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Allgemeine Gynäkologie. Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe in Deutschland – eine Marktübersicht im akutstationären Sektor / B. Augurzky, in Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 69(2009)2 ([02/01/2009])
[article] Allgemeine Gynäkologie. Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe in Deutschland – eine Marktübersicht im akutstationären Sektor = Gynecology and Obstetrics in Germany – A Market Overview in the stationary acute care sector [printed text] / B. Augurzky,, Author ; S. Krolop, Author ; K. Römer, Author ; Christoph Schwierz, Author ; R. Kreienberg, Author . - 2009 . - 146-150.
Languages : English (eng) German (ger)
in Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde > 69(2009)2 [02/01/2009] . - 146-150
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Economics ; Germany ; Gynecology ; Health Care Costs ; Journal Article ; Obstetrics ; Peer ReviewLink for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Requires Subscription] Record link: [article]Améliorer la performance des soins de santé / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) / Paris : OECD (2011)
Améliorer la performance des soins de santé : Comment mesurer leur qualité [printed text] / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE), Author . - Paris : OECD, 2011 . - 126 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. - (OECD Health Policy Studies) .
ISBN : 978-92-64-09482-6 : € 24,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
WA 900 Public health statistics (including narrative reports on health conditions and health surveys)
Delivery of Health Care ; Electronic books ; Government Publications [PT] ; Health Care Costs ; Quality Indicators, Health CareAbstract: Le taux de survie au cancer du sein est-il plus élevé aux États-Unis qu’au Royaume-Uni et qu’en France ? Un patient risque-t-il moins de mourir dans un délai de 30 jours après son hospitalisation à la suite d’une crise cardiaque au Canada qu’en Corée ? Les chirurgiens de certains pays sont-ils plus susceptibles de laisser des « corps étrangers » dans le corps des opérés ou de provoquer accidentellement des perforations ou des lacérations lorsqu’ils accomplissent un acte chirurgical ? La nécessité de répondre à ce type de questions et l’intérêt d’évaluer la qualité des soins de santé figurent au nombre des aspects abordés dans la présente publication.
Dans bien des cas, les politiques de santé dépendent de notre capacité d’évaluer précisément la qualité des soins. Les pouvoirs publics veulent appliquer une approche davantage « axée sur le patient », améliorer la coordination des soins et assurer une rémunération plus élevée aux prestataires qui offrent une meilleure qualité de soins. Cela étant, mesurer la qualité des soins de santé n’est pas sans poser de difficultés. Certains problèmes ont pu être surmontés grâce au projet de l’OCDE sur les indicateurs de qualité des soins de santé mais un grand nombre subsistent. Si les décideurs veulent véritablement disposer de meilleures données sur la qualité des soins, ils doivent améliorer leurs systèmes d’information sur la santé. La présente publication décrit les indicateurs de qualité comparables au plan international qui sont actuellement disponibles et la façon d’établir un lien entre ces indicateurs et l’application de mesures en faveur de la qualité telles que l’agrément, la formulation de recommandations de bonnes pratiques médicales, la rémunération selon la performance, et la mise en œuvre de programmes nationaux de sécurité et de systèmes d’information sur la qualité.Contents note: Acronymes -- Résumé -- Introduction -- Chapitre 1. Pourquoi avons-nous besoin d’informations sur la qualité des soins de santé ? -- -1.1. Coordination des soins -- -1.2. Prévention -- -1.3. Soins centrés sur le patient -- -1.4. Évaluation des technologies de la santé (ETS) et évaluations cliniques -- -1.5. Sécurité – la « faille de qualité » perdure -- -1.6. Rémunération selon la performance -- -1.7. Gouvernance axée sur la qualité -- -1.8. Le caractère transnational de la gouvernance axée sur la qualité -- -1.9. Systèmes d’étalonnage des indicateurs de qualité à orientation stratégique -- -Bibliographie -- Chapitre 2. Que nous disent les données existantes sur la qualité ? -- -2.1. Le projet de l’OCDE sur les indicateurs de la qualité des soins de santé (HCQI) : historique et contexte -- -2.2. Soins primaires -- -2.3. Soins aigus aux patients atteints d’affections chroniques : l’exemple de la coronaropathie (CP) -- -2.4. Santé mentale -- -2.5. Soins aux malades du cancer -- -2.6. Sécurité des patients -- -2.7. Expériences des patients -- -Bibliographie -- Chapitre 3. Comment les infrastructures nationales d’information sur la santé peuvent-elles améliorer la mesure de la qualité des soins ? -- -3.1. Le point sur le développement des infrastructures nationales d’information sur la santé -- -3.2. Les cinq principaux types de sources d’information utilisés pour l’élaboration d’indicateurs de qualité basés sur la population -- -3.3. Synthèse des enseignements tirés -- -3.4. Améliorer les systèmes d’information et les infrastructures de données sur la santé -- -3.5. Quelques pistes pour faire avancer le dossier de l’information -- Chapitre 4. Comment utiliser les indicateurs de qualité pour améliorer les systèmes de santé ? -- -4.1. Ressources des systèmes de santé -- -4.2. Conception des systèmes de santé -- -4.3. Suivi des systèmes et des prestations de santé -- -4.4. Amélioration des systèmes de santé -- -Bibliographie -- Chapitre 5. Conclusions et recommandations
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02324 WA 900 / ORG Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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[serial] See available issues Search in serial Applied Health Economics and Health Policy = Appl Health Econ Health Policy [printed text] / Stuart Birks, Editor ; Gary Buurman, Editor . - Auckland [AUSTRALIA] : ADIS, 2002.
ISSN : 1175-5652
IF : none mentioned
Indexed In : Index medicus (2002-....)
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Reader accessibility : none mentioned
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
AP - Periodicals
Australia ; Economics, Medical ; Health Care Costs ; Health Policy ; Peer Review ; PeriodicalsAbstract: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy is an international, peer-reviewed journal designed to communicate the latest applied information in health economics and health policy. Considering regional and national studies and their geographical limitations within the context of increased globalisation of products, services and policies, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy encourages well-considered discussion of why and how findings and developments in one region may be of relevance to others. While emphasis is placed on information with practical applications, a strong basis of underlying scientific rigour is maintained. Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: Applied methods of cost-effectiveness analysis in health care / Alastair Gray / Oxford University Press (2011)
Applied methods of cost-effectiveness analysis in health care [printed text] / Alastair Gray . - Oxford University Press, 2011 . - 313 p. : ill., ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-19-922728-0 : € 45,70
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
HD 47.4 Cost effectiveness
Economics, Medical ; Health Care Costs ; Methods ; Statistical methodsAbstract: The third volume in the Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation series, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive set of instructions and examples of how to perform an economic evaluation of a health intervention. It focuses solely on cost-effectiveness analysis in health care. The book is developed out of the Advanced Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis course taught at the University of Oxford and the four main sections mirror the four principal components of the course: Outcomes, Costs, Modelling using decision tress and Markov models, and Presenting cost-effectiveness results.&L ABOUT THE SERIES Series editors Alastair Gray and Andrew Briggs Economic evaluation of health intervention is a growing specialist field, and this series of practical handbooks tackles, in depth, topics superficially addressed in more general economics books. Each volume includes illustrative material, case histories and worked examples to encourage the reader to apply the methods discussed, with supporting material provided online. The series is for health economists in academia, the pharmaceutical industry and the health sector, those on advanced health economics courses, and health researchers in associated fields Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03341 HD 47.4 / GRA Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes Drummond, Michael F. L'économie de la santé pour non économistes Annemans, Lieven Tackling Wasteful Spending on Health New Health Technologies Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes Drummond, Michael F. Assessing the economic value of anti-cancer therapies / Niels Neymark / New York ; Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer (1998)
Assessing the economic value of anti-cancer therapies [printed text] / Niels Neymark . - New York ; Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, 1998 . - XI, 285 p. ; 23 cm. - (Recent results in cancer research; 148) .
ISBN : 978-3-540-64030-1
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QZ 266 Neoplasms. Cysts -- Therapy
Antineoplastic Agents ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Costs and Cost Analysis ; Economic Evaluation ; Health Care Costs ; NeoplasmsAbstract: BOOK REVIEW Kevin B. Knopf, JNCI, 1999, 91(14), 1248-1249
The need for accurate economic analysis to guide health care delivery is irrefutable, since health care costs continue to rise in parallel with a growing demand in value for our spending. Cancer care accounts for 5%-10% of all health care dollars spent in the United States, and although breakthroughs in cancer research will provide much needed improvements in the treatment of cancer, they will also come at a cost. Dr. Neymark speaks in his preface of the "aura of sanctity" surrounding cancer so that "everything possible" is done for the patients. This aura derives partly from the seriousness of the disease and the fear surrounding a diagnosis of cancer. However, a need for high-quality economic research in cancer care is still necessary to guide rational resource allocation, and this text succeeds in succinctly and thoughtfully summarizing the state of the art of economic analysis of cancer therapies. By exploring the literature related to economic evaluation of cancer therapies over a 10-year period, Dr. Neymark has provided a great deal of food for thought for research in this area.
The general nature of economic evaluation is defined in the introduction:
"Economic evaluation is a widely applicable economic method concerned with the comparison of two or more alternatives with respect to both their positive and negative impacts or benefits and costs, respectively, as these impacts are generally termed. It is the presence of alternative methods of treatments that create an economic problem."
It is the presence of choices that makes economic evaluation a valuable tool. In the past, the treatment of cancer, particularly metastatic disease, was limited in the number of options available, as the author notes. However, new treatments are continually being developed, which come with a cost versus benefit trade-off, and thus economic evaluations will assume a greater importance as our therapeutic choices increase.
The very brief chapter on the epidemiology of cancer could have been made more substantial, and the addition of graphs to interpret trends would have been useful. The following chapter provides an excellent overview of the nature of cancer and its major treatment modalities, which will be of interest to the nonclinician.
The chapters on economic evaluation and the economic burden of cancer are well written and serve as solid introductions for the novice to these areas and a good review for others. He describes the rationale and methods behind the cost-of-illness studies, which he treats with a healthy skepticism. A lengthy section on economic evaluation covers important concepts and describes, in turn, the four major types of studies: cost-minimization, cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility, the latter two being the most appropriate type of study for most cancer therapeutics. Discussion about methodology involved in collecting data for cost and outcomes, perspective of the analysis, valuation, and presentation and interpretation of results of economic evaluations are also well written.
The heart of the text is a thorough discussion of the major economic studies of cancer treatment published from 1985 to 1996. The author reviews the relevant literature pertaining to costs and treatment of most of the major malignancies, including relevant supportive care areas. Topics covered include the following: breast cancer (14 studies), lung cancers (eight studies), colorectal cancer (eight studies), prostate cancer (10 studies), genitourinary and gynecologic malignancies (11 studies), leukemias and lymphomas (10 studies), therapies for emesis and infections (nine studies), hematologic support and transplantation (18 studies), and palliative care (five studies). Every section is preceded by an overview of treatment options that are fairly accurate—although not without occasional omissions and errors; these sections will be invaluable for the nonclinician.
Each study is described concisely, including rationale, type of analysis, perspective, techniques, data sources, and results, when stated by the original authors. Dr. Neymark justly criticizes studies with conceptual or methodologic flaws, erroneous assumptions, or clear oversights in the evaluation, and as a critical reviewer, he certainly holds no punches. This lengthy and in-depth review of a body of work makes his text a compelling read and enables the reader to gain a great deal of insight into how to, and often how not to, evaluate the economics of cancer therapeutics. Through reading his summation of the body of literature, one obtains an appreciation of not only what studies have been performed and which studies should be performed but also a sense of the "state of the art of the methodology" currently in use. Each chapter closes with a concise table of the articles reviewed and concluding comments that highlight the strengths and weaknesses in the studies, comparing studies when appropriate, and pointing out possible future directions.
A concluding chapter discusses some of the broader controversies, which have been hinted at throughout the review, in an insightful manner. The use of "league tables" to compare cost-effectiveness ratios is justly criticized, due to the implicit assumption of comparability of studies. The issue of costs versus charges is briefly discussed, and a lengthy discussion of the merits of collecting economic data in clinical trials points to the complementary benefit of modeling. The nature of outcomes used, e.g., the inapplicability of life-years saved as an outcome to evaluate antiemetic therapies, is also explored.
By design, this review cannot serve as a complete "how to" guide for economic evaluations, although there are many pearls to be gained from a thorough reading. The economics of cancer prevention and screening, which are in many ways more difficult to study from an economic perspective, were not explored in this text, but there are other sources for this information.
Many of the reviewed studies are excellent and may serve as an aide to treatment choices for a specific situation. In a broader sense, this book will be extremely valuable for both the health service researcher who wishes to learn about cancer economics and the cancer researcher interested in the economic aspects of their field. By reviewing 9 years of the literature in a systematic, thoughtful, and critical manner, there is much to be gained for the interested reader who invests a small amount of time reading this excellent work.Record link: Hold
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