Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (29)
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L'Art d'ignorer les pauvres / John Kenneth Galbraith / Les Liens qui libèrent (LLL) (2011)
L'Art d'ignorer les pauvres [printed text] / John Kenneth Galbraith, Author . - Les Liens qui libèrent (LLL), 2011 . - 70 p. ; 11.5 x 17 cm.
ISBN : 978-2-918597-27-8 : € 6,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
HB 846 Welfare theory - General works
Poverty Areas ; Social policyRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02393 HB 846 / GAL Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 12/31/2020 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Capitalisme ou démocratie ? Fleurbaey, Marc Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations and budget impact analyses Cleemput, Irina Le marché de la santé La vérité sur le cholestérol Even, Philippe Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Heard, Edith Configuring health consumers Harris, Roma M. Obésité Etilé, Fabrice Health at a glance Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) Les vingt ans du Collège des économistes de la santé Tabuteau, Didier L'État-providence en Europe Lefebvre, Mathieu Justice Sandel, Michael J. At what price? / Charles L. Schultze ; Christopher D. Mackie ; National Research Council (USA) / Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press (2002)
At what price? : conceptualizing and measuring cost-of-living and price indexes [printed text] / Charles L. Schultze ; Christopher D. Mackie ; National Research Council (USA) . - Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 2002 . - XIII, 332 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-309-07442-1 : 26,67 €
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
HB 235 Government price policy
Consumer price indexes ; Cost and standard of living ; Economic indicators ; Index numbers (Economics) ; Prices ; Statistical methods ; United StatesLink for e-copy: [...] Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00396 ONLINE Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Atlas of Population Health in European Union Regions / Santana, Paula / Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (2017)
Atlas of Population Health in European Union Regions [printed text] / Santana, Paula, Author ; Costa, Claudia, Author . - Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017 . - 263 p. : ill., ; A4.
ISBN : 978-989-26-1462-5 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
HB 849.4 Demography. Population. Vital Events. (General works)
Europe ; Health ; Population ; Reference BooksAbstract: Despite the significant advances that have been made at the European Union (EU) level in terms of health inequality measurement, there is still a lack of comparable health-related data across countries and regions 1. Existing measures and indicators of health status and quality of life are considered inadequate2 to capture the holistic understanding of population health, with multiple determinants involved. Particularly lacking are the explanations as to why some populations are healthier than others, what policies are needed to address unjust inequalities, what research agenda is required, and where resources should be allocated.
The EURO HEALTHY project has contributed by responding to this challenge and applying a multi- and trans-disciplinary approach and methodology to enable the appraisal and comparison of population health and inequalities in multiple dimensions, within and across countries and regions. Under this framework, a multidimensional and multilevel measure – the EURO HEALTHY Population Health Index (PHI) – was built to evaluate European population health in a wide range of areas of concern, dimensions and indicators of health determinants and health outcomes. The Atlas is a reflection of the results obtained via the application of the PHI to the European regions.
The EURO HEALTHY Atlas of Population Health in European Union Regions is a comprehensive guide illustrating what is known, that is, which are the most and least healthy regions in European Union, what are the current determinants shaping the future health outcomes of those regions, how the opportunity for good health differs among those regions and how health can be improved.
The Atlas synthesizes the outputs of the EURO HEALTHY project, which aims to promote health equity through a systematic analysis of health determinants and health outcomes, following a holistic understanding of population health.
This work is a part of a new effort to provide evidence on integrated and quantified key factors impacting population health and geographical health inequalities across European countries and 269 NUTS 2 regions. This level of analysis was chosen given that it is the statistical unit applied by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) to define regional boundaries and to determine geographic eligibility for receiving funding. Regional eligibility provides essential opportunities to address and invest in interventions that tackle health inequalities across NUTS 2 regions which are split into three groups:
I) less developed regions (with GDP per inhabitant less than 75% of the EU27 average);
II) transition regions (with GDP per inhabitant between 75% and 90% of the EU27 average);
III) more developed regions (with GDP per inhabitant greater than 90% of the EU27 average).
To make use of the ESIF funding instruments, knowledge transfer is crucial. Therefore, the Atlas aims to communicate fundamental information in a user-friendly way to inform the work of those concerned with understanding and reducing the health gap in Europe.
The findings demonstrate a high degree of variation in the geographical
distribution of health determinants and health outcomes, emphasizing that
inequalities still persist in Europe. The identified inequalities can be understood
through the analysis of environmental, social, economic and lifestyle/ behavioural patterns.
The regional indicators are presented for the following 17 health dimensions: employment, income and living conditions, social protection, security, education, demographic change, lifestyle and health behaviours, pollution, housing conditions, water and sanitation, waste management, road safety, healthcare resources, healthcare expenditure, healthcare performance, mortality and morbidity.
Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Web Site Record link: Basic econometrics / Damodar N. Gujarati / Boston : McGraw Hill (2003)
Basic econometrics [printed text] / Damodar N. Gujarati . - 4th ed. . - Boston : McGraw Hill, 2003 . - xxix, 1002 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + + 1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.).
ISBN : 0-07-233542-4 : € 61,90
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
HB 139 Econometrics -- General Works
EconometricsAbstract: Gujarati's Basic Econometrics provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics without resorting to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the elementary level. Because of the way the book is organized, it may be used at a variety of levels of rigor. A CD of data sets is provided with the text. Contents note: Student Center -- -- Data Sets -- Web Links -- Economics in the News -- EViews -- -- Instructor Center -- -- Web Links -- EViews -- PageOut -- -- Information Center -- -- Table of Contents -- About the Author -- What's New -- Print -- Supplements -- Digital Supplements -- Updates/Correction Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00864 HB 139/GUJ Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Principles of biomedical ethics Beauchamp, Tom L. Using Patient Reported Outcomes to Improve Health Care Appleby, John La sécu jusqu'ou collectif, collectif Comparative study of hospital accreditation programs in Europe Peeters, Gert Macrosocial determinants of population health Galea, Sandro Taming the beloved beast Callahan, Daniel Health economics Phelps, Charles E. Simplification des tickets modérateurs Farfan-Portet, Maria-Isabel La vérité sur le cholestérol Even, Philippe The Elgar Companion To Health Economics Jones, Andrew Healthcare Fraud, Corruption and Waste in Europe Sauter, Wolf Carol Gilligan et l'éthique du care / Vanessa Nurock / Paris : Presses universitaires de France (PUF) (2010)
Carol Gilligan et l'éthique du care [printed text] / Vanessa Nurock ; Vanessa Nurock (1973-....), Publishing director . - Paris : Presses universitaires de France (PUF), 2010 . - 173 p. : couv. ill. ; 19 cm. - (Débats philosophiques, ISSN 1298-8510) .
ISBN : 978-2-13-057344-9 : € 15,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Indexation
Ethics ; Philosophy
HB 846 Welfare theory - General worksAbstract: L’éthique du care, développée par la psychologue Carol Gilligan, permet de renouveler la question éthique du lien social. Elle a marqué un tournant dans l’Amérique des années 1980, au sein des champs universitaires et politiques comme dans le monde professionnel.
C. Gilligan invite en effet à prendre en compte la manière dont les individus se préoccupent et s’occupent à la fois d’eux-mêmes et des autres. Elle offre une conception éthique qui n’est limitée ni à l’impartialité, ni à des principes abstraits de justice. Le care articule également l’éthique et le politique, au-delà des questions de genre, en ébranlant la dévalorisation traditionnelle des activités sociales tournées vers le soin. C’est ainsi à une meilleure prise en compte de la texture morale des relations humaines que nous invite l’éthique du care.
Ce livre est une introduction pluridisciplinaire aux perspectives tant théoriques que concrètes ouvertes par la pensée de Carol Gilligan.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02424 HB 846 / NUR Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 12/31/2020 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Détermination du ticket modérateur en fonction de la valeur sociétale de la prestation ou du produit Cleemput, Irina Public health, ethics, and equity Anand, Sudhir Manifeste pour une santé égalitaire et solidaire The role of complementary and alternative medicine Callahan, Daniel L' aliénation Haber, Stéphane L'État-providence en Europe Lefebvre, Mathieu Nudge Thaler, Richard H. Tackling Wasteful Spending on Health Obésité Etilé, Fabrice Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations and budget impact analyses Cleemput, Irina The Altruism Puzzle: A Symposium Le choc des générations ? / Gabriel Zucman / Association Regards Croisés sur l'Economie (2010)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkEquality of opportunity / John E. Roemer / Cambridge (Mass) [USA] : Harvard University Press
PermalinkHandbook of health economics / A. J. Culyer ; Joseph P. Newhouse / Amsterdam : Elsevier (2000)
PermalinkA History of Macroeconomics / Michel De vroey / Cambridge [U.K.] : Cambridge University Press (2015)
PermalinkIndice des prix à la consommation (Base 1996) / Administration de la politique commerciale / Bruxelles : Ministère des affaires économiques et sociales (1999)