IN REGRESSION ANALYSIS 79 -- APPENDIX 2 REPRESENTATIVENESS OF THE POPULATION AT REGIONAL LEVEL 82 -- APPENDIX 3 FINAL VALUE SET 85 -- REFERENCES 100 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (5,7 Mb) Record link: Anticoagulants in non-valvular atrial fibrillation / Hans Van Brabandt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
Anticoagulants in non-valvular atrial fibrillation [printed text] / Hans Van Brabandt , Author ; Lorena San Miguel , Author ; Nicolas Fairon , Author ; Bert Vaes, Author ; Séverine Henrard, Author ; Anelia Boshnakova, Author ; Rob Cook, Author ; Rob Davies, Author ; Aditi Karnad, Author ; Alan Lovell, Author ; Cécile Dubois , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2016 . - 195 p. : ill., ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Technology Assessment (HTA); 279) .
ISSN : D/2016/10.273/101 : € 0,00
Study 2015-05
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
2015-05 ; Anticoagulants ; Atrial Fibrillation ; Belgium ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Physician's Practice Patterns ; Practice Guidelines as Topic ; R279 ; Secondary Prevention
QV 193 AnticoagulantsContents note: LIST OF FIGURES 6 -- LIST OF TABLES 8 -- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 10 -- SCIENTIFIC REPORT 12 -- 1 AIMS 12 -- 2 INTRODUCTION 13 -- 3 BACKGROUND 13 -- 3 1 ANTITHROMBOTICS13 -- 3 3 STROKE RISK ASSESSMENT IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION 14 -- 3 4 STROKE PREVENTION IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION 19 -- 3 4 1 Vitamin K antagonists 19 -- 3 4 2 Antiplatelets 19 -- 3 4 3 Combination therapy of anticoagulants and antiplatelets 20 -- 3 4 4 Novel Oral AntiCoagulants (NOACs) 20 -- 3 5 BLEEDING RISK INDUCED BY VITAMIN K ANTAGONISTS 21 -- 4 EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF NOACS 23 -- 4 1 SEARCH STRATEGY 23 -- 4 2 SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS 25 -- 4 3 PRIMARY STUDIES 26 -- 4 3 1 Ximelagatran 26 -- 4 3 2 Dabigatran 26 -- 4 3 3 Rivaroxaban 27 -- 4 3 4 Apixaban 28 -- 4 3 5 Edoxaban 28 -- 4 3 6 Summary table 28 -- 4 4 SAFETY OF NOACS 30 -- 4 5 RISK OF BIAS IN PIVOTAL RCTS 31 -- 4 6 INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES 32 -- 5 REIMBURSEMENT OF ANTICOAGULANTS IN BELGIUM 35 -- 6 ADHERENCE TO ANTICOAGULATION GUIDELINES IN PRACTICE 37 -- 6 1 PHYSICIANS’ ADHERENCE TO GUIDELINES 37 -- 6 1 1 Literature search 37 -- 6 1 2 Systematic reviews 38 -- 6 1 3 AF patient registries 38 -- 6 2 PHYSICIANS’ ADHERENCE TO APPROPRIATE DOSE PRESCRIPTION 42 -- 6 2 1 VKA dosing 42 -- 6 2 2 NOAC dosing 42 -- 6 3 PATIENTS’ ADHERENCE TO ANTICOAGULANT PRESCRIPTION 43 -- 7 CLINICAL USE OF ANTICOAGULANTS IN NON-VALVULAR AF: DISCUSSION 45 -- 7 1 STROKE RISK ASSOCIATED WITH AF, VERSUS BLEEDING RISK ASSOCIATED WITH ANTICOAGULANTS 45 -- 7 1 1 Undertreatment in high risk populations with a CHA2DS2-VASc risk score of ≥2 (♂) or ≥3 (♀) 47 -- 7 1 2 Overtreatment in low risk populations with a CHA2DS2-VASc risk score of 0 (or 1 in ♀ with no additional risk factors)47 -- 7 1 3 Anticoagulation in patients with a CHA2DS2-VASc risk score of 1 (♂) or 2 (♀) 47 -- 7 1 4 Patients’ adherence to anticoagulants 47 -- 7 2 NEW ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS VS VITAMIN K ANTAGONISTS 48 -- 7 2 1 Effect of NOACs versus VKAs on stroke 48 -- 7 2 2 Effect of NOACs versus VKAs on bleeding 48 -- 7 2 3 Drug monitoring and compliance to treatment 49 -- 8 COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF NOACS 50 -- 8 1 INTRODUCTION 50 -- 8 2 METHODS 50 -- 8 2 1 Literature review 50 -- 8 2 2 Selection process 50 -- 8 3 RESULTS 53 -- 8 3 1 Overview of economic evaluations 53 -- 8 3 2 Type of economic evaluation 57 -- 8 3 3 Time frame and discounting 58 -- 8 3 4 Perspective 58 -- 8 3 5 Population 58 -- 8 3 6 Intervention and comparator 59 -- 8 3 7 Cost and outcome inputs 59 -- 8 3 8 Industry sponsorship 59 -- 8 3 9 Costs 60 -- 8 3 10 Incremental Cost-effectiveness Ratios (ICERs) 78 -- 8 3 11 Sensitivity Analyses 84 -- 8 3 12 Subgroup Analyses 84 -- 8 3 13 Studies in Belgium 85 -- 8 3 14 NICE Health Technology Assessments 91 -- 8 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 91 -- 8 4 1 Use of adapted models 91 -- 8 4 2 Assumptions and sources of data 92 -- 8 4 3 Conflict of interests 92 -- 8 4 4 Relevance to Belgian healthcare system 92 -- 8 4 5 Conclusions 92 -- 9 FLEMISH GENERAL PRACTITIONERS’ DATA 94 -- 9 1 INTRODUCTION 94 -- 9 2 METHODOLOGY 95 -- 9 2 1 Description of the Intego database 95 -- 9 2 2 Clinical research questions 95 -- 9 2 3 Patient selection 95 -- 9 2 4 Definition of clinical variables and medications 97 -- 9 2 5 Statistical analysis 100 -- 9 3 RESULTS 101 -- 9 3 1 Prescription of oral anticoagulants in general practice in the general population and validation of proxies for the CHA2DS2-VASc and CHADS2 scores (part 1) 101 -- 9 3 2 Trends in prescriptions of OACs in general practice in people with atrial fibrillation (part 2) 107 -- 9 4 CONCLUSIONS 125 -- 9 4 1 Prescription of oral anticoagulants in general practice in the general population and validation of proxies for the CHA2DS2-VASc and CHADS2 scores (part 1) 125 -- 9 4 2 Trends in prescriptions of oral anticoagulants in general practice in people with atrial fibrillation (part 2) 125 -- 10 ANALYSIS OF BELGIAN DATA 126 -- 10 1 INTRODUCTION 126 -- 10 2 METHODS 126 -- 10 2 1 General Methodology 126 -- 10 3 DATA LIMITATIONS 128 -- 10 4 RESULTS 128 -- 10 4 1 Evolution over time 128 -- 10 4 2 Profile of the anticoagulant users 132 -- 10 5 DISCUSSION 145 -- 11 FINAL CONCLUSION147 -- 11 1 TO ANTICOAGULATE OR NOT? 147 -- 11 1 1 Risk of stroke risk associated with non-valvular AF 147 -- 11 1 2 Net clinical benefit of anticoagulants 147 -- 11 1 3 Overdiagnosis and oveartreatment 148 -- 11 1 4 Undertreatment 148 -- 11 2 VKA OR NOAC? 149 -- 11 2 1 Advantages of NOACs versus VKAs 149 -- 11 2 2 Disadvantages of NOACs versus VKAs 149 -- 11 2 3 VKA or NOAC: KCE’s conclusion 150 -- 11 3 TRENDS IN ANTICOAGULANT PRESCRIPTION 151 -- APPENDICES 152 -- APPENDIX 1 RCTS COMPARING NOACS WITH VKA IN NON-VALVULAR AF 152 -- APPENDIX 2 LITERATURE SEARCH FOR EFFICACY OF NOAC 153 -- APPENDIX 3 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS TABLES 157 -- APPENDIX 4 META-ANALYSES OF ISCHEMIC STROKE RISK BY CHA2DS2-VASC SCORE 164 -- APPENDIX 5 SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS ON INAPPROPRIATE USE OF ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS 166 -- APPENDIX 6 SEARCH STRATEGIES FOR C-E CHAPTER 172 -- APPENDIX 7 APPENDICES TO FLEMISH GPS’ DATA 174 -- APPENDIX 8 APPENDICES TO BELGIAN IMA DATA 184 -- REFERENCES 186 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (4,8 MB) Record link: Anticoagulants in non-valvular atrial fibrillation / Hans Van Brabandt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
Anticoagulants in non-valvular atrial fibrillation : Synthesis [printed text] / Hans Van Brabandt , Author ; Lorena San Miguel , Author ; Nicolas Fairon , Author ; Bert Vaes, Author ; Séverine Henrard, Author ; Anelia Boshnakova, Author ; Rob Cook, Author ; Rob Davies, Author ; Aditi Karnad, Author ; Alan Lovell, Author ; Cécile Dubois , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2016 . - 22 p. : ill., ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Technology Assessment (HTA); 279Cs) .
ISSN : D/2016/10.273/100 : € 0,00
Study 2015-05
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
2015-05 ; Anticoagulants ; Atrial Fibrillation ; Belgium ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Physician's Practice Patterns ; Practice Guidelines as Topic ; R279 ; Secondary Prevention
QV 193 AnticoagulantsContents note: FOREWORD -- KEY MESSAGES 2 -- SYNTHESE 4 -- 1. OBJECTIVES OF THIS STUDY 6 -- 2. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION 6 -- 2.1. A SILENT DISORDER WITH POTENTIALLY SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES 6 -- 2.2. ASSESSMENT OF THE THROMBOEMBOLIC RISK 7 -- 3. EFFICACY OF ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION 8 -- 3.1. VITAMIN K ANTAGONISTS 8 -- 3.2. NOVEL ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS (NOACS) 8 -- 3.3. COMPARISON OF THE EFFICACY OF VKAS AND NOACS 9 -- 4. PRACTICAL: PRESCRIBE ANTICOAGULANTS OR NOT? 11 -- 4.1. FINDING THE BALANCE BETWEEN THE RISK OF ISCHEMIC AND HAEMORRHAGIC STROKE.11 -- 4.2. OVERTREATMENT 12 -- 4.3. UNDERTREATMENT 12 -- 4.4. SPECIAL CASE: PATIENTS WITH A CHA2DS2-VASC SCORE = 1 (FOR MEN) AND = 2 (FOR WOMEN) 13 -- 4.5. ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS 14 -- 5. MONITORING A PATIENT ON ANTICOAGULANTS 15 -- 5.1. MONITORING COAGULATION 15 -- 5.2. MONITORING COMPLIANCE 15 -- 5.3. A NEW FORM OF UNDERTREATMENT WITH NOACS 16 -- 5.4. REVERSIBILITY OF THE ANTICOAGULANT EFFECT AND ANTIDOTES 16 -- 6. ECONOMIC ASPECTS 17 -- 6.1. REIMBURSEMENT OF NOACS IN BELGIUM 17 -- 6.2. ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS 18 -- 7. CONCLUSIONS 19 -- 7.1. ANTICOAGULANTS OR NOT? 19 -- 7.2. VKA OR NOAC 19 -- 7.2.1. Advantages of NOACs compared to VKAs 19 -- 7.2.2. Disadvantages of NOACs compared to VKAs 19 -- 7.2.3. Conclusion 20 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (847 Kb) Record link: Anticoagulation et fibrillation auriculaire / Hans Van Brabandt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
PermalinkAntistolling en voorkamerfibrillatie / Hans Van Brabandt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
PermalinkAssessing the economic value of anti-cancer therapies / Niels Neymark / New York ; Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer (1998)
PermalinkBalancing evidence and public opinion in health technology assessments / Irina Cleemput in International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 22(2006)4 ([11/20/2006])
PermalinkBelgian methodological guidelines for pharmacoeconomic evaluations / Irina Cleemput in Value in Health, 12(2009)04 ([07/01/2009])
PermalinkCalculating an intervention's (cost-)effectiveness for the real-world target population / Mattias Neyt in Health Policy, 106(2012)02 ([07/01/2012])
PermalinkComparison of three instruments assessing the quality of economic evaluations / Sophie Gerkens in International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 24(2008)3 ([09/01/2008])
PermalinkCost-effectiveness analyses of drug eluting stents versus bare metal stents / Mattias Neyt in Health Policy, 91(2009)2 ([07/01/2009])
PermalinkCost-effectiveness analysis / Henry M. Levin / London, Thousand Oaks, Calif., New Delhi : Sage Publications (2000)