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De welvaartsevolutie van de bodembescherming in België en de ons omringende landen / Natascha Van Mechelen / Brussels [Belgium] : FOD Sociale Zekerheid = SPF Sécurité sociale (2007)
De welvaartsevolutie van de bodembescherming in België en de ons omringende landen [printed text] / Natascha Van Mechelen, Author ; Bea Cantillon, Author ; Kristel Bogaerts, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : FOD Sociale Zekerheid = SPF Sécurité sociale, 2007 . - 34 p.. - (Working paper, ISSN 1781-5290; 5) .
Languages : Dutch (dut)
Descriptors: Indexation
Belgium ; Comparative Study ; Labor policy
HD 5706 Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand.-- General worksContents note: 1. Inleiding -- 2. Methodologische noot -- 3. De evolutie van de Belgische sociale minima -- 4. De evolutie van de Belgische minima in internationaal perspectief -- 5. De wettelijke aanpassingsmechanismen -- 6. Conclusies Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Record link: Wilsbekwaamheid in de medische praktijk / Irma Hein / Utrecht : De Tijdstroom (2017)
Wilsbekwaamheid in de medische praktijk [printed text] / Irma Hein, Author ; Adger Hondius, Author . - Utrecht : De Tijdstroom, 2017 . - 212 p. : ill., ; 23 cm.
ISBN : 978-90-5898-064-9 : € 34,00
Languages : Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Indexation
Adolescent ; Aged ; Aged, 80 and over ; Child ; Evaluation ; Mental Disorders ; Mental Health
HV 715 Protection, assistance and relief -- Children -- General specialAbstract: De hulpverlener is door zijn behandelrelatie en expertise de aangewezen persoon om een inschatting te maken van de wilsbekwaamheid van zijn patiënt ten aanzien van een medische beslissing. Deze inschatting is een ingewikkelde kwestie die snel aanleiding geeft tot discussie. De internationaal erkende MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool (MacCAT) maakt het mogelijk om de beoordeling van wilsbekwaamheid in de klinische praktijk te standaardiseren. Dit semi-gestructureerde interview is een niet meer weg te denken hulpmiddel bij het bepalen of patiënten wilsbekwaam zijn om informed consent voor behandeling (MacCAT-T) of deelname aan onderzoek (MacCAT-CR) te geven. Het MacCAT-interview leidt tot meer objectiviteit bij de beoordeling van wilsbekwaamheid.
In dit boek is de Nederlandse vertaling van MacCAT opgenomen. Daarnaast wordt de toepassing van de MacCAT beschreven in de beoordeling van ouderen, minderjarigen, patiënten met anorexia nervosa, met een verstandelijke beperking, bij zwangerschap en bij verzoek om euthanasie. Daarnaast komen juridische en ethische aspecten van wilsbekwaamheidsbeoordeling aan bod. Er wordt ingegaan op verbanden tussen wilsbekwaamheid en toerekeningsvatbaarheid en op wilsbekwaamheid bij mentorschap.
Dit boek geeft praktische handvatten voor het omgaan met wilsbekwaamheid in de gezondheidszorg. Het is bedoeld voor artsen, onderzoekers, psychologen en andere professionals in zowel de somatische- als de geestelijke gezondheidszorg en is daarnaast informatief voor ethici en gezondheidsjuristen.
Irma Hein is kinder- en jeugdpsychiater, gepromoveerd op onderzoek naar wilsbekwaamheid en postdoconderzoeker. Adger Hondius is psychiater en geneesheer-directeur en heeft expertise op het gebied van wilsbekwaamheid en juridische aspecten in de ggz.
Het draait om de vier kernbegrippen, zeggen Hein en Hondius in het interview dat 28 november in Medisch Contact verscheen. Het gaat om: 'Begrip, waardering, redenering en een consistente keuze uiten.'Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03374 HV 715 / HEI Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 03/21/2024 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Together we care Pauwels, Johan Handboek gezondheidsrecht Vansweevelt, Thierry Handboek gezondheidsrecht Vansweevelt, Thierry Jaarverslag 2004 Wetenschappelijke Vereniging van Vlaamse Huisartsen (WVVH) Digital Health Laws and regulations 2022 Belgium Van Obberghen, Olivier Handboek socialezekerheidsrecht Van langendonck, Jef Europees recht Lenaerts, Koen Ouderenmis(be)handeling, praat erover! Vlaams Ondersteuningscentrum Ouderenmis(be)handeling (VLOCO)
World report on disability [printed text] . - Geneva [Switzerland] : World Health Organisation (WHO), 2011 . - XXI, 325 p. : ill. ; A4.
ISBN : 978-92-4-068521-5 : € 0,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Delivery of Health Care ; Disabled children ; Disabled Persons ; Education, Special ; Employment, Supported ; Health Policy ; Rehabilitation ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; World Health Organization
HV 1553 - People with disabilitiesAbstract: About 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability, of whom 2-4% experience significant difficulties in functioning. The global disability prevalence is higher than previous WHO estimates, which date from the 1970s and suggested a figure of around 10%. This global estimate for disability is on the rise due to population ageing and the rapid spread of chronic diseases, as well as improvements in the methodologies used to measure disability.
The first ever WHO/World Bank World report on disability reviews evidence about the situation of people with disabilities around the world. Following chapters on understanding disability and measuring disability, the report contains topic-specific chapters on health; rehabilitation; assistance and support; enabling environments; education; and employment. Within each chapter, there is a discussion of the barriers confronted, and case studies showing how countries have succeeded in addressing these by promoting good practice. In its final chapter, the report offers nine concrete recommendations for policy and practice which if put in place could lead to real improvements in the lives of people with disability.
Contents note: Foreword ix -- Preface xi -- Acknowledgements xiii -- List of contributors xv -- Introduction xxi -- Understanding disability 1 -- What is disability? 3 -- Environment 4 -- The diversity of disability 7 -- Prevention 8 -- Disability and human rights 9 -- Disability and development 10 -- Disability – a global picture 19 -- Measuring disability 21 -- Prevalence of disability – difficulties in functioning 24 -- Country-reported disability prevalence 25 -- Global estimates of disability prevalence 25 -- Health conditions 32 -- Trends in health conditions associated with disability 32 -- Demographics 34 -- Older persons 34 -- Children 36 -- The environment 37 -- Health conditions are affected by environmental factors 37 -- Disability and poverty 39 -- Developed countries 39 -- Developing countries 39 -- Needs for services and assistance 40 -- Costs of disability 42 -- Direct costs of disability 43 -- Indirect costs 44 -- Conclusion and recommendations 44 -- Adopt the ICF 45 -- Improve national disability statistics 45 -- Improve the comparability of data 46 -- Develop appropriate tools and fill the research gaps 46 -- General health care 55 -- Understanding the health of people with disabilities 57 -- Primary health conditions 57 -- Risk of developing secondary conditions 58 -- Risk of developing co-morbid conditions 59 -- Greater vulnerability to age-related conditions 59 -- Increased rates of health risk behaviours 59 -- Greater risk of being exposed to violence 59 -- Higher risk of unintentional injury 60 -- Higher risk of premature death 60 -- Needs and unmet needs 60 -- Addressing barriers to health care 62 -- Reforming policy and legislation 65 -- Addressing barriers to financing and affordability 66 -- Addressing barriers to service delivery 70 -- Addressing human resource barriers 77 -- Filling gaps in data and research 80 -- Conclusion and recommendations 81 -- Policy and legislation 82 -- Financing and affordability 82 -- Service delivery 82 -- Human resources 83 -- Data and research 83 -- Rehabilitation 93 -- Understanding rehabilitation 95 -- Rehabilitation measures and outcomes 95 -- Rehabilitation medicine 97 -- Therapy 100 -- Assistive technologies 101 -- Rehabilitation settings 101 -- Needs and unmet needs 102 -- Addressing barriers to rehabilitation 103 -- Reforming policies, laws, and delivery systems 104 -- National rehabilitation plans and improved collaboration 105 -- Developing funding mechanisms for rehabilitation 106 -- v Increasing human resources for rehabilitation 108 -- Expanding education and training 110 -- Training existing health-care personnel in rehabilitation 111 -- Building training capacity 112 -- Curricula content 112 -- Recruiting and retaining rehabilitation personnel 112 -- Expanding and decentralizing service delivery 114 -- Coordinated multidisciplinary rehabilitation 114 -- Community-delivered services 114 -- Increasing the use and affordability of technology 117 -- Assistive devices 117 -- Telerehabilitation 118 -- Expanding research and evidence-based practice 119 -- Information and good practice guidelines 120 -- Research, data, and information 121 -- Conclusion and recommendations 121 -- Policies and regulatory mechanisms 122 -- Financing 122 -- Human resources 122 -- Service delivery 122 -- Technology 123 -- Research and evidence-based practic 123 -- Assistance and support 135 -- Understanding assistance and support 138 -- When are assistance and support required? 139 -- Needs and unmet needs 139 -- Social and demographic factors affecting demand and supply 140 -- Consequences for caregivers of unmet need for formal support services 141 -- Provision of assistance and support 142 -- Barriers to assistance and support 144 -- Lack of funding 144 -- Lack of adequate human resources 144 -- Inappropriate policies and institutional frameworks 145 -- Inadequate and unresponsive services 145 -- Poor service coordination 145 -- Awareness, attitudes, and abuse 147 -- Addressing the barriers to assistance and support 147 -- Achieving successful deinstitutionalization 147 -- Creating a framework for commissioning effective support services 149 -- Funding services 149 -- Assessing individual needs 150 -- Regulating providers 151 -- Supporting public-private-voluntary services 151 -- Coordinating flexible service provision 152 -- Building capacity of caregivers and service users 155 -- Developing community-based rehabilitation and community home-based care 156 -- Including assistance and support in disability policies and action plans 156 -- Conclusion and recommendations 157 -- Support people to live and participate in the community 157 -- Foster development of the support services infrastructure 157 -- Ensure maximum consumer choice and control 158 -- Support families as assistance and support providers 158 -- Step up training and capacity building 158 -- Improve the quality of services 159 -- Enabling environments 167 -- Understanding access to physical and information environments 170 -- Addressing the barriers in buildings and roads 172 -- Developing effective policies 173 -- Improving standards 173 -- Enforcing laws and regulations 175 -- The lead agency 175 -- Monitoring 175 -- Education and campaigning 176 -- Adopting universal design 177 -- Addressing the barriers in public transportation 178 -- Improving policies 179 -- Providing special transport services and accessible taxis 179 -- Universal design and removing physical barriers 180 -- Assuring continuity in the travel chain 182 -- Improving education and training 183 -- Barriers to information and communication 183 -- Inaccessibility 184 -- Lack of regulation 185 -- Cost 185 -- Pace of technological change 186 -- Addressing the barriers to information and technology 186 -- Legislation and legal action 186 -- Standards 188 -- Policy and programmes 189 -- Procurement 190 -- Universal design 191 -- Action by industry 191 -- Role of nongovernmental organizations 192 -- Conclusion and recommendations 193 -- Across domains of the environment 193 -- Public accommodations – building and roads 194 -- Transportation 194 -- Accessible information and communication 195 -- Education 203 -- Educational participation and children with disability 206 -- Understanding education and disability 209 -- Approaches to educating children with disabilities 210 -- Outcomes 211 -- Barriers to education for children with disabilities 212 -- System-wide problems 212 -- School problems 215 -- Addressing barriers to education 216 -- System-wide interventions 217 -- School interventions 220 -- The role of communities, families, disabled people, and children with disabilities 223 -- Conclusion and recommendations 225 -- Formulate clear policies and improve data and information 226 -- Adopt strategies to promote inclusion 226 -- Provide specialist services, where necessary 227 -- Support participation 227 -- Work and employment 233 -- Understanding labour markets 236 -- Participation in the labour market 236 -- Employment rates 237 -- Types of employment 238 -- Wages 239 -- Barriers to entering the labour market 239 -- Lack of access 239 -- Misconceptions about disability 240 -- Discrimination 240 -- Overprotection in labour laws 240 -- Addressing the barriers to work and employment 240 -- Laws and regulations 240 -- Tailored interventions 241 -- Vocational rehabilitation and training 245 -- Self-employment and microfinance 247 -- Social protection 248 -- Working to change attitudes 249 -- Conclusion and recommendations 250 -- Governments 251 -- Employers 251 -- Other organizations: NGOs including disabled people’s organizations, microfinance institutions, and trade unions 252 -- The way forward: recommendations 259 -- Disability: a global concern 261 -- What do we know about people with disabilities? 261 -- What are the disabling barriers? 262 -- How are the lives of people with disabilities affected? 263 -- Recommendations 263 -- Recommendation 1: Enable access to all mainstream policies, systems and services 264 -- Recommendation 2: Invest in specific programmes and services for people with disabilities 265 -- Recommendation 3: Adopt a national disability strategy and plan of action 265 -- Recommendation 4: Involve people with disabilities 265 -- Recommendation 5: Improve human resource capacity 266 -- Recommendation 6: Provide adequate funding and improve affordability 266 -- Recommendation 7: Increase public awareness and understanding of disability 267 -- Recommendation 8: Improve disability data collection 267 -- Recommendation 9: Strengthen and support research on disability 267 -- Conclusion 268 -- Translating recommendations into action 268 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] (10,95 MB) Record link: