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[serial] See available issues Search in serial Alcohol and alcoholism = Alcohol Alcohol : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism. [printed text] / Jonathan D. Chick, Author . - Oxford University Press : NW1 4LB [England] : Medical Council on Alcohol, 1963.
ISSN : 0735-0414
IF :
Indexed In : Index medicus (1984-....)
MEDLINE (1984-....)
PubMed (1984-....)
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Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Alcohols ; Ethanol ; Great Britain ; Peer Review ; PeriodicalsAbstract: Alcohol and Alcoholism publishes papers on biomedical, psychological and sociological aspects of alcoholism and alcohol research, provided that they make a new and significant contribution to knowledge in the field. Papers include new results obtained experimentally, descriptions of new experimental (including clinical) methods of importance to the field of alcohol research and treatment, or new interpretations of existing results. Theoretical contributions are considered equally with papers dealing with experimental work provided that such theoretical contribution are not of a largely speculative or philosophical nature. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: Alcool et médecine générale / Dominique Huas / Neuilly sur Seine [France] : Global Média Santé (2010)
Alcool et médecine générale [printed text] / Dominique Huas, Author ; Bernard Rueff, Author . - Neuilly sur Seine [France] : Global Média Santé, 2010 . - 194 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
ISBN : 978-2-919616-03-9 : € 19,80
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Indexation
Alcoholism ; Alcohols ; Physician-Patient Relations ; Therapy
WM 274 Alcohol-related disordersAbstract: Ensemble des connaissances actuelles, utiles et applicables en médecine générale, sur le thème de l'alcool. Des généralités précisent la réalité du problème alcool en médecine générale. Présente le raisonnement du médecin confronté à un patient chez qui il est amené à évoquer le problème. La consultation se déroule jusqu'à la pose du diagnostic alcoologique et à la prise en charge qui en découle. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02335 WM 274 / HUA Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Guide de consultation prénatale Alexander, Sophie Explain pain supercharged Moseley, G. Lorimer Orthopedic physical examination tests Cook, Chad L'alcool en questions / vincent Seutin / Bruxelles : Mardaga (2015)
L'alcool en questions [printed text] / vincent Seutin, Author ; Jacqueline Scuvée-Moreau, Author ; Etienne Quertemont, Author . - Bruxelles : Mardaga, 2015 . - 221 p. : ill., ; 22 cm. - (PSY. Émotion, intervention, santé; 10) .
ISBN : 978-2-8047-0272-4 : € 25,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Indexation
Alcohol-Related Disorders ; Alcohols ; Health Care ; Psychology
WM 274 Alcohol-related disordersRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03118 WM 274 / SEU Book KCE Library (10.124) Available
[article] CUGE : a screening instrument for alcohol abuse and dependence in students [printed text] / Ann Van den Bruel, Author ; Bert Aertgeerts, Author ; F. Buntinx, Author ; K. Hoppenbrouwers, Author ; M. Roelants, Author . - 2004 . - 439-444.
Languages : English (eng)
in Alcohol and alcoholism > 39(2004)5 [08/02/2004] . - 439-444
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adult ; Alcoholism ; Alcohols ; Cross-Sectional Studies ; Diagnosis ; Epidemiology ; Female ; Great Britain ; Humans ; Journal Article ; Mass Screening ; Peer Review ; Sensitivity and specificity ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; StudentsAbstract: OBJECTIVES: The prevalence of alcohol abuse on college campuses ranges from 7 to 17%. Frequent heavy drinkers place themselves and others at risk for a variety of adverse consequences and frequently remain undetected. Brief individual interventions result in a significant reduction on the number of drinks. Therefore, detection of students at risk is useful and desirable. The CUGE has been elsewhere described as a promising screening device for problem drinking in students. In order to determine the diagnostic value of this new questionnaire, we set up a validation study in a new and independent population of freshmen. METHODS: A cross-sectional diagnostic study. Participants were college freshmen of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. All students received a questionnaire, containing the CUGE, being the test of interest, and the CIDI as the reference test. RESULTS: The CUGE combines a very high sensitivity of 91% with a reasonable specificity of 76.3% in this validation group. CONCLUSIONS: The CUGE is an excellent screening device in this population of students. In addition, it is a short questionnaire with only yes or no questions. This makes the CUGE easily applicable as a part of broad routine questionnaires. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: [article]Studenten screenen op alcoholmisbruik en -afhankelijkheid / Ann Van den Bruel in Huisarts Nu, 35(2006)02 ([03/15/2006])
[article] Studenten screenen op alcoholmisbruik en -afhankelijkheid : De diagnostische waarde van de CUGE-vragenlijst [printed text] / Ann Van den Bruel, Author ; Bert Aertgeerts, Author ; K. Hoppenbrouwers, Author ; M. Roelants, Author ; F. Buntinx, Author . - 2006 . - 87-94.
Languages : Dutch (dut)
in Huisarts Nu > 35(2006)02 [03/15/2006] . - 87-94
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Alcoholism ; Alcohols ; Belgium ; Cross-Sectional Studies ; Epidemiology ; Humans ; Journal Article ; Mass Screening ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; StudentsAbstract: Bij eerstejaarsstudenten aan de universiteit komt veel drinken vaak voor. Specifiek voor deze populatie werd de CUGE-screeningsvragenlijst ontwikkeld, die in een initieel onderzoek al is uitgetest. Dit artikel brengt verslag uit van de resultaten van het tweede validatieonderzoek. Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: PDF [Requires Subscription] Record link: [article]