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Les accidents du travail dans le secteur public / E. Soyeurt / Wolters Kluwer Belgium (2018)
Les accidents du travail dans le secteur public [printed text] / E. Soyeurt, Author . - Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2018 . - 156 p. : ill., ; 22 cm. - (Etudes pratiques de droit social; 2018-2) .
ISBN : 978-94-030-0192-0 : € 55,57
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
K 3150 Public law
Belgium ; Legislation ; legislation and jurisprudence ; Work Capacity EvaluationAbstract: DESCRIPTION
Que trouvez-vous dans cet ouvrage ?
Une présentation claire, précise et détaillée de toutes les spécificités du régime d’indemnisation des accidents du travail et sur le chemin du travail dans le secteur public, à la lumière de la jurisprudence et doctrine récentes.
Une analyse critique personnelle du régime en question.
Les thèmes suivants sont notamment abordés :
Champ d’application des accidents du travail dans le secteur public
Notion d’accident du travail et sur le chemin du travail
Réparation des accidents du travail dans le secteur public
Procédure administrative
Procédure judiciaire
Cumuls et responsabilité civile
A l’usage des praticiens du droit : avocats, magistrats, syndicats, services du personnel, administrations fédérales, locales et provinciales…
L’ouvrage permet aux praticiens de déterminer rapidement quel régime d’indemnisation est applicable, à quelles indemnisations l’accident peut donner lieu, quels sont les interlocuteurs et quelles procédures administratives ou judiciaires doivent être initiées.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-03394 K3150 / SOY Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 12/15/2023 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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Acupuncture: State of affairs in Belgium [printed text] / Tom De Gendt, Author ; Anja Desomer, Author ; Mieke Goossens, Author ; Germaine Hanquet, Author ; Christian Léonard , Author ; Dominique Roberfroid , Author ; Raf Mertens , Author ; Julien Piérart , Author ; Jo Robays, Author ; Olivier Schmitz, Author ; Imgard Vinck , Author ; Laurence Kohn , Author ; Ann Van den Bruel, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2011 . - VI, 110 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Services Research (HSR); 153C) .
ISSN : D/2011/10.273/06 : € 0,00
Study : 2009-50
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
2009-50 ; Acupuncture ; Acupuncture Therapy ; Belgium ; education ; legislation and jurisprudence ; Organisation and Administration ; Qualitative Research ; R153 ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; Treatment outcome ; trends ; utilization
WB 369 AcupunctureContents note: ABREVIATIONS 3 -- 1 INTRODUCTION 5 -- 1.1 BACKGROUND 5 -- 1.2 OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 6 -- 1.3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 6 -- 1.3.1 Definition of acupuncture 6 -- 1.3.2 The Chinese origins of acupuncture 6 -- 1.3.3 Importing acupuncture into Europe 8 -- 1.3.4 Acupuncture between tradition and modernity 8 -- 1.3.5 The origins of acupuncture in Belgium 9 -- 2 EFFICACY AND ADVERSE EVENTS 10 -- 2.1 INTRODUCTION 10 -- 2.2 METHODS 10 -- 2.2.1 Databases and search terms 10 -- 2.2.2 Selection criteria 11 -- 2.2.3 Quality assessment 11 -- 2.2.4 Clinical relevance 11 -- 2.3 RESULTS 12 -- 2.3.1 Selected reports and papers 12 -- 2.3.2 Main findings on published effects 13 -- 2.3.3 Discussion and conclusions 19 -- 3 USE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM 21 -- 3.1 SURVEY AMONG THE POPULATION 21 -- 3.1.1 Objective 21 -- 3.1.2 Methods 21 -- 3.1.3 The use of alternative medicines in general 22 -- 3.1.4 Use of acupuncture 23 -- 3.2 INSURANCE COVERAGE 24 -- 3.2.1 Objective 24 -- 3.2.2 Methods 24 -- 3.2.3 Results 24 -- 3.2.4 Discussion 25 -- 3.2.5 Conclusions 26 -- 3.3 SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS: USAGE AND PRACTICE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM -- TODAY 26 -- 3.3.1 Scope of this section 26 -- 3.3.2 Material and methods 26 -- 3.3.3 The experience of users 28 -- 3.3.4 The practitioners 38 -- 4 THE PRACTICE 46 -- 4.1 OBJECTIVE 46 -- 4.2 METHODS 46 -- 4.3 RESULTS 46 -- 4.3.1 Response rate 46 -- 4.3.2 Baseline characteristics 47 -- 4.3.3 Training 47 -- 4.3.4 Practice 48 -- 4.3.5 Provider delay 50 -- 4.3.6 Workload and profile of patients 50 -- 4.3.7 Patient referral: 53 -- 4.3.8 Complaints for use of acupuncture 54 -- 4.3.9 Techniques used 55 -- 4.4 DISCUSSION 56 -- 5 ORGANISATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS 57 -- 5.1 BELGIAN AND EUROPEAN LEGAL FRAMEWORK 57 -- 5.1.1 Introduction 57 -- 5.1.2 Methodology 57 -- 5.1.3 The exercise of conventional healthcare in Belgium under the terms of Royal Decree -- no. 78 57 -- 5.1.4 The exercise of non-conventional medicine in Belgium 59 -- 5.1.5 The relationship between the Colla law and Royal Decree no. 78 66 -- 5.1.6 The consequences of the (non-)conventional exercise of healthcare 68 -- 5.1.7 The exercise of non-conventional medicine in the European context 73 -- 5.1.8 Conclusion concerning the Belgian and European legal framework 74 -- 5.2 THE SITUATION IN THE NETHERLANDS, FRANCE AND THE UNITED KINGDOM 75 -- 5.2.1 Structure of the chapter 75 -- 5.2.2 Netherlands 75 -- 5.2.3 France 77 -- 5.2.4 United Kingdom 79 -- 5.2.5 Conclusion on the situation in the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom 81 -- 5.3 ACUPUNCTURE TRAINING 81 -- 5.3.1 Objectives 81 -- 5.3.2 Methods 82 -- 5.3.3 Results 82 -- 5.3.4 Discussion 84 -- 5.3.5 Conclusion 86 -- 5.4 PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS 87 -- 5.4.1 Objective 87 -- 5.4.2 Methods 87 -- 5.4.3 Results 87 -- 5.4.4 Discussion 89 -- 5.4.5 Conclusion 90 -- 6 GENERAL SYNTHESIS AND DISCUSSION 91 -- 6.1 INTRODUCTION 91 -- 6.1.1 Context 91 -- 6.1.2 Objectives and methods 91 -- 6.1.3 Limitations 92 -- 6.2 ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM: USERS, PRACTITIONERS AND PRACTICES 92 -- 6.2.1 Non-conventional medicines: an increasingly frequent use 92 -- 6.2.2 Acupuncture in Belgium: general background 92 -- 6.2.3 Who are the patients? 93 -- 6.2.4 Who are the practitioners? 94 -- 6.2.5 The pathway of the Patient 95 -- 6.3 IS ACUPUNCTURE CLINICALLY EFFECTIVE? 99 -- 6.3.1 Evidence in the scientific literature 99 -- 6.3.2 Patient point of view 100 -- 6.3.3 Which risks? 100 -- 6.4 TRAINING 100 -- 6.5 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 101 -- 6.5.1 Background 101 -- 6.5.2 The Colla law 101 -- 6.5.3 Consequences of partial execution of the Colla law 103 -- 7 CONCLUSION 104 -- 8 REFERENCES 106 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (837 Kb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Acupuncture / Tom De Gendt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
Acupuncture : State of affairs in Belgium - Supplement [printed text] / Tom De Gendt, Author ; Anja Desomer, Author ; Mieke Goossens, Author ; Germaine Hanquet, Author ; Christian Léonard , Author ; Dominique Roberfroid , Author ; Raf Mertens , Author ; Julien Piérart , Author ; Jo Robays, Author ; Olivier Schmitz, Author ; Imgard Vinck , Author ; Laurence Kohn , Author ; Ann Van den Bruel, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2011 . - 88 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Services Research (HSR); 153S) .
ISSN : D/2010/10.273/07 : € 0,00
Study : 2009-50
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
2009-50 ; Acupuncture ; Acupuncture Therapy ; Belgium ; education ; legislation and jurisprudence ; Organisation and Administration ; Qualitative Research ; R153 ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; Treatment outcome ; trends ; utilization
WB 369 AcupunctureContents note: 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 -- 2 SURVEY AMONG THE POPULATION 43 -- 2.1 STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 43 -- 2.2 SAMPLE 43 -- 2.3 QUESTIONNAIRE 47 -- 2.4 RESULTS 68 -- 3 THE PRACTICE: QUESTIONNAIRE 75 -- 4 INSURANCE COVER 83 -- 5 OVERVIEW OF TRAININGS 83 -- 6 OVERVIEW OF PROFESSIONAL UNIONS 86 -- 7 REFERENCES 87 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (528 Kb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Acupuncture / Tom De Gendt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
Acupuncture : State of affairs in Belgium - Synthesis [printed text] / Tom De Gendt, Author ; Anja Desomer, Author ; Mieke Goossens, Author ; Germaine Hanquet, Author ; Christian Léonard , Author ; Dominique Roberfroid , Author ; Raf Mertens , Author ; Julien Piérart , Author ; Jo Robays, Author ; Olivier Schmitz, Author ; Imgard Vinck , Author ; Laurence Kohn , Author ; Ann Van den Bruel, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2011 . - 26 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Services Research (HSR); 153CS) .
ISSN : D/2011/10.273/22 : € 0,00
Study : 2009-50
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
2009-50 ; Acupuncture ; Acupuncture Therapy ; Belgium ; education ; legislation and jurisprudence ; Organisation and Administration ; Qualitative Research ; R153 ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; Treatment outcome ; trends ; utilization
WB 369 AcupunctureContents note: 1 INTRODUCTION 2 -- 1.1 CONTEXT 2 -- 1.2 OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 2 -- 1.3 LIMITATIONS 3 -- 2 ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM: USERS, PRACTITIONERS AND PRACTICES 4 -- 2.1 NON-CONVENTIONAL MEDICINES: AN INCREASINGLY FREQUENT USE 4 -- 2.2 ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM: GENERAL BACKGROUND 4 -- 2.3 WHO ARE THE PATIENTS? 4 -- 2.4 WHO ARE THE PRACTITIONERS? 6 -- 2.5 THE PATHWAY OF THE PATIENT 7 -- 2.5.1 Initial access to the non-conventional medicine 7 -- 2.5.2 The consultation 7 -- 2.5.3 Financial aspects 9 -- 2.5.4 Patient satisfaction 9 -- 3 IS ACUPUNCTURE CLINICALLY EFFECTIVE? 11 -- 3.1 EVIDENCE IN THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE 11 -- 3.2 PATIENT POINT OF VIEW 13 -- 3.3 WHICH RISKS? 13 -- 4 TRAINING 14 -- 5 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 15 -- 5.1 BACKGROUND 15 -- 5.2 THE COLLA LAW 15 -- 5.3 CONSEQUENCES OF PARTIAL EXECUTION OF THE COLLA LAW 17 -- 6 CONCLUSION 18 -- 7 REFERENCES 21 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (254 Kb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Acupunctuur / Tom De Gendt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
Acupunctuur : situatie in België [printed text] / Tom De Gendt, Author ; Anja Desomer, Author ; Mieke Goossens, Author ; Germaine Hanquet, Author ; Christian Léonard , Author ; Dominique Roberfroid , Author ; Raf Mertens , Author ; Julien Piérart , Author ; Jo Robays, Author ; Olivier Schmitz, Author ; Imgard Vinck , Author ; Laurence Kohn , Author ; Ann Van den Bruel, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2011 . - VII, 110 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports A. Health Services Research (HSR); 153A) .
ISSN : D/2011/10.273/04 : € 0,00
Studie : 2009-50
Languages : English (eng) Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Indexation
2009-50 ; Acupuncture ; Acupuncture Therapy ; Belgium ; education ; legislation and jurisprudence ; Organisation and Administration ; Qualitative Research ; R153 ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; Treatment outcome ; trends ; utilization
WB 369 AcupunctureAbstract: Meer dan 1 op 3 Belgen raadpleegt minstens 1 keer in zijn leven een osteopaat, chiropractor, homeopaat of acupuncturist. In het kader van de verdere uitvoering van de wet Colla vroeg de minister van Volksgezondheid het Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) een stand van zaken op te maken van deze 4 populaire niet-conventionele geneeswijzen. In een eerste rapport (december 2010) bestudeerde het KCE osteopathie en chiropraxie. Deze keer is acupunctuur aan de beurt. De therapie werd tegelijkertijd vanuit een wetenschappelijke, sociologische, juridische en organisatorische invalshoek bekeken, een Belgische primeur!
Contents note: ABREVIATIONS 3 -- 1 INTRODUCTION 5 -- 1.1 BACKGROUND 5 -- 1.2 OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 6 -- 1.3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 6 -- 1.3.1 Definition of acupuncture 6 -- 1.3.2 The Chinese origins of acupuncture 6 -- 1.3.3 Importing acupuncture into Europe 8 -- 1.3.4 Acupuncture between tradition and modernity 8 -- 1.3.5 The origins of acupuncture in Belgium 9 -- 2 EFFICACY AND ADVERSE EVENTS 10 -- 2.1 INTRODUCTION 10 -- 2.2 METHODS 10 -- 2.2.1 Databases and search terms 10 -- 2.2.2 Selection criteria 11 -- 2.2.3 Quality assessment 11 -- 2.2.4 Clinical relevance 11 -- 2.3 RESULTS 12 -- 2.3.1 Selected reports and papers 12 -- 2.3.2 Main findings on published effects 13 -- 2.3.3 Discussion and conclusions 19 -- 3 USE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM 21 -- 3.1 SURVEY AMONG THE POPULATION 21 -- 3.1.1 Objective 21 -- 3.1.2 Methods 21 -- 3.1.3 The use of alternative medicines in general 22 -- 3.1.4 Use of acupuncture 23 -- 3.2 INSURANCE COVERAGE 24 -- 3.2.1 Objective 24 -- 3.2.2 Methods 24 -- 3.2.3 Results 24 -- 3.2.4 Discussion 25 -- 3.2.5 Conclusions 26 -- 3.3 SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS: USAGE AND PRACTICE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM -- TODAY 26 -- 3.3.1 Scope of this section 26 -- 3.3.2 Material and methods 26 -- 3.3.3 The experience of users 28 -- 3.3.4 The practitioners 38 -- 4 THE PRACTICE 46 -- 4.1 OBJECTIVE 46 -- 4.2 METHODS 46 -- 4.3 RESULTS 46 -- 4.3.1 Response rate 46 -- 4.3.2 Baseline characteristics 47 -- 4.3.3 Training 47 -- 4.3.4 Practice 48 -- 4.3.5 Provider delay 50 -- 4.3.6 Workload and profile of patients 50 -- 4.3.7 Patient referral: 53 -- 4.3.8 Complaints for use of acupuncture 54 -- 4.3.9 Techniques used 55 -- 4.4 DISCUSSION 56 -- 5 ORGANISATIONAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS 57 -- 5.1 BELGIAN AND EUROPEAN LEGAL FRAMEWORK 57 -- 5.1.1 Introduction 57 -- 5.1.2 Methodology 57 -- 5.1.3 The exercise of conventional healthcare in Belgium under the terms of Royal Decree -- no. 78 57 -- 5.1.4 The exercise of non-conventional medicine in Belgium 59 -- 5.1.5 The relationship between the Colla law and Royal Decree no. 78 66 -- 5.1.6 The consequences of the (non-)conventional exercise of healthcare 68 -- 5.1.7 The exercise of non-conventional medicine in the European context 73 -- 5.1.8 Conclusion concerning the Belgian and European legal framework 74 -- 5.2 THE SITUATION IN THE NETHERLANDS, FRANCE AND THE UNITED KINGDOM 75 -- 5.2.1 Structure of the chapter 75 -- 5.2.2 Netherlands 75 -- 5.2.3 France 77 -- 5.2.4 United Kingdom 79 -- 5.2.5 Conclusion on the situation in the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom 81 -- 5.3 ACUPUNCTURE TRAINING 81 -- 5.3.1 Objectives 81 -- 5.3.2 Methods 82 -- 5.3.3 Results 82 -- 5.3.4 Discussion 84 -- 5.3.5 Conclusion 86 -- 5.4 PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS 87 -- 5.4.1 Objective 87 -- 5.4.2 Methods 87 -- 5.4.3 Results 87 -- 5.4.4 Discussion 89 -- 5.4.5 Conclusion 90 -- 6 GENERAL SYNTHESIS AND DISCUSSION 91 -- 6.1 INTRODUCTION 91 -- 6.1.1 Context 91 -- 6.1.2 Objectives and methods 91 -- 6.1.3 Limitations 92 -- 6.2 ACUPUNCTURE IN BELGIUM: USERS, PRACTITIONERS AND PRACTICES 92 -- 6.2.1 Non-conventional medicines: an increasingly frequent use 92 -- 6.2.2 Acupuncture in Belgium: general background 92 -- 6.2.3 Who are the patients? 93 -- 6.2.4 Who are the practitioners? 94 -- 6.2.5 The pathway of the Patient 95 -- 6.3 IS ACUPUNCTURE CLINICALLY EFFECTIVE? 99 -- 6.3.1 Evidence in the scientific literature 99 -- 6.3.2 Patient point of view 100 -- 6.3.3 Which risks? 100 -- 6.4 TRAINING 100 -- 6.5 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 101 -- 6.5.1 Background 101 -- 6.5.2 The Colla law 101 -- 6.5.3 Consequences of partial execution of the Colla law 103 -- 7 CONCLUSION 104 -- 8 REFERENCES 106 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (796 Kb) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Acupunctuur / Tom De Gendt / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2011)
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