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Active ageing and solidarity between generations : A statistical portrait of the European Union 2012 [printed text] . - Brussels [Belgium] : European Commission, 2011 . - 141 p. : ill., ; 14,8 x 21 cm.
ISBN : 978-92-79-21507-0 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Aged ; Aged, 80 and over ; European Union ; Health Services for the Aged
HN 25 - Statistics. Social indicators. Quality of lifeAbstract: The European Union's population structure is changing and becoming progressively older – at the beginning of 2010, there were 87 million people aged 65 and over in the EU, more than 17 % of the total population. In response to demographic challenges being faced within Europe, the European Union designated 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. The overall objective of the European Year is to facilitate the creation of an active ageing culture in Europe based on a society for all ages. As Europeans live longer and healthier lives, governments are looking for ways to involve older persons more in society and to keep them active. Eurostat is marking the European Year by publishing this book which contains statistics on topics such as demography, healthcare, pensions, volunteering and adult learning. Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: Dementie / Brussel [Belgique] : Politeia Uitgeverij (2015)
Dementie : van begrijpen naar begeleiden Handboek voor referentiepersonen dementie en andere betrokkenen [printed text] . - Brussel [Belgique] : Politeia Uitgeverij, 2015.
ISBN : 978-2-509-01291-3 : € 59,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Aged ; Aged, 80 and over ; Mental Disorders ; Mental Health ; Mental Health Services
WM 140 Mental disorders (General)Abstract: Door het MB van 1 juni 2010 ter financiering van de referentiepersoon dementie zetten de woonzorgcentra en hun bewoners met dementie een belangrijke stap voorwaarts. Waar moet u echter de informatie halen om deze stap zinvol in te vullen? Het Expertisecentrum Dementie Vlaanderen biedt in samenwerking met de regionale expertisecentra u een opleiding tot referentiepersoon met daaraan gekoppeld een handboek Dementie: van begrijpen naar begeleiden. Hiermee zult u klaargestoomd worden om als aanspreekpunt op te treden in verband met alle vragen met betrekking tot de omkadering van en de begeleiding die gegeven wordt aan personen die lijden aan dementie en hun omgeving.
Dit handboek richt zich tot referentiepersonen dementie en andere betrokken hulpverleners. Het is een tastbare neerslag van de vele inzichten en instrumenten die deelnemers aan de opleiding tot referentiepersoon meekrijgen. Maar we willen hen en andere geïnteresseerden hiermee ook na en buiten de opleiding een nooit opdrogende bron van informatie verschaffen. We putten daarvoor uit de rijkdom van Vlaamse initiatieven en goede praktijken rond dementie, zonder buitenlandse expertise uit het oog te verliezen.
Het handboek speelt in op de nood aan informatie en begeleiding van iedereen die geconfronteerd wordt met dementie. Ondanks de toenemende aandacht voor dementie in de media, blijven er nog heel wat misverstanden overeind. Door middel van het handboek kunt u meewerken aan het ontwikkelen van een kwaliteitsbeleid.
De begeleiding van personen met dementie en hun omgeving worden vanuit verschillende invalshoeken belicht. Zowel referentiepersonen dementie, als leidinggevenden en medewerkers in de thuiszorg, in dagverzorgingscentra en woonzorgcentra, geneesheren, mantelzorgers en alle hulpverleners zullen door middel van dit boek gevoed worden met zowel wetenschappelijke als praktijkgerichte evidentie. Het is een praktische inspiratiebron om te komen tot een goed onderbouwd en verantwoord dementiebeleid.
Via de abonnementsformule ontvangt u tweemaal per jaar nieuwe bijdragen met de meest actuele inzichten, methodieken, casussen en uiteraard de meest recente wijzigingen in wet- en regelgeving. De cd-rom bij dit handboek werd vervangen door een website waarop u aanvullende informatie kunt raadplegen. Zo schaaft het expertisecentrum ook na de opleiding tot referentiepersoon steeds aan uw kennis en vaardigheden. Dit handboek houdt u voortdurend op de hoogte van nieuwe tendensen en innoverende projecten zodat u zich door deze kennis kunt laten inspireren.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03259 WM 140 / DEM Book KCE Library (10.124) Available 10273-03260 WM 140 / DEM Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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[article] Do informal caregivers for elderly in the community use support measures? [printed text] / Evi Willems, Author ; Sibyl Anthierens, Author ; Maria-Isabel Farfan-Portet, Author ; Olivier Schmitz, Author ; Jean Macq, Author ; Hilde Bastiaens, Author ; Tinne Dilles, Author ; Roy Remmen, Author . - 2016 . - 10 p.
Languages : English (eng)
in BMC Health Services Research > 16(2016)270 [07/06/2016] . - 10 p.
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Aged ; Aged, 80 and over ; Continuity of Patient Care ; Europe ; Long-Term Care ; Peer ReviewAbstract: Background: Informal caregivers are essential figures for maintaining frail elderly at home. Providing informal care can affect the informal caregivers’ physical and psychological health and labour market participation capabilities. They need support to prevent caregiver burden. A variety of existing support measures can help the caregiver care for the elderly at home, but with some limitations. The objective of this review was to explore the experiences of informal caregivers caring for elderly in the community with the use of supportive policy measures in Belgium and compare these to the experiences in other European countries.
Methods: An empirical qualitative case study research was conducted in five European countries (Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Germany). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with informal caregivers and their dependent elderly. Interview data from the different cases were analysed. In particular data from Belgium was compared to data from the cases abroad.
Results: Formal services (e.g. home care) were reported to have the largest impact on allowing the caregiver to care for the dependent elderly at home. One of the key issues in Belgium is the lack of timely access to reliable information about formal and informal services in order to proactively support the informal caregiver. Compared to the other countries, informal caregivers in Belgium expressed more difficulties in accessing support measures and navigating through the health system. In the other countries information seemed to be given more timely when home care was provided via care packages.
Conclusion: To support the informal caregiver, who is the key person to support the frail elderly, fragmentation of information regarding supportive policy measures is an important issue of concern. Keywords: (Family) caregivers, Continuity of care, Long term care, Primary care, SupportLink for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: [article]E-copies
Willemse E_2016_BMC Health Serv Res_16_270.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF Effect of hospital volume on processes of care and 5-year survival after breast cancer / France Vrijens in The Breast, 21(2012)03 ([06/01/2012])
[article] Effect of hospital volume on processes of care and 5-year survival after breast cancer : A population-based study on 25 000 women [printed text] / France Vrijens , Author ; Sabine Stordeur, Author ; Koen Beirens, Author ; Stephan Devriese , Author ; E. Van Eycken, Author ; Joan Vlayen , Author . - 2012 . - 261-266.
Languages : English (eng)
in The Breast > 21(2012)03 [06/01/2012] . - 261-266
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
2008-52 ; Adult ; Aged, 80 and over ; Belgium ; Breast Neoplasms ; Hospital Mortality ; Outcome Assessment (Health Care) ; Quality Indicators, Health Care ; R150 ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading]Abstract: PURPOSE: To compare processes of care and survival for breast cancer by hospital volume in Belgium, based on 11 validated process quality indicators. METHODS: Three databases were linked at the patient level: the Cancer Registry, the population and the claims databases. All women with a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer between 2004 and 2006 were selected. Hospitals were classified according to their annual volume of treated patients: <50 (very low), 50-99 (low), 100-149 (medium) and >/= 150 patients (high). Cox and logistic regression models were used to test differences in 5-year survival and in achievement of process indicators across volume categories, adjusting for age, tumor grade and stage. RESULTS: A total of 25178 women with invasive breast cancer were treated in 111 hospitals. Half of the hospitals (N=57) treated <50 patients per year. Six of eleven process indicators showed higher rates in high-volume hospitals: multidisciplinary team meeting, cytological and/or histological assessment before surgery, use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, breast-conserving surgery rate, adjuvant radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery, and follow-up mammography. Higher volume was also associated with improved survival. The 5-year observed survival rates were 74.9%, 78.8%, 79.8% and 83.9% for patients treated in very-low-, low-, medium- and high-volume hospitals respectively. After case-mix adjustment, patients treated in very-low- or low-volume hospitals had a hazard ratio for death of 1.26 (95% CI 1.12, 1.42) and 1.15 (95% CI 1.01, 1.30) respectively compared with high-volume hospitals. CONCLUSION: Survival benefits reported in high-volume hospitals suggest a better application of recommended processes of care, justifying the centralization of breast cancer care in such hospitals. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Requires Subscription] Record link: [article]Efficacy and safety of ertapenem versus piperacillin-tazobactam for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections requiring surgical intervention / AS Dela Pena in Journal of gastrointestinal surgery, 10(2006)4 ([04/01/2006])
[article] Efficacy and safety of ertapenem versus piperacillin-tazobactam for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections requiring surgical intervention [printed text] / AS Dela Pena, Author ; W. Asperger, Author ; F. Köckerling, Author ; R. Raz, Author ; R. Kafka, Author ; B. Warren, Author ; M. Shivaprakash, Author ; France Vrijens , Author ; H. Giezek, Author ; M.J. DiNubile, Author ; C.Y. Chan, Author . - 2006 . - 567-74.
Languages : English (eng)
in Journal of gastrointestinal surgery > 10(2006)4 [04/01/2006] . - 567-74
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Abdomen ; Abscess ; Adolescent ; Adult ; Aged ; Aged, 80 and over ; Alanine Transaminase ; Anti-Bacterial Agents ; Bacterial Infections ; Bacteroides Infections ; beta-Lactams ; Escherichia coli Infections ; Female ; Gastrointestinal Diseases ; Humans ; Journal Article ; Male ; Middle Aged ; Peer Review ; Penicillanic Acid ; Peritonitis ; Piperacillin ; Prospective Studies ; Treatment outcome ; United StatesAbstract: Complicated intra-abdominal infections usually mandate prompt surgical intervention supplemented by appropriate antimicrobial therapy. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that ertapenem was not inferior to piperacillin-tazobactam for the treatment of community-acquired intra-abdominal infections. A randomized open-label active-comparator clinical trial was conducted at 48 medical centers on four continents from December 2001 to February 2003. Adult patients with intra-abdominal infections requiring surgery were randomized to receive either ertapenem 1 g daily or piperacillin/tazobactam 13.5 g daily in 3-4 divided doses. The primary analysis of efficacy was the clinical response rate in clinically and microbiologically evaluable patients at the test-of-cure assessment 2 weeks after completion of therapy. All treated patients were included in the safety analysis. Patient demographics, disease characteristics, and treatment duration in both treatment groups were generally similar. The most commonly isolated pathogens at baseline were E coli (greater than 50% of cases in each group) and B fragilis ( approximately 9%). Favorable clinical response rates were 107/119 (90%) for ertapenem recipients and 107/114 (94%) for piperacillin/tazobactam recipients. The frequencies of drug-related adverse events, most commonly diarrhea and elevated serum alanine aminotransferase levels, were similar in both treatment groups. Six of 180 ertapenem recipients (3%) and two of 190 piperacillin/tazobactam recipients (1%) had serious drug-related adverse experiences. In this study, ertapenem and piperacillin/tazobactam were comparably safe and effective treatments for adult patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections. Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: [article]Establishing the relationship between nurse staffing and hospital mortality using a clustered discrete-time logistic model / Luwis Diya in Statistics in medicine, 29(2010)7-8 ([03/30/2010])
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