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Access 97 pour Windows 95/NT / Anatole d'Hardancourt / Marsat [France] : Sybex (1997)
Access 97 pour Windows 95/NT : Mode d'emploi [printed text] / Anatole d'Hardancourt, Author . - Marsat [France] : Sybex, 1997 . - xi, 257 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. + CD-ROM (8 cm.).
ISBN : 978-2-7361-2376-5 : 69 FF
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 76.9.D26 Database design
Access (Microsoft) ; Databases as Topic ; WindowsRecord link: Copies(0)
Status No copy
EndNote = Getting started Guide for Mac OS X and Windows : ...Bibliographies Made Easy [printed text] / Thomson ResearchSoft, Author . - Thomson, 2006 . - 105 p.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 76.755 - Computer Software. Handbook
EndNote ; Macintosh (Apple) ; Software ; WindowsRecord link: Copies(0)
Status No copy E-copies
EndNote X connection file to BIBKCE cataloguePlain text: documents; program listingsReaders who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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Getting started with Stata : for Windows release 9 [printed text] . - College Station, Tex. : Stata Press, 2005 . - 183 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-881228-87-5
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 76.755 - Computer Software. Handbook
Software ; Stata ; Statistics ; WindowsRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00738 QA 76.755/ STA Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition / Microsoft Corporation / Microsoft Corporation (2003)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition : Getting Started [printed text] / Microsoft Corporation, Author . - Microsoft Corporation, 2003 . - 209 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISSN : X09-38360 : 0 €
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 76.755 - Computer Software. Handbook
Handbooks ; Operating systems (Computers) ; Software ; WindowsRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01995 QA 76.755 / MIC Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Windows 7 and Vista guide to scripting, automation, and command line tools / Brian Knittel / Indianapolis, Ind. : Que Pub. (2011)
Windows 7 and Vista guide to scripting, automation, and command line tools [printed text] / Brian Knittel . - Indianapolis, Ind. : Que Pub., 2011 . - 817 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-7897-3728-1 : € 35,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 76.755 - Computer Software. Handbook
Handbooks ; Operating systems (Computers) ; Programming Languages ; Software ; WindowsAbstract: Windows 7 and Vista contain state-of-the-art tools for streamlining or automating virtually any system management task. If you’re a power user, administrator, or developer, these tools can help you eliminate repetitive work and manage your systems far more reliably and effectively. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02178 QA 76.755 / KNI Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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