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Belrai suite of instruments / Anja Desomer / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
Belrai suite of instruments : an exploratory study on applicability for individual care planning and budget allocation in rehabilitation care [printed text] / Anja Desomer, Author ; Patriek Mistiaen , Author ; Marijke Eyssen , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2016 . - 99 p. : ill., ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Services Research (HSR); 262C) .
ISSN : D/2016/10.273/20 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WB 320 Rehabilitation of the disabled (General)
2015-12 ; Neurological Rehabilitation ; Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine ; R262 ; Rehabilitation ; Rehabilitation centers ; Reimbursement Mechanisms ; Resource AllocationAbstract: KEY MESSAGES 5 -- 2 GLOSSARY 6 -- 3 INTRODUCTION 6 -- 3.1 BELGIAN CONTEXT 7 -- 3.2 SCOPE OF THE REPORT.11 -- 3.2.1 Definition of rehabilitation.11 -- 3.2.2 Belgian rehabilitation patients and services 11 -- 3.2.3 Research questions 12 -- 3.3 METHODS 12 -- 4 INTERRAI SUITE OF INSTRUMENTS: APPLICABILITY IN REHABILITATION FOR INDIVIDUAL CARE PLANNING 13 -- 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON INTERRAI SUITE OF INSTRUMENTS 13 -- 4.2 INTERRAI SUITE OF INSTRUMENTS IN REHABILITATION CARE 15 -- 4.2.1 Comparison interRAI suite of instruments versus ICF and FIM 15 -- 4.2.2 interRAI suite of instruments applicable in rehabilitation care patient populations? 17 -- 5 INTERRAI SUITE OF INSTRUMENTS: APPLICABILITY FOR BUDGET ALLOCATION 24 -- 5.1 DEFINITION AND ELEMENTS OF A CASE MIX REIMBURSEMENT SYSTEM 25 -- 5.1.1 General definition. 25 -- 5.1.2 Suitability of interRAI suite of instruments as case-mix reimbursement system 25 -- 5.2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERRAI CASE MIX SYSTEM.26 -- 5.2.1 General process 26 -- 5.2.2 Registration of the resource use 27 -- 5.2.3 Validity analysis. 27 -- 5.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERRAI CASE MIX REIMBURSEMENT SYSTEM 29 -- 5.4 APPLICATION OF THE INTERRAI CASE MIX REIMBURSEMENT SYSTEM IN BELGIUM.29 -- 5.4.1 Available evidence 30 -- 5.4.2 Preliminary budget allocation and eligibility for services 30 -- 5.4.3 Development of a BelRAI case mix reimbursement system 30 -- 6 OVERALL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 31 -- 6.1 OVERALL DISCUSSION 31 -- 6.2 CONCLUSIONS 32 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (1,6 Mb) Record link: Cancer rehabilitation / Van Weert, Ellen / Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2007)
Cancer rehabilitation : Effects and Mechanisms [printed text] / Van Weert, Ellen, Author . - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2007 . - 150 p. : ill., ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-90-367-3132-4 : € 0,00
Proefschrift ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de Medische Wetenschappen
Languages : English (eng) Dutch (dut)
Descriptors: Classification
QZ 266 Neoplasms. Cysts -- Therapy
Cancer Care Facilities ; Neoplasms ; Quality of Life ; Rehabilitation ; Rehabilitation centersRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03331 QZ 266 / VAN Thesis KCE Library (10.124) Available Cardiac rehabilitation / Ilse Van Vlaenderen / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2010)
Cardiac rehabilitation : clinical effectiveness and utilisation in Belgium [printed text] / Ilse Van Vlaenderen, Author ; Jodie Worrall, Author ; Syed Raza, Author ; An Colle, Author ; Cedric De Vos, Author ; Danielle Strens, Author ; Ömer R. Saka, Author ; Brigitte Moore, Author ; Marijke Eyssen , Author ; Dominique Paulus , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2010 . - IIIV, 100 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.. - (KCE Reports. Health Services Research (HSR); 140C) .
ISSN : D/2010/10.273/67 : € 0,00
Study n. : 2009-22
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
2009-22 ; Cardiac rehabilitation ; Evidence-Based Practice ; Health Services Accessibility ; Health Services Needs and Demand ; R140 ; Rehabilitation centers
WG 166 Cardiovascular Diseases, Diagnosis and Therapeutics -- TherapeuticsContents note: GLOSSARY 3 -- 1 BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4 -- 1.1 BACKGROUND 4 -- 1.1.1 Cardiac rehabilitation 4 -- 1.1.2 Different approaches to cardiac rehabilitation 4 -- 1.1.3 Heart disease and treatment goals 4 -- 1.1.4 Organisation of multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation in Belgium 5 -- 1.1.5 Treatment access 5 -- 1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 6 -- 1.3 PARTS OF THE STUDY 6 -- 2 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW 7 -- 2.1 RESEARCH QUESTION 7 -- 2.2 METHODS 7 -- 2.2.1 Selection of studies 7 -- 2.2.2 Project Outline 8 -- 2.2.3 Literature search strategy 9 -- 2.2.4 Assessing methodological quality and risk of bias 9 -- 2.2.5 Data extraction 10 -- 2.3 RESULTS 10 -- 2.3.1 Phase I: systematic reviews and meta-analyses 10 -- 2.3.2 Phase II: original RCTs 17 -- 2.3.3 Multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation versus exercise 22 -- 2.4 HTA DOCUMENTS 22 -- 2.5 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 24 -- 2.5.1 Summary of results 24 -- 2.5.2 Additional Cochrane reviews published in 2010 25 -- 2.5.3 Discussion of results 26 -- 2.5.4 Systematic review of the economic literature 27 -- 2.5.5 Comparison of the current results with guidance documents 28 -- 3 REHABILITATION AFTER DEFINED CARDIAC PROCEDURES IN BELGIUM: -- DATA ANALYSIS 32 -- 3.1 METHODOLOGY 32 -- 3.1.1 Data source 32 -- 3.1.2 Study period and observation period 32 -- 3.1.3 Target population and patient selection procedure 33 -- 3.1.4 Data collection 34 -- 3.1.5 Patient classification 35 -- 3.1.6 Data analysis 38 -- 3.2 RESULTS 39 -- 3.2.1 Patients selected for analysis. 39 -- 3.2.2 Patient Geographical Spread 40 -- 3.2.3 Type of Rehabilitation 41 -- 3.2.4 Rehabilitation related data 45 -- 3.2.5 Utilisation of rehabilitation types per socio-demographic patient characteristics 53 -- 3.2.6 Cardiac centre related data 60 -- 3.2.7 Multivariate analysis 61 -- 3.2.8 Cardiac disease related resource use: outpatient visits and diagnostic tests 65 -- 3.3 SUMMARY AND LIMITATIONS 69 -- 3.3.1 Summary of the descriptive statistics 69 -- 3.3.2 Summary of the multivariate analyses 70 -- 3.3.3 Strengths and limitations of the data analysis 70 -- 4 PATIENT SURVEY 71 -- 4.1 METHODOLOGY 71 -- 4.1.1 Study design 71 -- 4.1.2 Study population 71 -- 4.1.3 Time horizon 71 -- 4.1.4 Patient recruitment 72 -- 4.1.5 Data management & privacy 72 -- 4.1.6 Data collection 72 -- 4.1.7 Data analysis 73 -- 4.2 RESULTS 74 -- 4.2.1 Cardiologists 74 -- 4.2.2 Characteristics of the patients. 74 -- 4.2.3 Participation to the cardiac rehabilitation programme 75 -- 4.3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE SURVEY 86 -- 4.3.1 Main results 86 -- 4.3.2 Limitations of the survey 87 -- 5 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 88 -- 5.1 DEFINITIONS OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY REHABILITATION 88 -- 5.2 EVIDENCE ABOUT EXERCISE AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY CARDIAC REHABILITATION -- INCLUDING EXERCISE 88 -- 5.3 LACK OF PRECISION ABOUT TARGET POPULATIONS AND OTHER FEATURES OF -- CARDIAC REHABILITATION 89 -- 5.4 PARTICIPATION IN REHABILITATION PROGRAMMES IN BELGIUM 89 -- 5.4.1 Influence of patient characteristics 89 -- 5.4.2 Other factors that influence the participation in cardiac rehabilitation programmes 91 -- 5.4.3 Limits in the comparison between this study and the data from the literature 91 -- 6 REFERENCES 93 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (2,43 Mb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Cardiac rehabilitation / Ilse Van Vlaenderen / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2010)
Cardiac rehabilitation : clinical effectiveness and utilisation in Belgium- Supplement [printed text] / Ilse Van Vlaenderen, Author ; Jodie Worrall, Author ; Syed Raza, Author ; An Colle, Author ; Cedric De Vos, Author ; Danielle Strens, Author ; Ömer R. Saka, Author ; Brigitte Moore, Author ; Marijke Eyssen , Author ; Dominique Paulus , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2010 . - 132 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.. - (KCE Reports. Health Services Research (HSR); 140S) .
ISSN : D/2010/10.273/68 : € 0,00
Study n. : 2009-22
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
2009-22 ; Cardiac rehabilitation ; Evidence-Based Practice ; Health Services Accessibility ; Health Services Needs and Demand ; R140 ; Rehabilitation centers
WG 166 Cardiovascular Diseases, Diagnosis and Therapeutics -- TherapeuticsContents note: GLOSSARY 2 -- 1 APPENDICES SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW 3 -- Appendix 1: systematic review Search strategy 3 -- Appendix 2: RCT Search strategy 10 -- Appendix 3: INAHTA member websites searched 17 -- 2 APPENDICES: ANALYSIS OF IMA DATABASE 79 -- Appendix 1: Nomenclature codes used for patient classification 79 -- Appendix 2: Description of patient inclusion and exclusion 85 -- appendix 3: Rehabilitation sequences 86 -- Appendix 4 rehabilitation related data during the entire one-year observation period 87 -- Appendix 5: cost related to rehabilitation 91 -- Appendix 6 socio-demographic patient characteristics 98 -- Appendix 7 Geographical spread of patients in outpatient rehabilitation 99 -- Appendix 8 Cardiac disease related medical care consumption 103 -- Appendix 9: Multivariate analysis 107 -- 3 APPENDIX : SURVEY 109 -- Patient Survey questionnaires 109 -- List of participating hospitals/centres 117 -- Participating cardiologists 117 -- Details on patients’ characteristics 118 -- Details on the participation to the rehabilitation programme 121 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (1,18 Mb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Cardiale revalidatie / Ilse Van Vlaenderen / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2010)
Cardiale revalidatie : klinische doeltreffendheid en gebruik in België [printed text] / Ilse Van Vlaenderen, Author ; Jodie Worrall, Author ; Syed Raza, Author ; An Colle, Author ; Cedric De Vos, Author ; Danielle Strens, Author ; Ömer R. Saka, Author ; Brigitte Moore, Author ; Marijke Eyssen , Author ; Dominique Paulus , Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2010 . - IX, 100 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.. - (KCE Reports A. Health Services Research (HSR); 140A) .
ISSN : D/2010/10.273/65 : € 0,00
Studie nr : 2009-22
Languages : English (eng) Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Indexation
2009-22 ; Cardiac rehabilitation ; Evidence-Based Practice ; Health Services Accessibility ; Health Services Needs and Demand ; R140 ; Rehabilitation centers
WG 166 Cardiovascular Diseases, Diagnosis and Therapeutics -- TherapeuticsAbstract: Hartrevalidatie met lichamelijke oefeningen heeft een gunstig effect op de levenskwaliteit van hartpatiënten en vermindert het aantal hospitalisaties en overlijdens. Dit is een belangrijke conclusie van een studie van het Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) en Deloitte®. Toch volgt minder dan een op 2 hartpatiënten revalidatie na hospitalisatie. Vooral ouderen en vrouwen dreigen uit de boot te vallen. Als belangrijkste redenen vermelden ze tijdsgebrek, het idee dat ze ook wel zonder deze behandeling zullen genezen, de afstand tot een erkend revalidatiecentrum en het gebrek aan transportmiddelen. Het KCE pleit voor de ontwikkeling van individueel aangepaste oefen- en begeleidingsprogramma’s bij het ontslag uit het ziekenhuis, gespreid over verschillende maanden en dichtbij de woonplaats van de patiënt. Contents note: GLOSSARY 3 -- 1 BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4 -- 1.1 BACKGROUND 4 -- 1.1.1 Cardiac rehabilitation 4 -- 1.1.2 Different approaches to cardiac rehabilitation 4 -- 1.1.3 Heart disease and treatment goals 4 -- 1.1.4 Organisation of multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation in Belgium 5 -- 1.1.5 Treatment access 5 -- 1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 6 -- 1.3 PARTS OF THE STUDY 6 -- 2 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW 7 -- 2.1 RESEARCH QUESTION 7 -- 2.2 METHODS 7 -- 2.2.1 Selection of studies 7 -- 2.2.2 Project Outline 8 -- 2.2.3 Literature search strategy 9 -- 2.2.4 Assessing methodological quality and risk of bias 9 -- 2.2.5 Data extraction 10 -- 2.3 RESULTS 10 -- 2.3.1 Phase I: systematic reviews and meta-analyses 10 -- 2.3.2 Phase II: original RCTs 17 -- 2.3.3 Multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation versus exercise 22 -- 2.4 HTA DOCUMENTS 22 -- 2.5 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 24 -- 2.5.1 Summary of results 24 -- 2.5.2 Additional Cochrane reviews published in 2010 25 -- 2.5.3 Discussion of results 26 -- 2.5.4 Systematic review of the economic literature 27 -- 2.5.5 Comparison of the current results with guidance documents 28 -- 3 REHABILITATION AFTER DEFINED CARDIAC PROCEDURES IN BELGIUM: -- DATA ANALYSIS 32 -- 3.1 METHODOLOGY 32 -- 3.1.1 Data source 32 -- 3.1.2 Study period and observation period 32 -- 3.1.3 Target population and patient selection procedure 33 -- 3.1.4 Data collection 34 -- 3.1.5 Patient classification 35 -- 3.1.6 Data analysis 38 -- 3.2 RESULTS 39 -- 3.2.1 Patients selected for analysis. 39 -- 3.2.2 Patient Geographical Spread 40 -- 3.2.3 Type of Rehabilitation 41 -- 3.2.4 Rehabilitation related data 45 -- 3.2.5 Utilisation of rehabilitation types per socio-demographic patient characteristics 53 -- 3.2.6 Cardiac centre related data 60 -- 3.2.7 Multivariate analysis 61 -- 3.2.8 Cardiac disease related resource use: outpatient visits and diagnostic tests 65 -- 3.3 SUMMARY AND LIMITATIONS 69 -- 3.3.1 Summary of the descriptive statistics 69 -- 3.3.2 Summary of the multivariate analyses 70 -- 3.3.3 Strengths and limitations of the data analysis 70 -- 4 PATIENT SURVEY 71 -- 4.1 METHODOLOGY 71 -- 4.1.1 Study design 71 -- 4.1.2 Study population 71 -- 4.1.3 Time horizon 71 -- 4.1.4 Patient recruitment 72 -- 4.1.5 Data management & privacy 72 -- 4.1.6 Data collection 72 -- 4.1.7 Data analysis 73 -- 4.2 RESULTS 74 -- 4.2.1 Cardiologists 74 -- 4.2.2 Characteristics of the patients. 74 -- 4.2.3 Participation to the cardiac rehabilitation programme 75 -- 4.3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE SURVEY 86 -- 4.3.1 Main results 86 -- 4.3.2 Limitations of the survey 87 -- 5 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 88 -- 5.1 DEFINITIONS OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY REHABILITATION 88 -- 5.2 EVIDENCE ABOUT EXERCISE AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY CARDIAC REHABILITATION -- INCLUDING EXERCISE 88 -- 5.3 LACK OF PRECISION ABOUT TARGET POPULATIONS AND OTHER FEATURES OF -- CARDIAC REHABILITATION 89 -- 5.4 PARTICIPATION IN REHABILITATION PROGRAMMES IN BELGIUM 89 -- 5.4.1 Influence of patient characteristics 89 -- 5.4.2 Other factors that influence the participation in cardiac rehabilitation programmes 91 -- 5.4.3 Limits in the comparison between this study and the data from the literature 91 -- 6 REFERENCES 93 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (2,33 Mb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Gebruik van de BELRAI-suite in de revalidatiezorg / Anja Desomer / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
PermalinkRééducation cardiaque / Ilse Van Vlaenderen / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2010)
PermalinkUse of the Belrai suite in rehabilitation care / Anja Desomer / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
PermalinkUtilisation de la suite BelRai dans les soins de réadaptation / Anja Desomer / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)