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Eduquer sans punir / Roland Coenen / Ramonville Saint-Agne : Eres (2004)
Eduquer sans punir : une anthropologie de l'adolescence à risques [printed text] / Roland Coenen, Author . - Ramonville Saint-Agne : Eres, 2004 . - 134 p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 24 cm. - (Relations (Toulouse), ISSN 1160-0950) .
ISBN : 978-2-7492-0360-7 : € 24,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Indexation
education ; Problem Solving ; Social intégration ; Young Adult
HM 711 Groups and organizations -- General worksRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03436 HM 711 / COE Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Verloskunde in beweging II Eggermont, Marlies Mémento du Droit de la Jeunesse 2019 Preumont, M. Enterprise Content Management / Tom Jenkins / Waterloo [Canada] : Open Text (2004)
Enterprise Content Management : what you need to know. [printed text] / Tom Jenkins, Author . - 2nd . - Waterloo [Canada] : Open Text, 2004 . - IX, 306 p.
ISBN : 978-0-9730662-5-8
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
HD 30.2 Electronic Data Processing. Information Technology. Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Management
Knowledge management ; SoftwareKeywords: LiveLink Abstract: Studies have shown that most organizations already house much of the content they need to make key business decisions, faster. Consider the following:
- The number of e-mails sent every day in North America has tripled to 11.9 billion since 1999
- Employees in today's hi-tech world spend 2.2 hours each day reading, managing and organizing their e-mail.
The challenge lies in effectively finding, organizing, storing and managing growing amounts of information. The effective management of content is good for business. Companies that manage content are able to better leverage information to respond quickly to opportunities, achieve high rates of return on investment and gain competitive edge.
Enterprise Content Management: What you need to know tells you how ECM can help to transform your organization into a more knowledgeable and agile enterprise. It also focuses on another topical area of concern — corporate governance and regulatory compliance. Recent legislation (such as Sarbanes-Oxley, the Patriot Act and Basel II compliance) will impact many organizations throughout the world and has moved governance to the top of the management agenda. From a business perspective, the book explores the quality controls and productivity enhancements realized when an organization uses the latest in secure Internet technology to deploy an ECM solution.
Each chapter in the book focuses on a component technology of ECM, tracing their origins from the early search technologies to ubiquitous computing, real-time collaboration and rich media. Over 60 user stories are featured throughout the book to illustrate effective ECM applications in action and paint the picture of an industry in the making.Contents note: Chapter 01 The Business Needs
Chapter 02 ECM Technologies
Chapter 03 Compliance and Corporate Governance
Chapter 04 Search
Chapter 05 Knowledge Management
Chapter 06 Document Management
Chapter 07 Archiving and Document Lifecycle Management
Chapter 08 Web Content Management
Chapter 09 Transactions and Enterprise Application Extensions
Chapter 10 Teams and Collaboration
Chapter 11 Portals
Chapter 12 Rich Media and Digital Asset Management
Chapter 13 Messaging and E-Mail Management
Chapter 14 Workflow and Business Process Management
Chapter 15 Enterprise Adoption
Chapter 16 ECM and the FutureRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00374 HD30.2/JEN Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Equality of opportunity / John E. Roemer / Cambridge (Mass) [USA] : Harvard University Press
Equality of opportunity [printed text] / John E. Roemer, Author . - Cambridge (Mass) [USA] : Harvard University Press, [s.d.] . - 128 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-674-00422-1
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Competition ; Distributive justice ; Equality ; Mathematical models ; Social policy ; Welfare economics
HB 846 Welfare theory - General worksAbstract: John Roemer points out that there are two views of equality of opportunity that are widely held today. The first, which he calls the nondiscrimination principle, states that in the competition for positions in society, individuals should be judged only on attributes relevant to the performance of the duties of the position in question. Attributes such as race or sex should not be taken into account. The second states that society should do what it can to level the playing field among persons who compete for positions, especially during their formative years, so that all those who have the relevant potential attributes can be considered.
Common to both positions is that at some point the principle of equal opportunity holds individuals accountable for achievements of particular objectives, whether they be education, employment, health, or income. Roemer argues that there is consequently a "before" and an "after" in the notion of equality of opportunity: before the competition starts, opportunities must be equalized, by social intervention if need be; but after it begins, individuals are on their own. The different views of equal opportunity should be judged according to where they place the starting gate which separates "before" from "after." Roemer works out in a precise way how to determine the location of the starting gate in the different views.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01025 HB 846/ROE Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 12/31/2020 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
The economics of health and health care Folland, Sherman Carol Gilligan et l'éthique du care Nurock, Vanessa La sécurité sociale: son histoire à travers les textes. Tome VI - 1981-2005 Laroque, Michel The Hastings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment and Care Near the End of Life Berlinger, Nancy Handbook of health economics Culyer, A. J., Newhouse, Joseph P. Handbook of obesity intervention for the lifespan James, Larry C., Linton, John An introduction to randomized controlled clinical trials Matthews, John N.S. Justice Sandel, Michael J. Taming the beloved beast Callahan, Daniel Public ends, private means Preker, Alexander S. Au chevet de la santé Zucman, Gabriel Essays on risk adjustment in health insurance / Carine Van de Voorde / Leuven [Belgium] : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) (2010)
Essays on risk adjustment in health insurance [printed text] / Carine Van de Voorde, Author . - Leuven [Belgium] : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), 2010 . - 155 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Faculteit economie en bedrijfswetenschappen) .
Proefschrift voorgedragen tot het behalen van de graad van Doctor in de Economische Wetenschappen, Leuven 2010
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Belgium ; Economics, Medical ; Insurance, Health, Reimbursement ; Risk Adjustment ; Social Security
HG 8026 Insurance -- Theory. Method. Relation to other subjectsRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03236 HG 8026 / VAN Thesis KCE Library (10.124) Available Ethics and the pharmaceutical industry / Michael A. Santoro / Cambridge [U.K.] : Cambridge University Press (2007)
Ethics and the pharmaceutical industry [printed text] / Michael A. Santoro, Author ; Thomas M. Gorrie, Author . - Cambridge [U.K.] : Cambridge University Press, 2007 . - 492 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-521-70888-3
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Drug Industry ; Ethics, Medical ; Pharmaceutical Preparations ; Research
HD 9665.5 Pharmaceutical IndustryAbstract: DescriptionContentsResourcesAbout the Authors
Despite the pharmaceutical industry's notable contributions to human progress, including the development of miracle drugs for treating cancer, AIDS, and heart disease, there is a growing tension between the industry and the public. Debates are raging over how the industry can and should be expected to act. In this volume leading figures in industry, government, NGOs, the medical community, and academia discuss and propose solutions to the ethical dilemmas of drug industry behavior. They examine such aspects as the role of intellectual property rights and patent protection, the moral and economic requisites of research and clinical trials, drug pricing, marketing and advertising. . Michael Santoro is Associate Professor with tenure in the Business Environment Department at Rutgers Business School, where he teaches courses on business ethics, public policy, labor and human rights, law, ethical issues in the pharmaceutical industry and China business strategy. As a Research Associate at Harvard Business School, he wrote or co-authored nearly thirty case studies and teaching notes on ethical and legal topics such as global protection of intellectual property, insider trading, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Fair Credit Reporting Act. Thomas Gorrie is Corporate Vice President, Government Affairs & Policy, at Johnson & Johnson, with responsiblity for all federal, state and international government affairs and policy. He completed post-doctoral studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, following the receipt of his doctorate at Princeton University. Gorrie has over 30 years of worldwide health care experience and has worked with various Johnson & Johnson companies in research and development, marketing and sales, business development, strategic planning, general management, international, venture capital, and health policy.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02788 HD 9665.5 / SAN Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Gezondheidszorg in België Peers, Jan Les soins de santé en belgique Peers, Jan Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation Briggs, Andrew H. Etude relative aux coûts potentiels liés à une éventuelle modification des règles du droit de la responsabilité médicale (phase III) / Xavier Maréchal / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2006)
PermalinkEvacuatie - Oefeningen / Louvain-l-Neuve : ANPI (2011)
PermalinkEvaluation / Peter Henri Rossi / London, Thousand Oaks, Calif., New Delhi : Sage Publications (2004)
PermalinkEvidence-based werken in de verslavingszorg / Mieke Autrique / Gent [Belgium] : Academia press (2007)
PermalinkFace à l'irresponsabilité / Alain Supiot / Publications du Collège de France (2018)
PermalinkDe financiële compensatie van de slachtoffers van transfusie-ongevallen / Christian Léonard / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
PermalinkDe financiële compensatie van de slachtoffers van transfusie-ongevallen / Christian Léonard / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2016)
PermalinkFinancing long-term care in Europe / Joan Costa-Font / New York [United State] : Macmillan : Metropolitan Books (2012)
PermalinkFlexicurity and the lifecourse / Ute Klammer / Brussels [Belgium] : FOD Sociale Zekerheid = SPF Sécurité sociale (2007)
PermalinkFuture elderly living conditions in Europe / Joëlle Gaymu / Paris : Institut national d'études démographiques (2008)