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Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods / David G. Kleinbaum / Pacific Grove : Duxbury press (1998)
Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods [printed text] / David G. Kleinbaum . - 3rd ed. . - Pacific Grove : Duxbury press, 1998 . - XVIII, 798 p. ; 25 cm + 1 Data Disk (IBM PC).
ISBN : 0-534-20910-6 : 69,99 €
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 278 Multivariate analysis -- General Works.
Multivariate analysis ; Regression analysisRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00041 QA278/KLE Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 10/31/2015 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
A History of Macroeconomics De vroey, Michel Le bouclier sanitaire Tabuteau, Didier De markt Voorbij Gorz, André International Health Law den Exter, A.P. Marchandiser les soins nuit gravement à la santé The role of complementary and alternative medicine Callahan, Daniel Justice Sandel, Michael J. Management humain Taskin, Laurent Que donnent les femmes ? Berthoud, Gérard Optimiser les dépenses de santé Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) How's Life? Categorical data analysis / Alan Agresti / 2002
Categorical data analysis [printed text] / Alan Agresti, Author . - 2nd ed. . - 2002 . - XV, 710 p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-471-36093-3 : 105 $
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 278 Multivariate analysis -- General Works.
Multivariate analysis ; SASAbstract: For the second edition of Categorical Data Analysis by Alan Agresti (Wiley, 2002), this site contains (1) information on the use of other software (such as R and S-plus, Stata, SPSS, StatXact and LogXact) not covered in Appendix A of the text (which discusses SAS in some detail), (2) data sets for examples in the form of complete SAS programs for conducting the analyses, (3) data sets used in some of the homework exercises, (4) short answers for many of the odd-numbered exercises, (5) extra exercises, and (6) corrections of errors in early printings of the book. Also, there's (7) a review paper about Bayesian methods for categorical data analysis. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00383 QA278/AGR Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Evidence synthesis for decision making in healthcare Sutton, Alexander A Step-by-Step Approach to Using the SAS System for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics O'Rourke, Norm Epidemiology Woodward, Mark Health at a glance 2013 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) Bayesian approaches to clinical trials and health-care evaluation Spiegelhalter, D. J. Models for discrete data Zelterman, Daniel Measuring health Bowling, Ann The relationship between hospital volume and quality of health outcomes Sowden, Amanda J. Les techniques de sondage Ardilly, Pascal Sampling Thompson, Steven K. Measuring health McDowell, Ian Modelling tooth emergence data based on multivariate interval-censored data / Kris Bogaerts in Statistics in medicine, 21(2002)24 ([12/30/2002])
[article] Modelling tooth emergence data based on multivariate interval-censored data [printed text] / Kris Bogaerts, Author ; Roos Leroy , Author ; Emmanuel Lesaffre, Author ; Dominique Declerck, Author . - 2002 . - p. 3775-3787.
Languages : English (eng)
in Statistics in medicine > 21(2002)24 [12/30/2002] . - p. 3775-3787
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Belgium ; Comparative Study ; Grey Literature ; Journal Article ; Models, Statistical ; Multivariate analysis ; Peer ReviewAbstract: Studies on emergence of (permanent) teeth are published regularly in the dental literature. Besides descriptive statistics (mean or median values) on emergence times, comparisons between boys and girls are of interest. Gender comparisons are intersubject analyses, but also intrasubject questions, like 'Is there a left-right symmetry with respect to the mean (median) emergence times?' are of interest. Studies on emergence times most often are faced with interval-censored data. We will extend a GEE-type test proposed by Huster et al. for bivariate right-censored data to the multivariate setting with interval-censored data. Central to our paper is to provide appropriate statistical models to resolve some dental questions on emergence. The analyses are based on data from the longitudinal Signal-Tandmobiel Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Requires Subscription] Record link: [article]Models for discrete data / Daniel Zelterman / Oxford ; Melbourne ; New York : Oxford University Press - OUP (2006)
Models for discrete data [printed text] / Daniel Zelterman . - Rev. ed. . - Oxford ; Melbourne ; New York : Oxford University Press - OUP, 2006 . - x, 285 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-19-856701-1 : 78,16 €
revised ed.
Descriptors: Classification
QA 278 Multivariate analysis -- General Works.
Multivariate analysisAbstract: Discrete or count data arise in experiments where the outcome variables are the numbers of individuals classified into unique, non-overlapping categories. This revised edition describes the statistical models used in the analysis and summary of such data, and provides a sound introduction to the subject for graduate students and practitioners needing a review of the methodology. With many numerical examples throughout, it includes topics not covered in depth elsewhere, such as the negative multinomial distribution; the many forms of the hypergeometric distribution; and coordinate free models. A detailed treatment of sample size estimation and power are given in terms of both exact inference and asymptotic, non-central chi-squared methods. A new section covering Poisson regression has also been included. An important feature of this book, missing elsewhere, is the integration of the software into the text.
Many more exercises are provided (including 84% more applied exercises) than in the previous edition, helping consolidate the reader's understanding of all subjects covered, and making the book highly suitable for use in a classroom setting. Several new datasets, mostly from the health and medical sector, are discussed, including previously unpublished data from a study of Tourette's Syndrome in children.Contents note: 1. Introduction ; 2. Sampling distributions ; 3. Logistic regression ; 4. Log-linear models ; 5. Coordinate-free models
6. Additional topics ; Appendix A: Power for chi-squared tests ; Appendix B: Program for exact tests ; Appendix C: The hypergeometric distribution ; References ; Selected solutions and hints ; Index ; Examples index ; Author index ; Subject indexRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00653 QA 278/ZEL Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 03/31/2016 10273-00663 QA 278/ZEL Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
A good life in old age? Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Commission Methods for meta-analysis in medical research Sutton, Alexander Cost-effectiveness analysis Levin, Henry M. (1938-....) Quality of life and pharmacoeconomics Cramer, Joyce A. The Ethics of Screening in Health Care and Medicine Juth, Niklas Modelling survival data in medical research Collett, David Analysing survival data from clinical trials and observational studies Marubini, Ettore Economic analysis in health care Morris, Stephen Sampling Thompson, Steven K. Step-by-Step Programming with Base SAS Software SAS Institute Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Higgins, Julian PT Models for discrete longitudinal data / Geert Molenberghs / New York ; Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer (2005)
Models for discrete longitudinal data [printed text] / Geert Molenberghs ; Geert Verbeke . - New York ; Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer, 2005 . - xxii, 683 p. : ill ; 25 cm. - (Series in Statistics) .
ISBN : 978-0-387-25144-8 : € 85,95
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 278 Multivariate analysis -- General Works.
Longitudinal method ; Multivariate analysis ; StatisticsAbstract: The linear mixed model has become the main parametric tool for the analysis of continuous longitudinal data, as the authors discussed in their 2000 book.
Without putting too much emphasis on software, the book shows how the different approaches can be implemented within the SAS software package.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02396 QA 278 / MOL Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Spatial epidemiology Elliott, Paul Survival analysis using the SAS system Allison, Paul David Survival Analysis Using SAS Allison, Paul David Modelling survival data in medical research Collett, David A Step-by-Step Approach to Using the SAS System for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics O'Rourke, Norm Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research Walker, Glenn A. Eléments d'épidémiologie Beaglehole, R. Modern epidemiology Rothman, Kenneth J. Répertoire Commenté des Médicaments Applied spatial statistics for public health data Waller, Lance A. PROC TABULATE by example Haworth, Lauren E. Multilevel analysis / Tom A.B. Snijders / London, Thousand Oaks, Calif., New Delhi : Sage Publications (1999)
PermalinkMultilevel modelling of health statistics / Harvey Goldstein ; A. H. Leyland / New York ; Hoboken : J. Wiley (2001)
PermalinkMultivariable analysis / Alvan R. Feinstein / New Haven : Yale University Press (1996)
PermalinkNeoadjuvant chemotherapy or primary surgery in stage IIIC or IV ovarian cancer / Ignace Vergote in The New England journal of medicine, 363(2010)10 ([09/02/2010])
PermalinkSigns and symptoms for diagnosis of serious infections in children / Ann Van den Bruel in British journal of general practice, 57(2007)540 ([08/02/2007])
PermalinkStata multivariate statitics / College Station, Tex. : Stata Press (2005)