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Ca bouge chez les kinés ! / Pascale Meunier / Brussel [BE] : Fédération des maisons médicales et collectifs de santé francophones (2018)
Ca bouge chez les kinés ! [printed text] / Pascale Meunier, Editor . - Brussel [BE] : Fédération des maisons médicales et collectifs de santé francophones, 2018 . - 48 p. : ill., ; A4. - (Santé conjuguée; 82) .
ISSN : 1372-6064-82 : € 0,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Indexation
Belgium ; Exercise Therapy ; Multiple criteria decision making ; Quality improvement
WB 541 Exercice therapyAbstract: Un métier fort discret que celui de « mécanicien du vivant et du mouvement ». Et pourtant ! La kinésithérapie a beaucoup évolué depuis ses premières ébauches à la fi n du XIXe siècle. C’est aujourd’hui une science en pleine expansion. Sur le terrain, des processus de promotion de la qualité sont en cours - de même pour la reconnaissance de plusieurs qualifi cations professionnelles particulières - et ses représentants travaillent à la création d’un organe déontologique. Dans les cabinets, la diversité des pratiques constitue à la fois une richesse mais également un fl ou. A qui s’adresser ? Quel est le thérapeute le plus proche de mes attentes, de mes sensibilités et de mes besoins ? Ce numéro de Santé conjuguée met en lumière le quotidien de cette profession, ses liens avec la sphère politique, syndicale, ses relations avec le corps médical et avec les patients. Et son désir de revalorisation. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03364 WB 541 / MEU Journal KCE Library (10.124) Available Do quality improvements in primary care reduce secondary care costs? / Stephen Martin / London [United Kingdom] : The Health Foundation (2010)
Do quality improvements in primary care reduce secondary care costs? [printed text] / Stephen Martin, Author ; Peter C. Smith, Author ; Mark Dusheiko, Author ; Hugh Gravelle, Author ; Nigel Rice, Author . - London [United Kingdom] : The Health Foundation, 2010 . - X, 46 p. : ill. ; A4.
€ 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Cost-effectiveness analysis ; Great Britain ; Health Care Costs ; Outcome Assessment (Health Care) ; Primary Health Care ; Quality improvement ; Quality of Health Care
W 84.4 Quality of health care (General)Abstract: The introduction in 2004 of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) in UK general practice represents one of the most ambitious efforts to measure and incentivise quality improvements in primary care. This report takes advantage of a large database of over 50 million English citizens to determine whether the levels of QOF attainment in general practices have led to improvements in two major outcomes: mortality and the costs of hospital inpatient and outpatient use. Our findings are that primary care performance improvements are associated with some modest but measurable improvements in subsequent outcomes and costs. Contents note: CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1 -- 1.1 GP contracts 1 -- 1.2 Quality indicators 1 -- 1.3 Practice QOF scores and hospital admission rates 2 -- 1.4 Drawing on a new dataset 2 -- 1.5 Report structure 3 -- CHAPTER 2 Theoretical background 4 -- 2.1 Effectiveness or cost-effectiveness? 4 -- 2.2 Scope of this study 4 -- 2.3 A mathematical model 4 -- CHAPTER 3 The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) 6 -- 3.1 QOF 2004/05 and 2005/06 6 -- 3.2 QOF 2006/07 and 2007/08 11 -- CHAPTER 4 The dataset and the development of a basic model of hospital costs 16 -- 4.1 A model for patient expenditure 16 -- 4.2 The estimation sample 18 -- 4.3 The estimation method 18 -- 4.4 Derivation of a parsimonious model for hospital expenditure 18 -- CHAPTER 5 Variants of the base model, and further analysis 23 -- 5.1 Updating the QOF stroke achievement score 23 -- 5.2 Deriving a new parsimonious model with a binary (patient died) dependent variable 26 -- 5.3 Deriving parsimonious models for individual disease areas 28 -- 5.4 Panel data estimation 33 -- CHAPTER 6 Conclusions 40 -- 6.1 Base model findings 40 -- 6.2 Panel data model findings 40 -- 6.3 Scope for future research 41 -- 6.4 QOF – material but limited gains? 41 -- ENDNOTES 42 -- REFERENCES 45 -- APPENDIX: Grounds for exception reporting patients 46 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02201 W 84. 4 / MAR Report KCE Library (10.124) Available Does improving quality save money? / John Øvretveit / London [United Kingdom] : The Health Foundation (2009)
Does improving quality save money? : A review of evidence of which improvements to quality reduce costs to health service providers [printed text] / John Øvretveit, Author . - London [United Kingdom] : The Health Foundation, 2009 . - XIX, 95 p. : ill. ; A4.
ISBN : 978-1-906461-17-1 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Cost-effectiveness analysis ; England ; Health Care Costs ; Quality improvement ; Review Literature
W 84.4 Quality of health care (General)Abstract: This report reviews the evidence of whether improving quality can also save money for health service providers. It explores the cost saving potential of initiatives to improve quality and the barriers to success. Contents note: Foreword vii -- Abstract ix -- Executive summary xi -- Outline of the review xi -- Poor quality and adverse events are common and costly xii -- Some interventions are effective, but carry costs which may exceed savings xii -- The cost and benefits of quality are spread over time and between stakeholders xiii -- Context factors influence whether a provider saves money from quality improvement xiv -- Providers would be helped by information relevant to their situation xiv -- Saving avoidable suffering may be speeded up by the business case xv -- Summary for health service providers xvii -- Does quality improvement save money for a service? xvii -- What is the actionable knowledge for service providers from the research? xviii -- How strong does the evidence need to be before we act? xviii -- How can providers ensure saving through quality improvement? xix -- PART 1: INTRODUCTION, OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 1 -- Chapter 1 Introduction 3 -- 1.1 A map of the literature 3 -- 1.1.1 Improving quality or quality improvement? 4 -- 1.1.2 The literature 5 -- Chapter 2 Concepts and terms 7 -- 2.1 Costs and savings 8 -- 2.1.1 A comment on the evidence 9 -- 2.2 Summary of conceptual distinctions made in this report 10 -- Chapter 3 Objectives, methods, and how the findings are presented 11 -- 3.1 How the research is presented to answer the questions 13 -- PART 2: EVIDENCE ABOUT COSTS AND SAVINGS 15 -- Chapter 4 Evidence of poor quality and costs 17 -- 4.1 General studies of poor quality 17 -- 4.1.1 Poor quality patient issues, dissatisfaction, complaints and negligence 17 -- Claims -- 4.1.2 Overuse, underuse, misuse and waste 18 -- 4.2 Adverse events and quality costs: general studies 18 -- 4.2.1 General adverse events studies 18 -- 4.3 Categories of adverse events: potential savings 20 -- 4.3.1 Hospital-acquired infections 20 -- 4.3.2 Adverse drug events 20 -- 4.3.3 Adverse events associated with surgery 21 -- 4.3.4 Pressure ulcers 22 -- 4.3.5 Patient falls 22 -- 4.3.6 Adverse events associated with ‘failure to rescue’ 22 -- 4.3.7 Communication and coordination failures 23 -- 4.3.8 Hospital discharge communications 23 -- 4.3.9 Other adverse events 24 -- 4.4 Conclusions: costs of poor quality and adverse events 24 -- Chapter 5 Solutions: evidence of effectiveness of interventions to reduce poor 27 -- quality, and their costs -- 5.1 Introduction 27 -- 5.1.1 ‘Reader alerts’ 27 -- 5.2 General improvement: evidence of effectiveness and intervention costs 28 -- 5.2.1 Nurse staffing 29 -- 5.2.2 Intensive care 30 -- 5.2.3 Interventions to reduce adverse drug events 30 -- 5.2.4 Computer solutions 30 -- 5.2.5 Improvements to communication and coordination: effectiveness 32 -- 5.2.6 Other interventions 33 -- 5.3 Quality improvement interventions: evidence of effectiveness and 35 -- intervention costs -- 5.3.1 Total quality management 36 -- 5.3.2 Continuous quality improvement projects 36 -- 5.3.3 Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle 37 -- 5.3.4 Statistical process control 37 -- 5.3.5 Process redesign, re-engineering, and Lean manufacturing 37 -- 5.3.6 Six Sigma 38 -- 5.3.7 Theory of constraints and mass customisation 39 -- 5.3.8 What is a ‘quality improvement intervention’ and what is an 39 -- ‘intervention to improve quality’? -- Chapter 6 Conclusions: savings to providers from improving quality 41 -- PART 3: CHALLENGES AND ENABLERS TO SAVING BY IMPROVING QUALITY 43 -- Chapter 7 The financial issues 45 -- 7.1 Features of finance systems 45 -- 7.1.1 Routine service payment schemes 45 -- 7.1.2 Penalties 45 -- 7.1.3 Incentives 46 -- 7.2 Costs and savings 46 -- 7.3 Conclusions 49 -- Chapter 8 The support issues 51 -- 8.1 Non-financial barriers to effective improvement 51 -- 8.1.1 Information 52 -- 8.1.2 Uncertainty and skill deficiencies 52 -- 8.1.3 Other urgent demands 52 -- 8.2 Enabling factors for improvement 53 -- 8.3 Financial and resource barriers to improvement 53 -- 8.3.1 Cost displacement (‘revenue displacement’) 53 -- 8.3.2 Investment resources and high initial intervention cost (‘capital costs’) 54 -- 8.3.3 Savings displacement 54 -- 8.4 Financial and resource enablers for improvement 54 -- 8.4.1 Provider bears the cost of poor quality 54 -- 8.4.2 Investment and capacity costs 55 -- 8.5 Conclusions 56 -- PART 4: FUTURE RESEARCH AND CONCLUSIONS 57 -- Chapter 9 Future research 59 -- 9.1 Future research 59 -- 9.1.1 Overall, how well does the research provide answers to the review 59 -- questions and where are the gaps? -- 9.1.2 Other observations about the research 61 -- 9.1.3 Future types of research needed 61 -- 9.1.4 Future research in the UK: proposed subjects 62 -- 9.2 Conclusions 63 -- APPENDICES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 65 -- Appendix 1a Definition of terms used in the report 67 -- Appendix 1b Other common definitions and meanings 69 -- Appendix 2 Financial incentive schemes for improvement 71 -- 2.1 An overview of the relevant literature 71 -- 2.2 Financial incentives and penalties 72 -- 2.2.1 What are some of the schemes in operation? 72 -- 2.2.2 Pay for performance 74 -- 2.2.3 No pay for never events 75 -- 2.2.4 Discussion of schemes 76 -- 2.2.5 Do financial interventions, such as payments or other financial 76 -- rewards to providers or patients, improve safety? -- 2.2.6 Relevant literature on issues related to financial incentives for safety 76 -- 2.2.7 Information technology and financial incentives 78 -- Appendix 3 Context for quality improvement 79 -- 3.1 Contexts for successful implementation 79 -- 3.1.1 Safety culture 80 -- 3.1.2 Protection for and accountability of healthcare providers 80 -- 3.1.3 Context factors – general research 81 -- 3.1.4 Specific interventions – evidence of necessary conditions 80 -- Bibliography 83 Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] (769 Kb) Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02208 W 84.4 / VRE Report KCE Library (10.124) Available Données phares dans les soins de santé / Brussels : Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de voedselketen en Leefmilieu = Service public fédéral Santé publique, Sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire et Environnement = Federal Public Service Public Health. Food Chain Safety and Environment (2023)
Données phares dans les soins de santé : Hôpitaux généraux [printed text] . - Brussels : Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de voedselketen en Leefmilieu = Service public fédéral Santé publique, Sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire et Environnement = Federal Public Service Public Health. Food Chain Safety and Environment, 2023 . - 40 p. : ill., ; A5.
ISSN : D/2023/2196/33 : € 0,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
WX 150 Hospital Administration. General works
Belgium ; Financial Management, Hospital ; Organisation and Administration ; Quality improvementAbstract: Sur la base de quelques chiffres clés, ce rapport donne un bref aperçu du fonctionnement des hôpitaux généraux. Dans quatre chapitres intitulés “Organisation”, “Activité”, “Financement” et “Qualité et innovation”, certaines tendances concernant le fonctionnement de ce secteur des soins de santé sont mises en évidence. Link for e-copy: [...] Record link: Improving the Efficiency and relevance of health technology assessment / Elisabeth Fenwick / York [U.K.] : The University of York (2000)
Improving the Efficiency and relevance of health technology assessment : the role of iterative decision analytic modelling [printed text] / Elisabeth Fenwick, Author ; Karl Claxton, Author ; Mark J. Sculpher, Author ; Andrew H. Briggs, Author . - York [U.K.] : The University of York, 2000 . - 39 p. : ill., ; A4. - (Discussion Paper; 179) .
€ 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 84 Health services. Quality of health care (General)
Analytical Approach ; Efficiency, Organizational ; Methods ; Quality improvement ; Technology Assessment, BiomedicalLink for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00321 W 74/FEN Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Optimal search filters for detecting quality improvement studies in Medline / Nancy L Wilczynski in BMJ quality & safety, 19(2010)06 ([12/01/2010])
PermalinkPermalinkStrengthening the Quality of Cancer Services in Ontario / Ontario [Canada] : Cancer Quality Council of Ontario (CQCO) (2003)