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Applied Linear Statistical Models / Michael Kutner / McGraw-Hill/Irwin (2004)
Applied Linear Statistical Models [printed text] / Michael Kutner, Author ; William Li ; John Neter ; Christopher Nachtsheim, Author . - 5th ed. . - McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2004 . - xxviii, 1396 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.).
ISBN : 978-0-07-238688-2 : € 63,49
System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: PC, pentium based processor; Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP; IE explorer 5.5; MS Office or equivalent.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 1374-1384) and index.
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 278.2 Regression Analysis (Mathematical Statistics / Multivariate Analysis) - HA29 Theory and method of social science statistics (General works/ English)
Analysis of Variance ; Experimental design ; Linear Models ; Regression analysis ; TextbooksAbstract: Applied Linear Statistical Models is the long established leading authoritative text and reference on statistical modeling. For students in most any discipline where statistical analysis or interpretation is used, ALSM serves as the standard work. The text includes brief introductory and review material, and then proceeds through regression and modeling for the first half, and through ANOVA and Experimental Design in the second half. All topics are presented in a precise and clear style supported with solved examples, numbered formulae, graphic illustrations, and "Comments" to provide depth and statistical accuracy and completeness. Applications used within the text and the hallmark problems, exercises, and projects are drawn from virtually all disciplines and fields providing motivation for students in virtually any college. The Fifth edition provides an increased use of computing and graphical analysis throughout, without sacrificing concepts or rigor. In general, the 5e uses larger data sets in examples and exercises, and where possible integrates methods with commercially-available statistical software. Contents note: Part1 Simple Linear Regression -- 1 Linear Regression with One Predictor Variable -- 2 Inferences in Regression and Correlation Analysis -- 3 Diagnostics and Remedial Measures -- 4 Simultaneous Inferences and Other Topics in Regression Analysis -- 5 Matrix Approach to Simple Linear Regression Analysis -- Part 2 Multiple Linear Regression -- 6 Multiple Regression I -- 7 Multiple Regression II -- 8 Regression Models for Quantitative and Qualitative Predictors -- 9 Building the Regression Model I: Model Selection and Validation -- 10 Building the Regression Model II: Diagnostics -- 11 Building the Regression Model III: Remedial Measures -- 12 Autocorrelation in Time Series Data -- Part 3 NonLinear Regression -- 13 Introduction to Nonlinear Regression and Neural Networks -- 14 Logistic Regression, Poisson Regression, and Generalized Linear Models -- Part 4 Design and Analysis of Single-Factor Studies -- 15 Introduction to the Design of Experimental and Observational Studies -- 16 Single-Factor Studies -- 17 Analysis of Factor Level Means -- 18 ANOVA Diagnostics and Remedial Measures -- Part 5 Multi-Factor Studies -- 19 Two-Factor Studies with Equal Sample Sizes -- 20 Two-Factor Studies-One Case per Treatment -- 21 Randomized Complete Block Designs -- 22 Analysis of Covariance -- 23 Two-Factor Studies with Unequal Sample Sizes -- 24 Multifactor Studies -- 25 Random and Mixed Effects Models -- Part 6 Specialized Study Designs -- 26 Nested Designs, Subsampling, and Partially Nested Designs -- 27 Repeated Measures and Related Designs -- 28 Balanced Incomplete Block, Latin Square, and Related Designs -- 29 Exploratory Experiments: Two-Level Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs -- 30 Response Surface Methodology -- Appendix A: Some Basic Results in Probability and Statistics -- Appendix B: Tables -- Appendix C: Data Sets -- Appendix D: Rules for Developing ANOVA Models and Tables for Balanced Designs -- Appendix E: Selected Bibliography Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01047 QA 278.2/KUT Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 12/31/2020 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
La conscience interrogée Au chevet de la santé Zucman, Gabriel The economics of health care McGuire, Alistair L' homme dépossédé Haber, Stéphane L' aliénation Haber, Stéphane Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations and budget impact analyses Cleemput, Irina New Health Technologies Abolir le hasard ? Spitz, Jean-Fabien The Elgar Companion To Health Economics Jones, Andrew International Health Law den Exter, A.P. Configuring health consumers Harris, Roma M. Applied logistic regression / David W. Hosmer / New York ; Hoboken : J. Wiley (2000)
Applied logistic regression [printed text] / David W. Hosmer, Author ; Stanley Lemeshow, Author . - 2nd ed. . - New York ; Hoboken : J. Wiley, 2000 . - XII, 375p. ; 24 cm. - (Wiley series in probability and statistics) .
ISBN : 0-471-35632-8 : 108,40 €
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 278.2 .H67 2000 Regression analysis. Correlation analysis
Regression analysisRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00049 QA278/HOS Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Human resources for health in Europe Dubois, Carl-Ardy, McKee, Martin, Nolte, Ellen Grenzen aan mantelzorg Jacobs, Thérèse Jaarboek ergotherapie 2011 Van Handenhoven, Wilfried Health economics Zweifel, Peter Le financement des frais d'exploitation des hôpitaux Durant, G. Le financement des hôpitaux en Belgique Durant, G. SAS Programming I Buchecker, Michelle Bestaansonzekerheid in Vlaanderen bij chronisch zorgbehoeftige zieken thuis Pacolet, Jozef Hoe cash zorg verandert Gevers, H. Vanzelfsprekend Devos, Rita SAS/STAT 9.1 Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods / David G. Kleinbaum / Pacific Grove : Duxbury press (1998)
Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods [printed text] / David G. Kleinbaum . - 3rd ed. . - Pacific Grove : Duxbury press, 1998 . - XVIII, 798 p. ; 25 cm + 1 Data Disk (IBM PC).
ISBN : 0-534-20910-6 : 69,99 €
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 278 Multivariate analysis -- General Works.
Multivariate analysis ; Regression analysisRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00041 QA278/KLE Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 10/31/2015 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
The Elgar Companion To Health Economics Jones, Andrew De markt Voorbij Gorz, André Humanisme et éthique L' homme dépossédé Haber, Stéphane Les valeurs des Européens Jouvenel de, Hugues Taming the beloved beast Callahan, Daniel Manifeste pour une santé égalitaire et solidaire Crise et figures de la démocratie Equality of opportunity Roemer, John E. Discerner avec Amoris Laetitia La conscience interrogée Assurance de qualité pour le cancer rectal - phase 3 / Els Goetghebeur / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
Assurance de qualité pour le cancer rectal - phase 3 : méthodes statistiques visant à comparer les centres sur base d'un ensemble d'indicateurs de qualité [printed text] / Els Goetghebeur, Author ; Ronan Van Rossem, Author ; Katrien Baert, Author ; Kurt Vanhoutte, Author ; Tom Boterberg, Author ; Pieter Demetter, Author ; Mark De Ridder, Author ; David Harrington, Author ; Marc Peeters, Author ; Guy Storme, Author ; Johanna Verhulst, Author ; Joan Vlayen , Author ; France Vrijens , Author ; Stijn Vansteedlandt, Author ; Wim Ceelen, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2011 . - XIII, 114 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports B. Good Clinical Practice (GCP); 161B) .
ISSN : D/2011/10.273/39 : € 0,00
Etude n° 2010-04
Languages : English (eng) French (fre)
Descriptors: Indexation
2010-04 ; Benchmarking ; Quality Indicators, Health Care ; Quality of Health Care ; R161 ; Rectal Neoplasms ; Regression analysis
WI 610 Anus. Rectum -- NeoplamsAbstract: Le Centre fédéral d'expertise des soins de santé (KCE) a étudié avec l'Université de Gand la meilleure manière de faire état de la qualité des soins du cancer du rectum. Les médecins du groupe PROCARE ont mis a disposition les données anonymes de 3 300 patients traités dans 79 hôpitaux belges. L'évaluation a notamment tenu compte du fait que tous les cancers n’en sont pas au même stade et de l’influence que cela peut avoir sur la comparaison des résultats entre hôpitaux. En outre des indicateurs globaux, synthétisant les nombreuses données disponibles, ont été développés. Les efforts qui ont été faits ces dernières années pour standardiser la chirurgie semblent avoir porté leurs fruits. En matière de diagnostic et d'examen des tissus il reste encore beaucoup de différences entre les hôpitaux. La méthode développée ici pour évaluer la qualité du cancer du rectum peut être appliquée à d'autres types de cancers. Contents note: LIST OF TABLES 3 -- LIST OF FIGURES 5 -- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 6 -- ABBREVIATED LIST OF AVAILABLE QCIS 7 -- 1 INTRODUCTION AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 9 -- 1.1 BACKGROUND 9 -- 1.2 THE CURRENT PROJECT 9 -- 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH FOR -- THE ESTIMATION AND BENCH MARKING OF CENTER EFFECTS ON -- QUALITY INDEXES 11 -- 2.1 PATIENT MIX ADJUSTMENT FOR QUALITY OF CARE INDICATORS. 11 -- 2.1.1 The causal inference framework for center effects 11 -- 2.1.2 A motivated choice among different modeling approaches 12 -- 2.1.3 Limitations due to restricted variable access 13 -- 2.1.4 On the Instrumental Variables method 14 -- 2.1.5 Outcome regression methods and propensity score methods 15 -- 2.1.6 Scope of analysis 18 -- 2.2 LITERATURE SEARCH FOR PROGNOSTIC FACTORS OF RECTAL CANCER 20 -- 2.2.1 Methodological approach 20 -- 2.2.2 Results 20 -- 2.2.3 Discussion 21 -- 2.3 DIMENSIONS OF CARE AND THEIR AGGREGATION 22 -- 2.3.1 Goal 22 -- 2.3.2 Key approach 23 -- 2.3.3 Criteria for indexes 24 -- 2.3.4 Other issues in the construction of quality indicators and quality indexes 31 -- 2.4 REVIEW OF STATISTICAL METHODS FOR PROVIDER PROFILING 33 -- 2.4.1 Goals 33 -- 2.4.2 Methods for provider profiling in the literature 33 -- 2.4.3 Visualizing variation between centers 35 -- 2.4.4 Graphical presentation of center results 37 -- 2.5 PROPOSED APPROACH FOR PROCARE 40 -- 2.5.1 Choice of index 40 -- 2.5.2 Adjusting for patient specific factors 40 -- 2.5.3 Bench marking 40 -- 2.5.4 Visualization 40 -- 3 APPLICATION AND RESULTS ON THE PROCARE DATABASE 42 -- 3.1 INTRODUCTION 42 -- 3.2 METHODS 44 -- 3.2.1 Descriptive statistics 44 -- 3.2.2 Identification of relevant prognostic factors 45 -- 3.2.3 Estimation of unadjusted and case mix adjusted center effects 46 -- 3.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY COHORT 47 -- 3.3.1 Centers 47 -- 3.3.2 Prognostic factors 49 -- 3.3.3 Associations between prognostic factors 55 -- 3.3.4 Joint missingness patterns of prognostic factors 58 -- 3.3.5 Follow-up information 58 -- 3.4 DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL QUALITY OF CARE INDICATORS 60 -- 3.4.1 The worked out case of Overall Survival QCI 1111 60 -- 3.4.2 Tabulated results for the QCIs 69 -- 3.5 SUMMARY POINTS 76 -- 4 AGGREGATED QUALITY INDEXES 78 -- 4.1 INTRODUCTION 78 -- 4.2 METHODS 78 -- 4.2.1 Evaluation of quality and reliability of the QCIs 78 -- 4.2.2 Number of dimensions needed 78 -- 4.2.3 Clinical importance and discriminating ability of selected QCIs per dimension 78 -- 4.2.4 Construction of the Quality Index 78 -- 4.2.5 Risk adjustment 79 -- 4.3 AN AGGREGATED OUTCOME QUALITY INDEX 79 -- 4.3.1 Quality and reliability of the QCIs 79 -- 4.3.2 Concurrent validity of the selected QCIs 79 -- 4.3.3 Clinical importance and discriminating ability of the selected QCIs per dimension 79 -- 4.3.4 Constructing the quality index (QI) 80 -- 4.3.5 Adjusting the outcome QI for patient characteristics 82 -- 4.4 AN AGGREGATED PROCESS QUALITY INDEX 85 -- 4.4.1 Quality and reliability of the QCIs 85 -- 4.4.2 Concurrent validity of selected QCIs 85 -- 4.4.3 Clinical importance and discriminating ability of selected QCIs per dimension 85 -- 4.4.4 Construction of the quality index (QI) 85 -- 4.5 AGGREGATED QUALITY INDEXES PER DOMAIN 90 -- 4.5.1 Overview of results 90 -- 4.5.2 Overview of variation per domain 98 -- 4.6 AN OVERALL COMPOSITE QUALITY INDEX 98 -- 5 MODEL BUILDING TO EXPLAIN EXCESS PROBABILITIES 101 -- 5.1 INTRODUCTION 101 -- 5.2 METHODOLOGY: FORWARD STEPWISE REGRESSION 101 -- 5.3 EXPLANATORY DESCRIPTIVES FOR EXTREME CENTER PERFORMANCE 102 -- 5.4 FORWARD STEPWISE REGRESSION 106 -- 6 DISCUSSION 108 -- 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY 112 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (1,6 MB) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Kwaliteit van rectale kankerzorg - fase 3 / Els Goetghebeur / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
Kwaliteit van rectale kankerzorg - fase 3 : statistische methoden om centra te benchmarken met een set van kwaliteitsindicatoren [printed text] / Els Goetghebeur, Author ; Ronan Van Rossem, Author ; Katrien Baert, Author ; Kurt Vanhoutte, Author ; Tom Boterberg, Author ; Pieter Demetter, Author ; Mark De Ridder, Author ; David Harrington, Author ; Marc Peeters, Author ; Guy Storme, Author ; Johanna Verhulst, Author ; Joan Vlayen , Author ; France Vrijens , Author ; Stijn Vansteedlandt, Author ; Wim Ceelen, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2011 . - XIII, 114 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports A. Good Clinical Practice (GCP); 161A) .
ISSN : D/2011/10.273/38 : € 0,00
Studie nr 2010-04
Languages : English (eng) Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Indexation
2010-04 ; Benchmarking ; Quality Indicators, Health Care ; Quality of Health Care ; R161 ; Rectal Neoplasms ; Regression analysis
WI 610 Anus. Rectum -- NeoplamsAbstract: Het Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) zocht samen met UGent de beste manier om de zorgkwaliteit voor rectumkanker in kaart te brengen. De artsen van de PROCARE groep stelden de anonieme gegevens ter beschikking van 3300 patiënten uit 79 Belgische ziekenhuizen. Bij de beoordeling werd o.m. rekening gehouden met het feit dat niet alle kankers in een even ver gevorderd stadium zijn, want alleen al hierdoor kunnen de resultaten verschillen van ziekenhuis tot ziekenhuis. Daarnaast werd ook getracht de grote hoeveelheid aan kwaliteitsinformatie te bundelen in enkele samenvattende indicatoren. De inspanningen die de voorbije jaren werden geleverd om de chirurgie te standaardiseren blijken succesvol te zijn. Op het gebied van diagnose en weefselonderzoek bestaan er wel nog veel verschillen tussen ziekenhuizen. De ontwikkelde methode van kwaliteitsevaluatie van rectumkanker is ook bruikbaar voor andere soorten kankers. Contents note: LIST OF TABLES 3 -- LIST OF FIGURES 5 -- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 6 -- ABBREVIATED LIST OF AVAILABLE QCIS 7 -- 1 INTRODUCTION AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 9 -- 1.1 BACKGROUND 9 -- 1.2 THE CURRENT PROJECT 9 -- 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH FOR -- THE ESTIMATION AND BENCH MARKING OF CENTER EFFECTS ON -- QUALITY INDEXES 11 -- 2.1 PATIENT MIX ADJUSTMENT FOR QUALITY OF CARE INDICATORS. 11 -- 2.1.1 The causal inference framework for center effects 11 -- 2.1.2 A motivated choice among different modeling approaches 12 -- 2.1.3 Limitations due to restricted variable access 13 -- 2.1.4 On the Instrumental Variables method 14 -- 2.1.5 Outcome regression methods and propensity score methods 15 -- 2.1.6 Scope of analysis 18 -- 2.2 LITERATURE SEARCH FOR PROGNOSTIC FACTORS OF RECTAL CANCER 20 -- 2.2.1 Methodological approach 20 -- 2.2.2 Results 20 -- 2.2.3 Discussion 21 -- 2.3 DIMENSIONS OF CARE AND THEIR AGGREGATION 22 -- 2.3.1 Goal 22 -- 2.3.2 Key approach 23 -- 2.3.3 Criteria for indexes 24 -- 2.3.4 Other issues in the construction of quality indicators and quality indexes 31 -- 2.4 REVIEW OF STATISTICAL METHODS FOR PROVIDER PROFILING 33 -- 2.4.1 Goals 33 -- 2.4.2 Methods for provider profiling in the literature 33 -- 2.4.3 Visualizing variation between centers 35 -- 2.4.4 Graphical presentation of center results 37 -- 2.5 PROPOSED APPROACH FOR PROCARE 40 -- 2.5.1 Choice of index 40 -- 2.5.2 Adjusting for patient specific factors 40 -- 2.5.3 Bench marking 40 -- 2.5.4 Visualization 40 -- 3 APPLICATION AND RESULTS ON THE PROCARE DATABASE 42 -- 3.1 INTRODUCTION 42 -- 3.2 METHODS 44 -- 3.2.1 Descriptive statistics 44 -- 3.2.2 Identification of relevant prognostic factors 45 -- 3.2.3 Estimation of unadjusted and case mix adjusted center effects 46 -- 3.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY COHORT 47 -- 3.3.1 Centers 47 -- 3.3.2 Prognostic factors 49 -- 3.3.3 Associations between prognostic factors 55 -- 3.3.4 Joint missingness patterns of prognostic factors 58 -- 3.3.5 Follow-up information 58 -- 3.4 DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL QUALITY OF CARE INDICATORS 60 -- 3.4.1 The worked out case of Overall Survival QCI 1111 60 -- 3.4.2 Tabulated results for the QCIs 69 -- 3.5 SUMMARY POINTS 76 -- 4 AGGREGATED QUALITY INDEXES 78 -- 4.1 INTRODUCTION 78 -- 4.2 METHODS 78 -- 4.2.1 Evaluation of quality and reliability of the QCIs 78 -- 4.2.2 Number of dimensions needed 78 -- 4.2.3 Clinical importance and discriminating ability of selected QCIs per dimension 78 -- 4.2.4 Construction of the Quality Index 78 -- 4.2.5 Risk adjustment 79 -- 4.3 AN AGGREGATED OUTCOME QUALITY INDEX 79 -- 4.3.1 Quality and reliability of the QCIs 79 -- 4.3.2 Concurrent validity of the selected QCIs 79 -- 4.3.3 Clinical importance and discriminating ability of the selected QCIs per dimension 79 -- 4.3.4 Constructing the quality index (QI) 80 -- 4.3.5 Adjusting the outcome QI for patient characteristics 82 -- 4.4 AN AGGREGATED PROCESS QUALITY INDEX 85 -- 4.4.1 Quality and reliability of the QCIs 85 -- 4.4.2 Concurrent validity of selected QCIs 85 -- 4.4.3 Clinical importance and discriminating ability of selected QCIs per dimension 85 -- 4.4.4 Construction of the quality index (QI) 85 -- 4.5 AGGREGATED QUALITY INDEXES PER DOMAIN 90 -- 4.5.1 Overview of results 90 -- 4.5.2 Overview of variation per domain 98 -- 4.6 AN OVERALL COMPOSITE QUALITY INDEX 98 -- 5 MODEL BUILDING TO EXPLAIN EXCESS PROBABILITIES 101 -- 5.1 INTRODUCTION 101 -- 5.2 METHODOLOGY: FORWARD STEPWISE REGRESSION 101 -- 5.3 EXPLANATORY DESCRIPTIVES FOR EXTREME CENTER PERFORMANCE 102 -- 5.4 FORWARD STEPWISE REGRESSION 106 -- 6 DISCUSSION 108 -- 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY 112 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (1,6 MB) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy PermalinkMeasuring the body temperature / Ann Van den Bruel in Technology and health care, 13(2005)2 ([03/01/2005])
PermalinkMultilevel analysis / Joop J. Hox / Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (2002)
PermalinkNonparametric simple regression / John Fox / London, Thousand Oaks, Calif., New Delhi : Sage Publications (2000)
PermalinkQuality Assurance of rectal cancer diagnosis and treatment – phase 3 / Els Goetghebeur / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
PermalinkQuality Assurance of rectal cancer diagnosis and treatment – phase 3 / Els Goetghebeur / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
PermalinkQuality Assurance of rectal cancer diagnosis and treatment – phase 3 / Els Goetghebeur / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
PermalinkSpline regression models / Lawrence C. Marsh / London, Thousand Oaks, Calif., New Delhi : Sage Publications (2002)
PermalinkThe statistical analysis of failure time data / John D. Kalbfleisch / New York ; Hoboken : J. Wiley (2002)