Classification > W - MEDICINE > W - HEALTH PROFESSIONS > W 20.5 Medical research (General)
W 20.5 Medical research (General) |
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An introduction to randomized controlled clinical trials / John N.S. Matthews / London : Chapman & Hall (2006)
An introduction to randomized controlled clinical trials [printed text] / John N.S. Matthews, Author . - 2nd ed. . - London : Chapman & Hall, 2006 . - 283 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.. - (Texts in statistical science; 69) .
ISBN : 1-584-88624-2 : 33,99 £
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 20.5 Medical research (General)
Randomized Controlled Trials ; Research Design ; StatisticsAbstract: Evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials is widely accepted as the only sound basis for assessing the efficacy of new medical treatments. Statistical methods play a key role in all stages of these trials, including their justification, design, and analysis. This second edition of Introduction to Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials provides a concise presentation of the principles applied in this area. It details the concepts behind randomization and methods for designing and analyzing trials and also includes information on meta-analysis and specialized designs, such as cross-over trials, cluster-randomized designs, and equivalence studies.
This latest edition features new and revised references, examples, exercises, and a new chapter dedicated to binary outcomes and survival analysis. It also presents numerous examples taken from the medical literature, contains exercises at the end of each chapter, and offers solutions in an appendix. The author uses Minitab and R software throughout the text for implementing the methods that are presented.
Comprehensive and accessible, Introduction to Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials is well-suited for those familiar with elementary statistical ideas and methods who want to further their knowledge of the subject.Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00621 W 20.5/MAT Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Facets of public health in Europe Rechel, Bernd Santé, égalité, solidarité Dreux, Claude Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods Kleinbaum, David G. Optimiser les dépenses de santé Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) Nudge Thaler, Richard H. Discernement morale et discernement spirituel L'Art d'ignorer les pauvres Galbraith, John Kenneth The design and analysis of clinical experiments Fleiss, Joseph L. Little SAS Book (The) Delwiche, L. D. Filiation et procréation The Hastings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment and Care Near the End of Life Berlinger, Nancy Basisboek kwalitatief onderzoek / Ben Baarda / Houten : Stenfert Kroese (2005)
Basisboek kwalitatief onderzoek [printed text] / Ben Baarda, Author ; Martijn de Goede, Author ; José Teunissen, Author . - 2e édition . - Houten : Stenfert Kroese, 2005 . - 369 p. : ill.
ISBN : 978-90-207-3179-8 : 44,95 €
Languages : Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Classification
W 20.5 Medical research (General)
Education ; Research ; Research Design ; Research methods ; Social sciencesAbstract: 'Basisboek Kwalitatief Onderzoek' is een onmisbare leidraad als u efficiënt en adequaat geïnformeerd wil worden over de ins en outs van kwalitatief empirisch onderzoek. Al snel kunt u overgaan tot het daadwerkelijk opzetten en uitvoeren van een kwalitatief onderzoek. Aan de didactische opbouw van dit boek is veel aandacht besteed. Uitgangspunt vormt een schematisch overzicht van alle fasen die u in een kwalitatief onderzoek doorloopt. Elke onderzoeksfase is in een apart hoofdstuk uitgewerkt aan de hand van een beslissingsschema. Deze schema's passen goed bij het cyclische karakter dat kenmerkend is voor veel kwalitatief onderzoek. Contents note: 1. Wat is mijn doelstelling en wat mijn vraagstelling? -- 2. Hoe zoek ik informatie? -- 3. Onderzoekstypen -- 4. Wat voor kwalitatieve onderzoeksopzetten zijn er? -- 5. Welke situatie, groep of persoon kies ik? -- 6. Kwalitatieve dataverzamelingsmethoden. -- 7. Het gebruik van bestaande gegevens bij dataverzameling -- 8. Interviewen, hoe doe ik dat? -- 9. Observeren, hoe doe ik dat? -- 10. Hoe prepareer ik mijn kwalitatieve gegevens? -- 11. Hoe analyseer ik mijn kwalitatieve gegevens? -- 12. Hoe rapporteer en evalueer ik mijn onderzoek? Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01736 W 20.5 / BAA Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Iedereen gen iaal Borry, Pascal Handboek Overheidsmanagement Bouckaert, G. The relationship between hospital volume and quality of health outcomes Sowden, Amanda J. Relationship between volume and quality of health care ICD-9-CM Leadership and Culture Van Wart, Montgomery Werken aan kwaliteit Bouckaert, G. Start To Know Genetica de Cleene, Dieter Bayesian approaches to clinical trials and health-care evaluation / D. J. Spiegelhalter / Chichester : John Wiley (2004)
Bayesian approaches to clinical trials and health-care evaluation [printed text] / D. J. Spiegelhalter, Author ; K. R. Abrams, Author ; Jonathan P. Myles, Author . - Chichester : John Wiley, 2004 . - xiv, 391 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.. - (Statistics in practice) .
ISBN : 0-471-49975-7 : 67,50 €
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
W 20.5 Medical research (General)
Bayes Theorem ; Clinical Trials ; Decision Support Techniques ; Technology Assessment, BiomedicalAbstract: The Bayesian approach involves collecting data from past experience in order to reach conclusions about future events. Bayesian methods have become increasingly popular in recent years, notably in medical research. There are a large number of books on Bayesian analysis, but very few that cover clinical trials and biostatistical applications in any capacity. There is no book available that is introductory in nature and covers such a broad array of essential topics.
This book provides a valuable overview of this rapidly evolving field, not only for statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry, but also to anyone involved in conducting clinical trials and HTA work. Comprehensive coverage of Bayesian methods in medical research
Illustrated throughout by case studies and worked examples
Authors are at the forefront of research into Bayesian methods in medical research
Suitable for those with a limited statistical background
Accompanied by a Web site featuring data sets and worked examples in WinBUGS - the most widely accepted Bayesian modelling packageRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00618 W 20.5/SPI Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
How to design, analyse and report cluster randomised trials in medicine and health related research Campbell, Michael J. Clinical trials Brody, Tom Répertoire Commenté des Médicaments A visual guide to stata graphics Mitchel, Michael N. Methods for meta-analysis in medical research Sutton, Alexander Risk adjustment for measuring health care outcomes Iezzoni, Lisa I. Les techniques de sondage Ardilly, Pascal Survival Analysis Using SAS Allison, Paul David A good life in old age? Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Commission Design and analysis of clinical trials Chow, Shein-Chung Manuel pour une tarification des interventions hospitalières basée sur les coûts Swartenbroekx, Nathalie EUROMET 2004 / Stefanie Eberhardt ; Christiane Stoklossa ; Johann-Matthias Schulenburg / Amsterdam : IOS Press (2005)
EUROMET 2004 : the influence of economic evaluation studies on health care decision-making : a European survey / [printed text] / Stefanie Eberhardt ; Christiane Stoklossa ; Johann-Matthias Schulenburg . - Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2005 . - x, 203 p. : ill. - (Biomedical and health research,, ISSN 0929-6743 ;; v. 64) .
ISBN : 1-586-03529-0 : € 91,53
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 20.5 Medical research (General)
Decision Making ; Delivery of Health Care ; Economics ; Europe ; Evaluation Studies as Topic ; Interdisciplinary Communication ; StatisticsAbstract: This publication focuses on the impact of health economic evaluation studies on decision-making in nine European countries (Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands). EUROMET 2004: The Influence of Economic Evaluation Studies on Health Care Decision-Making reports on the results of a project called 'European Network on methodology and Application of Economic Evaluation Techniques' (EUROMET). On the one hand, the study showed an increasing number of economic evaluation studies, but on the other hand the availability of data and lack of expertise were seen as special barriers which limited the use of economic evaluation studies in the decision-making process. Economic evaluation studies had, before 2000, no major influence on healthcare decision-making in most European countries. In addition, the knowledge of healthcare decision-makers and of professionals in payer's organizations – such as health insurers, sickness funds and regional budget fund holders – was low or nearly not existing. Especially structural barriers are emphasised in this study. The respondents believe that increasing flexibility of healthcare budgets from one sector to another would encourage the transferability of economic study results. EUROMET focuses on the question of how sensitive decision makers are to economic evaluation study results in 2004 - with special emphasis on pharmaceuticals - and to what extent they admit to base their decisions on these results. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00965 W 20.5/EUR Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Grey Matters: a practical tool for searching health-related grey literature / Ottawa [Canada] : Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health - (CADTH)
Grey Matters: a practical tool for searching health-related grey literature [printed text] . - Ottawa [Canada] : Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health - (CADTH), [s.d.].
CADTH produces a variety of publications that range from comprehensive systematic reviews and economic evaluations to more concise bulletins and updates.
In order to search for and retrieve the evidence base required to produce CADTH reports, CADTH’s Research Information Services team has developed and made available a grey literature checklist. Grey literature includes government information and reports that are not published commercially and that may be inaccessible via bibliographic databases.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 20.5 Medical research (General)
Grey Literature ; Research methodsContents note: Introduction -- Background -- Audience -- Scope -- How To Use This Checklist -- CADTH Cadth Searching Tools And Resources -- Grey Literature Checklist -- Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Agencies -- Health Economics -- Canada -- International -- Clinical Practice Guidelines -- Canada -- International -- Drug And Device Regulatory Approvals -- Advisories And Warnings -- Drug Class Reviews -- Clinical Trials Registries -- Canadian Drug Formularies -- Canadian Physician Fees Schedules -- Databases (Free) -- Databases (Subscription-Based) -- Health Statistics -- Internet Search -- Search Engines -- Open Access Journals -- Miscellaneous -- Behavioural Change -- Natural Medicine And Environmental Health -- Dentistry -- Diagnostic Tests -- Mental Health -- Nursing -- Physiotherapy/Rehabilitation Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: [Open Access] Record link: Het gebruik van kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden in KCE studies / Laurence Kohn / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2012)
PermalinkPermalinkHow to review the evidence / Cambera [Australia] : National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1999)
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PermalinkQuality of life / Peter M. Fayers / Chichester : John Wiley (2000)
PermalinkStatistical operations / Robert P. Hirsch / Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell Science (1996)