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Aerosol-generating procedures / Vicky Jespers / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2020)
Aerosol-generating procedures [printed text] / Vicky Jespers , Author ; Dominique Roberfroid , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2020 . - 44 p. : ill., ; A4. - (COVID-19 – KCE CONTRIBUTIONS, ISSN 2684-5830) .
ISSN : D/2020/10.2733/11 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WF 600 Diseases of the Respiratory System - Lungs
COVID-19 [Supplementary Concept] ; Disease Transmission, Infectious ; Review LiteratureAbstract: Rapid literature review to list the medical procedures that disperse aerosols (contaminating droplets). Identification of the procedures with the highest risk of transmission of a respiratory pathogen. This document helps determine which healthcare providers should as a priority wear masks. Contents note: MAIN REPORT 3 -- 1 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 3 -- 1.1 Background 3 -- 1.2 Belgian situation 3 -- 2 OBJECTIVE 3 -- 3 METHODS 4 -- 4 RESULTS 5 -- 5 RISK OF AEROSOL-GENERATING PROCEDURES 16 -- APPENDICES 18 -- APPENDIX 1. SEARCH STRATEGY 18 -- APPENDIX 2. RECOMMENDED PPE DURING THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK 32 -- APPENDIX 3. RISK OF TRANSMISSION - SUMMARY REVIEW (TRAN) 37 -- REFERENCES 42 Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: PDF (1,7 Mb) Record link: Cancer Topic Searches / Rockville Pike [USA] : National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) (2007)
Cancer Topic Searches [electronic document] . - Rockville Pike [USA] : National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR), 2007.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QZ 200 Neoplasms. Cysts (General)
Databases, Bibliographic ; Information Storage and Retrieval ; Medical Informatics ; Medical Subject Headings ; MEDLINE ; Neoplasms ; Review Literature ; Sensitivity and specificity ; Special queriesAbstract: A search interface to retrieve PubMed citations on more than 100 major cancer topics Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Webpage Record link: Chronic fatigue syndrome / K. de Meirleir / New York : Haworth Medical Press (2000)
Chronic fatigue syndrome : critical reviews and clinical advances [printed text] / K. de Meirleir, Author ; Roberto Patarca-Montero, Author . - New York : Haworth Medical Press, 2000 . - 176 p.
ISBN : 0-7890-0998-6
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WB 146 Asthenia. Cachexia. Fatigue
Chronic fatigue syndrome ; Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic ; Review LiteratureRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00180 WB146/DEM Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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Chronic low back pain [printed text] / H. Nielens, Author ; Jan Van Zundert, Author ; P Mairiaux, Author ; Jeannine Gailly, Author ; Nicole Van Den Hecke, Author ; D Mazina, Author ; Cécile Camberlin , Author ; S Bartholomeeusen, Author ; Kristel De Gauquier , Author ; Dominique Paulus , Author ; Dirk Ramaekers, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2006 . - xi, 318 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.. - (KCE Reports. Good Clinical Practice (GCP); 48C) .
ISSN : D/2006/10.273/71 : 0 €
Study nr 2005-04
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WE 755 Low back pain. Sciatica
2005-04 ; Health Care Costs ; Low Back Pain ; Occupational Medicine ; R48 ; Review LiteratureLink for e-copy: Format of e-copy: .PDF (1,85 MB) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Chronische lage rugpijn / H. Nielens / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2006)
Chronische lage rugpijn [printed text] / H. Nielens, Author ; Jan Van Zundert, Author ; P Mairiaux, Author ; Jeannine Gailly, Author ; Nicole Van Den Hecke, Author ; D Mazina, Author ; Cécile Camberlin , Author ; S Bartholomeeusen, Author ; Kristel De Gauquier , Author ; Dominique Paulus , Author ; Dirk Ramaekers, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2006 . - X, 318 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.. - (KCE Reports A. Good Clinical Practice (GCP); 48A) .
ISSN : D/2006/10.273/63 : 0 €
Languages : Dutch (dut)
Descriptors: Classification
WE 755 Low back pain. Sciatica
2005-04 ; Health Care Costs ; Low Back Pain ; Occupational Medicine ; R48 ; Review LiteratureLink for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Record link: Copies(0)
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