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Austria / Maria M. Hofmarcher / Brussels [Belgium] : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (2006)
Austria : Health system review [printed text] / Maria M. Hofmarcher, Author ; Herta M. Rack, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2006 . - xxiii, 247 p.. - (Health Care Systems in Transition, ISSN 1020-9077; 8(2006)3) .
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 84 Health services. Quality of health care (General)
Austria ; Delivery of Health Care ; Evaluation Studies as Topic ; Financing, Organized ; Health Care Reform ; Health System PlansLink for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF 2MB Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01587 W 84/HIT Report KCE Library (10.124) Available
Belgium : Belgium [printed text] . - Brussels [Belgium] : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2000 . - 85 p.. - (Health Care Systems in Transition, ISSN 1020-9077) .
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 84 Health services. Quality of health care (General)
Belgium ; Delivery of Health Care ; Financing, Organized ; Health Care Reform ; Health System PlansLink for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00327 W 84/HIT Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Belgium / Dirk Corens / Brussels [Belgium] : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (2007)
Belgium : Health system review [printed text] / Dirk Corens, Author ; Willy Palm, Editor ; Sherry Merkur, Editor ; Nadia Jemiai, Editor . - Brussels [Belgium] : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2007 . - xviii, 171 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Health Care Systems in Transition, ISSN 1020-9077; 9(2)) .
€ 0
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 84 Health services. Quality of health care (General)
Belgium ; Delivery of Health Care ; Evaluation Studies as Topic ; Financing, Organized ; Health Care Reform ; Health System PlansAbstract: The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of a health system and of policy initiatives in progress or under development. HiTs examine different approaches to the organization, financing and delivery of health services and the role of the main actors in health systems; describe the institutional framework, process, content and implementation of health and health care policies; and highlight challenges and areas that require more in-depth analysis.
The Belgian population enjoys good health and increasing life expectancy of 79.5 years (2004). Most Belgians have access to health care of high quality, financed mainly through social security contributions and taxation. Compulsory health insurance is combined with a mostly private system of health care delivery, based on independent medical practice, free choice of physician and predominantly fee-for-service payment.
Although the Belgian health system has not undergone any major structural reforms since the 1980s, various measures have been taken mainly to improve the performance of the health system. Reform policy in recent years has included: hospital financing reform; the strengthening of primary care; restricting the supply of physicians; promoting generic substitution for pharmaceuticals; increasing the accountability of health care providers and sickness funds; tariff cuts; and more emphasis on quality of care, equity, evidence-based medicine, health care technology, benchmarking with financial consequences and economic evaluations. Among patients and health care consumers there is a high degree of subjective satisfaction with the system. However, there is concern about the significant remaining inequalities in health within the Belgian population, the rise in health care expenditure, the high numbers of health care providers and the limited importance which is attached to preventive health care and health education.
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00880 W 84/HIT Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
SAS system for regression Freund, Rudolf Jakob The public financing of pharmaceuticals Puig-Junoy, Jaume Repenser la qualité des services en santé mentale dans la communauté Rodriguez, Lourdes Getting Started with Entreprise Guide Software [texte imprimé] Gardner, Jawna Regulating pharmaceuticals in Europe Mossialos, Elias Belgium / Sophie Gerkens / Brussels [Belgium] : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (2010)
Belgium : Health system review [printed text] / Sophie Gerkens , Author ; Sherry Merkur, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2010 . - XXX, 246 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Health Care Systems in Transition, ISSN 1020-9077; 12(2010)5) .
ISSN : 1817-6127 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Belgium ; Delivery of Health Care ; Evaluation Studies as Topic ; Financing, Organized ; Health Care Reform ; Health System Plans
W 84.4 Quality of health care (General)Abstract: The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of a health system and of policy initiatives in progress or under development. HiTs examine different approaches to the organization, financing and delivery of health services and the role of the main actors in health systems; describe the institutional framework, process, content and implementation of health and health care policies; and highlight challenges and areas that require more in-depth analysis.
The Belgian population continues to enjoy good health and long life expectancy. This is partly due to good access to health services of high quality. Financing is based mostly on proportional social security contributions and progressive direct taxation. The compulsory health insurance is combined with a mostly private system of health care delivery, based on independent medical practice, free choice of physician and predominantly fee-for-service payment.
This Belgian HiT profile (2010) presents the evolution of the health system since 2007, including detailed information on new policies. While no drastic reforms were undertaken during this period, policy-makers have pursued the goals of improving access to good quality of care while making the system sustainable. Reforms to increase the accessibility of the health system include measures to reduce the out-of-pocket payments of more vulnerable populations (low-income families and individuals as well as the chronically ill). Quality 0of care related reforms have included incentives to better integrate different levels of care and the establishment of information systems, among others. Additionally, several measures on pharmaceutical products have aimed to reduce costs for both the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI) and patients, while maintaining the quality of care.Contents note: Preface v -- Acknowledgements vii -- List of contributors xi -- Glossary xiii -- List of tables, figures and boxes xxi -- Abstract xxv -- Executive summary xxvii -- 1. Introduction 1 -- 1.1 Geography and sociodemography 1 -- 1.2 Economic context 3 -- 1.3 Political context 7 -- 1.4 Health status 9 -- 2. Organizational structure 15 -- 2.1 Overview of the health system 15 -- 2.2 Historical background 18 -- 2.3 Organization 24 -- 2.4 Decentralization and centralization 38 -- 2.5 Health information management 41 -- 2.6 Regulation 50 -- 2.7 Patient empowerment 65 -- 3. Financing 79 -- 3.1 Health expenditure 79 -- 3.2 Sources of revenue and financial flows 83 -- 3.3 Population coverage and basis for entitlement 86 -- 3.4 Out-of-pocket payments 95 -- 3.5 VHI 100 -- 3.6 Payment mechanisms 102 -- 4. Physical and human resources 117 -- 4.1 Physical resources 117 -- 4.2 Human resources 129 -- 5. Provision of services 141 -- 5.1 Public health 141 -- 5.2 Patient pathways 151 -- 5.3 Primary/ambulatory care 153 -- 5.4 Secondary care (specialized ambulatory care/inpatient care) 159 -- 5.5 Emergency care 163 -- 5.6 Pharmaceutical care 165 -- 5.7 Rehabilitation care 175 -- 5.8 Long-term care for the elderly 177 -- 5.9 Services for informal carers 187 -- 5.10 Palliative care 190 -- 5.11 Mental health care 192 -- 5.12 Dental care 197 -- 5.13 Complementary and alternative medicine 198 -- 5.14 Health care for specific populations 199 -- 6. Principal health care reforms and initiatives 201 -- 6.1 Analysis of recent reforms 201 -- 6.2 Future development 216 -- 7. Assessment of the health system 219 -- 7.1 Stated objectives of the health system 219 -- 7.2 Equity 220 -- 7.3 Efficiency of resource allocation 227 -- 7.4 Technical efficiency 228 -- 7.5 Quality of care 231 -- 8. Conclusions 239 -- 9. Appendices 241 -- 9.1 References 241 -- 9.2 Useful web sites 258 -- 9.3 HiT methodology and production process 263 -- 9.4 The review process 265 -- 9.5 About the authors 266 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (5,7 Mb) Record link: Economics of health care financing / Cam Donaldson / New York : Palgrave Macmillan (2005)
Economics of health care financing : the visible hand [printed text] / Cam Donaldson, Author ; Karen Gerard, Author . - 2nd ed . - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 . - IX, 286 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-333-98431-4 : 44,13 €
Descriptors: Classification
W 74 Medical economics. Health care costs (General)
Delivery of Health Care ; Economics, Medical ; Financing, Organized ; Health Care Costs ; United StatesRecord link: Hold
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