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Adverse Effects of Vaccines : Evidence and Causality [printed text] / Kathleen Stratton, Author ; Andrew Ford, Author ; Erin Rusch, Author ; Ellen Wright Clayton, Author . - Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 2011 . - 800 p. : ill. ; A5.
ISBN : 978-0-309-21435-3 : $ 72,86
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Electronic books ; Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster ; Epidemiology ; Evidence-Based Practice ; Influenza Vaccines ; Papillomavirus Vaccines ; United States ; Vaccines
QW 805 Vaccines. Antitoxins. ToxoidsAbstract:
In 1900, for every 1000 babies born in the United States, 100 would die before their first birthday, often due to infectious diseases. Today, vaccines exist for many viral and bacterial diseases. The cornerstone of the vaccine safety system in the United States is the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This legislation was intended to bolster vaccine research and development through federal coordination of vaccine initiatives, and by providing relief to vaccine manufacturers facing financial burdens. A key component of the legislation required the Department of Health and Human Services to collaborate with the Institute of Medicine to assess concerns about the safety of vaccines and potential adverse effects, especially in children.
The Adverse Effects of Vaccines reviews the epidemiological, clinical, and biological evidence regarding adverse health effects associated with specific vaccines covered by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program including varicella zoster vaccine, influenza vaccines, hepatitis B vaccine, and the human papillomavirus vaccine, among others. For each possible adverse event, the report reviews prior studies, summarizes their findings, and evaluates the epidemiological evidence. It finds that while no vaccine is 100% safe, very few adverse events are shown to be caused by vaccines.
In addition, the evidence shows that vaccines do not cause several conditions of recent concern. For example, the MMR vaccine is not associated with autism or childhood diabetes. The DTaP vaccine is also not associated with diabetes and the influenza vaccine given as a shot does not exacerbate asthma. The Adverse Effects of Vaccines will be of special interest to the National Vaccine Program Office, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccine safety researchers and manufacturers, parents, caregivers, and health professionals in the private and public sectors.Contents note:
SUMMARY 1 -- Charge to the Committee 2 -- Assessing the Weight of Evidence 2 -- Causality Assessment 5 -- Causality Conclusions 7 -- Susceptibility 9 -- Concluding Comment 9 -- References 24 -- 1 INTRODUCTION 25 -- Charge to the Committee 27 -- Committee Process 28 -- Outline of the Report 28 -- References 33 -- 2 APPROACH 35 -- Literature Searching 35 -- Weight of Evidence 36 -- Causality Assessment 41 -- Special Considerations 45 -- References 48 -- 3 EVALUATING BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF ADVERSE EVENTS 51 -- Latency Between Antigen Exposure and Peak Adaptive Immune Response 51 -- Immune-Mediated Mechanisms 52 -- Viral Activity 66 -- Injection-Related Adverse Events 67 -- Coagulation and Hypercoagulable States 69 -- Increased Susceptibility 70 -- Alterations in Brain Development 73 -- Contribution of Animal Models 76 -- References 79 -- 4 MEASLES, MUMPS, AND RUBELLA VACCINE 89 -- Introduction 89 -- Measles Inclusion Body Encephalitis 93 -- Encephalitis and Encephalopathy 95 -- Febrile Seizures 100 -- Afebrile Seizures 105 -- Meningitis 107 -- Ataxia 110 -- Autism 112 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 115 -- Transverse Myelitis 116 -- Optic Neuritis 117 -- Neuromyelitis Optica 119 -- Multiple Sclerosis Onset in Adults 120 -- Multiple Sclerosis Onset in Children 122 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 123 -- Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy 124 -- Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome 125 -- Brachial Neuritis 125 -- Anaphylaxis 126 -- Transient Arthralgia in Women 130 -- Transient Arthralgia in Children 134 -- Chronic Arthralgia in Women 137 -- Chronic Arthritis in Women 140 -- Chronic Arthropathy in Children 143 -- Arthropathy in Men 144 -- Type 1 Diabetes 146 -- Hepatitis 149 -- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 150 -- Fibromyalgia 151 -- Hearing Loss 151 -- References 196 -- 5 VARICELLA VIRUS VACCINE 211 -- Introduction 211 -- Disseminated Oka VZV Without Other Organ Involvement 213 -- Disseminated Oka VZV with Other Organ Involvement 219 -- Vaccine Strain Viral Reactivation Without Other Organ Involvement 224 -- Vaccine Strain Viral Reactivation with Other Organ Involvement 228 -- Encephalopathy 233 -- Seizures 233 -- Cerebellar Ataxia 235 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 236 -- Transverse Myelitis 237 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 238 -- Small Fiber Neuropathy 239 -- Anaphylaxis 239 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Arthropathy 242 -- Stroke 243 -- Thrombocytopenia 244 -- References 248 -- 6 INFLUENZA VACCINE 257 -- Introduction 257 -- Encephalitis and Encephalopathy 262 -- Seizures 264 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 267 -- Optic Neuritis 269 -- Neuromyelitis Optica 271 -- Multiple Sclerosis Onset in Adults 271 -- Multiple Sclerosis Relapse in Adults 273 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 275 -- Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy 281 -- Bell’s Palsy 282 -- Brachial Neuritis 284 -- Small Fiber Neuropathy 285 -- Anaphylaxis 285 -- Inactivated Influenza Vaccine and Asthma Exacerbation or Reactive Airway Disease -- Episodes in Children and Adults 288 -- Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine and Asthma Exacerbation or Reactive Airway Disease -- Episodes in Children Younger Than 5 Years of Age 293 -- Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine and Asthma Exacerbation or Reactive Airway Disease -- Episodes in Persons 5 Years of Age or Older 298 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 301 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Vasculitis 304 -- Polyarteritis Nodosa 306 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Arthropathy 307 -- Stroke 308 -- Myocardial Infarction 309 -- Fibromyalgia 311 -- All-Cause Mortality 311 -- Oculorespiratory Syndrome 313 -- References 354 -- 7 HEPATITIS A VACCINE 369 -- Introduction 369 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 370 -- Transverse Myelitis 371 -- Multiple Sclerosis 372 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 373 -- Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy 374 -- Bell’s Palsy 374 -- Anaphylaxis 375 -- Autoimmune Hepatitis 376 -- References 378 -- 8 HEPATITIS B VACCINE 381 -- Introduction 381 -- Encephalitis and Encephalopathy 383 -- Seizures 383 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 385 -- Transverse Myelitis 386 -- Optic Neuritis 387 -- Neuromyelitis Optica 389 -- Multiple Sclerosis Onset in Adults 390 -- Multiple Sclerosis Onset in Children 392 -- Multiple Sclerosis Relapse in Adults 394 -- Multiple Sclerosis Relapse in Children 395 -- First Demyelinating Event in Adults 396 -- First Demyelinating Event in Children 399 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 400 -- Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy 401 -- Brachial Neuritis 402 -- Anaphylaxis 402 -- Erythema Nodosum 403 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 404 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Vasculitis 406 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Polyarteritis Nodosa 409 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Psoriatic Arthritis 411 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Reactive Arthritis 412 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Rheumatoid Arthritis 414 -- Onset or Exacerbation of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 416 -- Type 1 Diabetes 418 -- Fibromyalgia 420 -- References 431 -- 9 HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS VACCINE 441 -- Introduction 441 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 442 -- Transverse Myelitis 443 -- Neuromyelitis Optica 444 -- Multiple Sclerosis 444 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 445 -- Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy 446 -- Brachial Neuritis 447 -- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 447 -- Anaphylaxis 449 -- Transient Arthralgia 450 -- Pancreatitis 451 -- Thromboembolic Events 452 -- Hypercoagulable States 453 -- References 455 -- 10 DIPHTHERIA TOXOID-, TETANUS TOXOID-, AND ACELLULAR PERTUSSISCONTAINING -- VACCINES 457 -- Introduction 457 -- Encephalitis and Encephalopathy 461 -- Infantile Spasms 464 -- Seizures 465 -- Ataxia 468 -- Autism 468 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 469 -- Transverse Myelitis 470 -- Optic Neuritis 471 -- Multiple Sclerosis Onset in Adults 472 -- Multiple Sclerosis Relapse in Adults 474 -- Multiple Sclerosis Relapse in Children 476 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 477 -- Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy 478 -- Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome 480 -- Bell’s Palsy 480 -- Anaphylaxis 482 -- Chronic Urticaria 483 -- Serum Sickness 484 -- Arthropathy 485 -- Type 1 Diabetes 487 -- Myocarditis 490 -- Fibromyalgia 491 -- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 491 -- Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura 492 -- References 506 -- 11 MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE 515 -- Introduction 515 -- Encephalitis and Encephalopathy 517 -- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 518 -- Transverse Myelitis 519 -- Multiple Sclerosis 519 -- Guillain-Barré Syndrome 520 -- Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy 521 -- Anaphylaxis 522 -- Chronic Headache 523 -- References 526 -- 12 INJECTION-RELATED ADVERSE EVENTS 529 -- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 529 -- Deltoid Bursitis 531 -- Syncope 533 -- References 538 -- 13 CONCLUDING COMMENTS 541 -- References 545Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: Améliorer la performance des soins de santé / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) / Paris : OECD (2011)
Améliorer la performance des soins de santé : Comment mesurer leur qualité [printed text] / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE), Author . - Paris : OECD, 2011 . - 126 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. - (OECD Health Policy Studies) .
ISBN : 978-92-64-09482-6 : € 24,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
WA 900 Public health statistics (including narrative reports on health conditions and health surveys)
Delivery of Health Care ; Electronic books ; Government Publications [PT] ; Health Care Costs ; Quality Indicators, Health CareAbstract: Le taux de survie au cancer du sein est-il plus élevé aux États-Unis qu’au Royaume-Uni et qu’en France ? Un patient risque-t-il moins de mourir dans un délai de 30 jours après son hospitalisation à la suite d’une crise cardiaque au Canada qu’en Corée ? Les chirurgiens de certains pays sont-ils plus susceptibles de laisser des « corps étrangers » dans le corps des opérés ou de provoquer accidentellement des perforations ou des lacérations lorsqu’ils accomplissent un acte chirurgical ? La nécessité de répondre à ce type de questions et l’intérêt d’évaluer la qualité des soins de santé figurent au nombre des aspects abordés dans la présente publication.
Dans bien des cas, les politiques de santé dépendent de notre capacité d’évaluer précisément la qualité des soins. Les pouvoirs publics veulent appliquer une approche davantage « axée sur le patient », améliorer la coordination des soins et assurer une rémunération plus élevée aux prestataires qui offrent une meilleure qualité de soins. Cela étant, mesurer la qualité des soins de santé n’est pas sans poser de difficultés. Certains problèmes ont pu être surmontés grâce au projet de l’OCDE sur les indicateurs de qualité des soins de santé mais un grand nombre subsistent. Si les décideurs veulent véritablement disposer de meilleures données sur la qualité des soins, ils doivent améliorer leurs systèmes d’information sur la santé. La présente publication décrit les indicateurs de qualité comparables au plan international qui sont actuellement disponibles et la façon d’établir un lien entre ces indicateurs et l’application de mesures en faveur de la qualité telles que l’agrément, la formulation de recommandations de bonnes pratiques médicales, la rémunération selon la performance, et la mise en œuvre de programmes nationaux de sécurité et de systèmes d’information sur la qualité.Contents note: Acronymes -- Résumé -- Introduction -- Chapitre 1. Pourquoi avons-nous besoin d’informations sur la qualité des soins de santé ? -- -1.1. Coordination des soins -- -1.2. Prévention -- -1.3. Soins centrés sur le patient -- -1.4. Évaluation des technologies de la santé (ETS) et évaluations cliniques -- -1.5. Sécurité – la « faille de qualité » perdure -- -1.6. Rémunération selon la performance -- -1.7. Gouvernance axée sur la qualité -- -1.8. Le caractère transnational de la gouvernance axée sur la qualité -- -1.9. Systèmes d’étalonnage des indicateurs de qualité à orientation stratégique -- -Bibliographie -- Chapitre 2. Que nous disent les données existantes sur la qualité ? -- -2.1. Le projet de l’OCDE sur les indicateurs de la qualité des soins de santé (HCQI) : historique et contexte -- -2.2. Soins primaires -- -2.3. Soins aigus aux patients atteints d’affections chroniques : l’exemple de la coronaropathie (CP) -- -2.4. Santé mentale -- -2.5. Soins aux malades du cancer -- -2.6. Sécurité des patients -- -2.7. Expériences des patients -- -Bibliographie -- Chapitre 3. Comment les infrastructures nationales d’information sur la santé peuvent-elles améliorer la mesure de la qualité des soins ? -- -3.1. Le point sur le développement des infrastructures nationales d’information sur la santé -- -3.2. Les cinq principaux types de sources d’information utilisés pour l’élaboration d’indicateurs de qualité basés sur la population -- -3.3. Synthèse des enseignements tirés -- -3.4. Améliorer les systèmes d’information et les infrastructures de données sur la santé -- -3.5. Quelques pistes pour faire avancer le dossier de l’information -- Chapitre 4. Comment utiliser les indicateurs de qualité pour améliorer les systèmes de santé ? -- -4.1. Ressources des systèmes de santé -- -4.2. Conception des systèmes de santé -- -4.3. Suivi des systèmes et des prestations de santé -- -4.4. Amélioration des systèmes de santé -- -Bibliographie -- Chapitre 5. Conclusions et recommandations
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02324 WA 900 / ORG Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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Anatomy of the Human Body [electronic document] / Henry Gray, Author . -, 2000.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QS 39 Human Anatomy. Handbooks. Resource guides
Anatomy ; Electronic books ; HumansAbstract: The edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn. Contents note: Introduction -- Anatomical Bibliography -- I. Embryology -- The Animal Cell -- The Ovum -- The Spermatozoön -- Fertilization of the Ovum -- Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum -- The Neural Groove and Tube -- The Notochord -- The Primitive Segments -- Separation of the Embryo -- The Yolk-sac -- Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta -- The Branchial Region -- Development of the Body Cavities -- The Form of the Embryo at Different Stages of Its Growth -- Bibliography -- II. Osteology -- Introduction -- Bone -- The Vertebral Column -- a. General Characteristics of a Vertebra -- The Cervical Vertebræ -- The Thoracic Vertebræ -- The Lumbar Vertebræ -- The Sacral and Coccygeal Vertebræ -- b. The Vertebral Column as a Whole -- The Thorax -- a. The Sternum -- b. The Ribs -- c. The Costal Cartilages -- The Skull -- a. The Cranial Bones -- The Occipital Bone -- The Parietal Bone -- The Frontal Bone -- The Temporal Bone -- The Sphenoid Bone -- Ethmoid bone -- b. The Facial Bones -- The Nasal Bones -- The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw) -- The Lacrimal Bone -- The Zygomatic Bone -- The Palatine Bone -- The Inferior Nasal Concha -- The Vomer -- The Mandible (Lower Jaw) -- The Hyoid Bone -- c. The Exterior of the Skull -- d. The Interior of the Skull -- The Extremities -- a. The Bones of the Upper Extremity -- The Clavicle -- The Scapula -- The Humerus -- The Ulna -- The Radius -- b. The Hand -- The Carpus -- The Metacarpus -- The Phalanges of the Hand -- c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity -- The Hip Bone -- The Pelvis -- The Femur -- The Patella -- The Tibia -- The Fibula -- d. The Foot -- The Tarsus -- The Metatarsus -- The Phalanges of the Foot -- Comparison of the Bones of the Hand and Foot -- The Sesamoid Bones -- III. Syndesmology -- Introduction -- Development of the Joints -- Classification of Joints -- The Kind of Movement Admitted in Joints -- Articulations of the Trunk -- a. Articulations of the Vertebral Column -- b. Articulation of the Atlas with the Epistropheus or Axis -- c. Articulations of the Vertebral Column with the Cranium -- d. Articulation of the Mandible -- e. Costovertebral Articulations -- f. Sternocostal Articulations -- g. Articulation of the Manubrium and Body of the Sternum -- h. Articulation of the Vertebral Column with the Pelvis -- i. Articulations of the Pelvis -- Articulations of the Upper Extremity -- a. Sternoclavicular Articulation -- b. Acromioclavicular Articulation -- c. Humeral Articulation or Shoulder-joint -- d. Elbow-joint -- e. Radioulnar Articulation -- f. Radiocarpal Articulation or Wrist-joint -- g. Intercarpal Articulations -- h. Carpometacarpal Articulations -- i. Intermetacarpal Articulations -- j. Metacarpophalangeal Articulations -- k. Articulations of the Digits -- Articulations of the Lower Extremity -- a. Coxal Articulation or Hip-joint -- b. The Knee-joint -- c. Articulations between the Tibia and Fibula -- d. Talocrural Articulation or Ankle-joint -- e. Intertarsal Articulations -- f. Tarsometatarsal Articulations -- g. Intermetatarsal Articulations -- h. Metatarsophalangeal Articulations -- i. Articulations of the Digits -- j. Arches of the Foot -- IV. Myology -- Mechanics of Muscle -- Development of the Muscles -- Tendons, Aponeuroses, and Fasciæ -- The Fasciæ and Muscles of the Head. -- a. The Muscles of the Scalp -- b. The Muscles of the Eyelid -- c. The Muscles of the Nose -- d. The Muscles of the Mouth -- e. The Muscles of Mastication -- The Fasciæ and Muscles of the Anterolateral Region of the Neck -- a. The Superficial Cervical Muscle -- b. The Lateral Cervical Muscles -- c. The Supra- and Infrahyoid Muscles -- d. The Anterior Vertebral Muscles -- e. The Lateral Vertebral Muscles -- The Fasciæ and Muscles of the Trunk -- a. The Deep Muscles of the Back -- b. The Suboccipital Muscles -- c. The Muscles of the Thorax -- d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen -- e. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Pelvis -- f. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum -- The Fascia and Muscles of the Upper Extremity -- a. The Muscles Connecting the Upper Extremity to the Vertebral Column -- b. The Muscles Connecting the Upper Extremity to the Anterior and Lateral Thoracic Walls -- c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Shoulder -- d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm -- e. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Forearm -- f. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand -- The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Lower Extremity. -- a. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Iliac Region -- b. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh -- c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg -- d. The Fasciæ Around the Ankle -- e. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot -- Bibliography -- V. Angiology -- Introduction -- The Blood -- Development of the Vascular System -- The Thoracic Cavity -- a. The Pericardium -- b. The Heart -- c. Peculiarities in the Vascular System in the Fetus -- Bibliography -- VI. The Arteries -- Introduction -- The Aorta -- The Arteries of the Head and Neck -- a. The Common Carotid Artery -- Relations -- The External Carotid Artery -- The Triangles of the Neck -- The Internal Carotid Artery -- b. The Arteries of the Brain -- The Arteries of the Upper Extremity -- a. The Subclavian Artery -- b. The Axilla -- The Axillary Artery -- The Brachial Artery -- The Radial Artery -- The Ulnar Artery -- The Arteries of the Trunk -- a. The Descending Aorta -- The Thoracic Aorta -- The Abdominal Aorta -- b. The Common Iliac Arteries -- The Hypogastric Artery -- The External Iliac Artery -- The Arteries of the Lower Extremity -- a. The Femoral Artery -- b. The Popliteal Fossa -- c. The Popliteal Artery -- d. The Anterior Tibial Artery -- e. The Arteria Dorsalis Pedis -- f. The Posterior Tibial Artery -- Bibliography -- VII. The Veins -- Introduction -- The Pulmonary Veins -- The Systemic Veins -- a. The Veins of the Heart -- b. The Veins of the Head and Neck -- The Veins of the Exterior of the Head and Face -- The Veins of the Neck -- The Diploic Veins -- The Veins of the Brain -- The Sinuses of the Dura Mater. Ophthalmic Veins and Emissary Veins -- c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax -- d. The Veins of the Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis -- The Portal System of Veins -- VIII. The Lymphatic System -- Introduction -- The Thoractic Duct -- The Lymphatics of the Head, Face, and Neck -- The Lymphatics of the Upper Extremity -- The Lymphatics of the Lower Extremity -- The Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis -- The Lymphatic Vessels of the Thorax -- Bibliography -- IX. Neurology -- Structure of the Nervous System -- Development of the Nervous System -- The Spinal Cord or Medulla Spinalis -- The Brain or Encephalon -- a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon -- b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon -- c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon -- d. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves -- e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves -- f. Pathways from the Brain to the Spinal Cord -- g. The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis -- h. The Cerebrospinal Fluid -- The Cranial Nerves -- a. The Olfactory Nerves -- b. The Optic Nerve -- c. The Oculomotor Nerve -- d. The Trochlear Nerve -- e. The Trigeminal Nerve -- f. The Abducent Nerve -- g. The Facial Nerve -- h. The Acoustic Nerve -- i. The Glossopharyngeal Nerve -- j. The Vagus Nerve -- k. The Accessory Nerve -- l. The Hypoglossal Nerve -- The Spinal Nerves -- a. The Posterior Divisions -- b. The Anterior Divisions -- c. The Thoracic Nerves -- d. The Lumbosacral Plexus -- e. The Sacral and Coccygeal Nerves -- The Sympathetic Nerves -- a. The Cephalic Portion of the Sympathetic System -- b. The Cervical Portion of the Sympathetic System -- c. The Thoracic Portion of the Sympathetic System -- d. The Abdominal Portion of the Sympathetic System -- e. The Pelvic Portion of the Sympathetic System -- f. The Great Plexuses of the Sympathetic System -- Bibliography -- X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument -- The Peripheral Organs of the Special Senses -- a. The Organs of Taste -- b. The Organ of Smell -- c. The Organ of Sight -- The Tunics of the Eye -- The Refracting Media -- The Accessory Organs of the Eye -- d. The Organ of Hearing -- The External Ear -- The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity -- The Auditory Ossicles -- The Internal Ear or Labyrinth -- e. Peripheral Terminations of Nerves of General Sensations -- The Common Integument -- XI. Splanchnology -- The Respiratory Apparatus -- a. The Larynx -- b. The Trachea and Bronchi -- c. The Pleuræ -- d. The Mediastinum -- e. The Lungs -- The Digestive Apparatus -- a. The Mouth -- b. The Fauces -- c. The Pharynx -- d. The Esophagus -- e. The Abdomen -- f. The Stomach -- g. The Small Intestine -- h. The Large Intestine -- i. The Liver -- j. The Pancreas -- The Urogenital Apparatus -- a. Development of the Urinary and Generative Organs -- b. The Urinary Organs -- The Kidneys -- The Ureters -- The Urinary Bladder -- The Male Urethra -- The Female Urethra -- c. The Male Genital Organs -- The Testes and their Coverings -- The Ductus Deferens -- The Vesiculæ Seminales -- The Ejaculatory Ducts -- The Penis -- The Prostate -- The Bulbourethral Glands -- d. The Female Genital Organs -- The Ovaries -- The Uterine Tube -- The Uterus -- The Vagina -- The External Organs -- The Mammæ -- The Ductless Glands -- a. The Thyroid Gland -- b. The Parathyroid Glands -- c. The Thymus -- d. The Hypophysis Cerebri -- e. The Pineal Body -- f. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems -- g. The Spleen -- XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings -- Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck -- Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck -- Surface Anatomy of the Back -- Surface Markings of the Back -- Surface Anatomy of the Thorax -- Surface Markings of the Thorax -- Surface Anatomy of the Abdomen -- Surface Markings of the Abdomen -- Surface Anatomy of the Perineum -- Surface Markings of the Perineum -- Surface Anatomy of the Upper Extremity -- Surface Markings of the Upper Extremity -- Surface Anatomy of the Lower Extremity -- Surface Markings of the Lower Extremity Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Webpage Record link:
BookShelf [electronic document] . - Bethesda [USA] : U.S. National Library of Medicine's (NLM), [s.d.].
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Databases, Full-Text ; Electronic books ; United States
Z881-977 Library catalogs and bulletinsAbstract: Bookshelf is an online searchable collection of more than 700 books, reports, databases, and other scholarly literature in biology, medicine, and the life sciences developed and managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Open Access Record link:
Citing Medicine : The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [printed text] / Karen Patrias, Author ; Daniel L. Wendling, Other . - 2nd (revised Aug. 2015) . - Bethesda [U.S.A.] : National Institute of Health (NIH), 2007.
€ 0,00
Internet Electronic link: free at producer site, see Bookshelf via NCBI
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WZ 345 Medical writing and publishing. Historiography
Bibliography ; Documentation ; Electronic books ; Handbooks ; Medicine ; Standards ; WritingAbstract: Citing Medicine provides assistance to authors in compiling lists of references for their publications, to editors in revising such lists, to publishers in setting reference standards for their authors and editors, and to librarians and others in formatting bibliographic citations. Contents note: ABOUT THIS BOOK -- INTRODUCTION -- 2015 FOREWORD -- FOREWORD -- CITING PUBLISHED PRINT DOCUMENTS -- Chapter 1. Journals [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 2. Books [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 3. Conference Publications [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 4. Scientific and Technical Reports [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 5. Dissertations and Theses [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 6. Bibliographies [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 7. Patents [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 8. Newspaper Articles [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 9. Maps [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 10. Legal Documents [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: January 14, 2009. -- CITING UNPUBLISHED MATERIAL -- Chapter 11. Forthcoming ("in press") [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 12. Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 13. Letters and Other Personal Communication [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: March 17, 2017. -- Chapter 14. Manuscripts and Preprints [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: March 17, 2017. -- CITING AUDIO AND VISUAL MEDIA (AUDIOCASSETTES, VIDEOCASSETTES, SLIDES, PHOTOGRAPHS, ETC.) -- Chapter 15. Books and Other Individual Titles in Audiovisual Formats [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 16. Journals in Audiovisual Formats [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 17. Prints and Photographs [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- CITING MATERIAL ON CD-ROM, DVD, OR DISK -- Chapter 18. Books and Other Individual Titles on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 19. Journals on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 20. Databases on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 21. Computer Programs on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 10, 2016. -- CITING MATERIAL ON THE INTERNET (ONLINE) -- Chapter 22. Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 23. Journals on the Internet [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 24. Databases/Retrieval Systems/Datasets on the Internet [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 9, 2017. -- Chapter 25. Web Sites [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Chapter 26. Electronic Mail and Discussion Forums [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- APPENDIXES -- Appendix A. Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Journal Titles [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: October 2, 2015.) -- Appendix B. Additional Sources for Journal Title Abbreviations [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: October 2, 2015.) -- Appendix C. Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Bibliographic Description [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007. -- Appendix D. ISO Country Codes for Selected Countries [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007. -- Appendix E. Two-Letter Abbreviations for Canadian Provinces and Territories and U.S. States and Territories [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007. -- Appendix F. Notes for Citing MEDLINE® /PubMed® [PDF Version] (Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2015.) -- Appendix. Content Updates [PDF Version] (Created: December 21, 2009; Last Update: August 9, 2017. -- Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: PermalinkDollars, DALYs and Decisions / D. Chilsholm / Geneva [Switzerland] : World Health Organisation (WHO) (2006)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkGuide to academic and scientific publication / Linda Olson / London [United Kingdom] : eacademia (2014)
PermalinkHealth at a glance 2013 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) / Paris [France] : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) (2013)
PermalinkHealth at a glance 2017 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) / Paris [France] : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) (2017)
PermalinkHealth at a glance 2023 / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) / Paris [France] : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) (2023)
PermalinkHealth at a glance / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) / Paris [France] : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) (2014)