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Adult obesity and number of years lived with and without cardiovascular disease / M.C. Pardo Silva in Obesity, 14(2006)7 ([07/01/2006])
[article] Adult obesity and number of years lived with and without cardiovascular disease [printed text] / M.C. Pardo Silva, Author ; Chris De Laet , Author ; W.J. Nusselder, Author ; A.A. Mamun, Author ; A. Peeters, Author . - 2006 . - 1264-73.
Languages : English (eng)
in Obesity > 14(2006)7 [07/01/2006] . - 1264-73
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Aging ; Body Mass Index ; Cardiovascular diseases ; Cost of Illness ; Female ; Humans ; Journal Article ; Life Expectancy ; Male ; Middle Aged ; Myocardial infarction ; Obesity ; Overweight ; Peer Review ; Risk Assessment ; Risk Factors ; Stroke ; Time Factors ; United StatesAbstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine the differences in number of years lived free of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and number of years lived with CVD between men and women who were obese, pre-obese, or normal weight at 45 years of age.
RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: We constructed multistate life tables for CVD, myocardial infarction, and stroke, using data from 2551 enrollees (1130 men) in the Framingham Heart Study who were 45 years of age.
RESULTS: Obesity and pre-obesity were associated with fewer number of years free of CVD, myocardial infarction, and stroke and an increase in the number of years lived with these diseases. Forty-five-year-old obese men with no CVD survived 6.0 years [95% confidence interval (CI), 4.1; 8.1] fewer than their normal weight counterparts, whereas, for women, the difference between obese and normal weight subjects was 8.4 years (95% CI: 6.2; 10.8). Obese men and women lived with CVD 2.7 (95% CI: 1.0; 4.4) and 1.4 years (95% CI: -0.3; 3.2) longer, respectively, than normal weight individuals.
DISCUSSION: In addition to reducing life expectancy, obesity before middle age is associated with a reduction in the number of years lived free of CVD and an increase in the number of years lived with CVD. Such information is paramount for preventive and therapeutic decision-making by individuals and practitioners alike.Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] (Embargo 2 years) Record link: [article]Borstkankerscreening / Leen Verleye / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2012)
Borstkankerscreening : hoe vrouwen met een verhoogd risico identificeren - welke beeldvorming gebruiken ? [printed text] / Leen Verleye, Author ; Anja Desomer, Author ; Jeannine Gailly, Author ; Jo Robays, Author . - 2nd edition ;1st edition 10 januari 2012 . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2012 . - X, 236 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports A. Good Clinical Practice (GCP); 172A) .
ISSN : D/2011/10273/90 : € 0,00
Studie : 2010-03-02
Languages : English (eng) Dutch (nla)
Descriptors: Classification
WP 870 - Breast - - Neoplasms
2010-03-02 ; Breast Neoplasms ; Early Detection of Cancer ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; Mammography ; Mass Screening ; R172 ; Risk Assessment ; Risk Factors ; Ultrasonography, MammaryAbstract: Alle vrouwen in België tussen 50 en 69 jaar worden 1 maal om de 2 jaar door de overheid uitgenodigd voor een borstonderzoek met mammografie. Het Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) oordeelde in 2010 (KCE-rapport 129) dat het niet opportuun was om deze georganiseerde borstkankerscreening uit te breiden naar vrouwen vanaf 40 jaar.
Bij vrouwen met een verhoogd risico kan een vervroegde screening wel een optie zijn. Dit verhoogde risico , de frequentie en methode van screenen worden best op een gestandaardiseerde manier bepaald. Voor vrouwen zonder hoger risico op borstkanker volstaat de georganiseerde borstkankerscreening. Veel vrouwen laten zich screenen buiten het officiële programma. Vaak wordt daarbij systematisch een echografie uitgevoerd, die meestal geen meerwaarde biedt en zorgt voor onnodige extra onderzoeken en ongerustheid.
Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access](3,01 MB) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Dépistage du cancer du sein / Leen Verleye / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2012)
Dépistage du cancer du sein : comment identifier les femmes exposées à un risque accru - Quelles techniques d'imagerie utiliser ? [printed text] / Leen Verleye, Author ; Anja Desomer, Author ; Jeannine Gailly, Author ; Jo Robays, Author . - 2nd edition ;1st edition : 10 janvier 2012 . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2012 . - X, 236 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports B. Good Clinical Practice (GCP); 172B) .
ISSN : D/2011/10.273/91 : € 0,00
Etude nr : 2010-03-02
Languages : English (eng) French (fre)
Descriptors: Classification
WP 870 - Breast - - Neoplasms
2010-03-02 ; Breast Neoplasms ; Early Detection of Cancer ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; Mammography ; Mass Screening ; R172 ; Risk Assessment ; Risk Factors ; Ultrasonography, MammaryAbstract: En Belgique, toutes les femmes âgées de 50 à 69 ans sont invitées tous les 2 ans par les autorités à un examen du sein par mammographie. Le Centre Fédéral d’Expertise des Soins de Santé (KCE) avait conclu en 2010 (KCE Report 129) qu'il n'était pas opportun d’étendre ce dépistage organisé du cancer du sein aux femmes dès l’âge de 40 ans.
Pour les femmes exposées à un risque accru, un dépistage plus précoce peut être envisagé. Mais ce risque accru ainsi que la fréquence et la méthode de dépistage à suivre, doivent idéalement être déterminés de manière standardisée.
Pour les femmes sans risque accru de cancer du sein, le dépistage organisé suffit. Beaucoup de femmes se font pourtant dépister en dehors du programme officiel. Une échographie est alors souvent ajoutée à la procédure diagnostique qui n’offre généralement aucune valeur ajoutée et entraîne inutilement de l’anxiété et des examens supplémentaires.
Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access](3,01 MB) Record link: Copies(0)
Status No copy Economic hardship and sexually transmitted diseases in Haiti's rural Artibonite Valley. / D.W. Fitzgerald in American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 62(2002)4 ([04/01/2000])
[article] Economic hardship and sexually transmitted diseases in Haiti's rural Artibonite Valley. [printed text] / D.W. Fitzgerald, Author ; F. Behets, Author ; Angela M. Caliendo, Author ; Dominique Roberfroid , Author ; C. Lucet, Author ; J.W. Fitzgerald, Author ; L. Kuykens, Author . - 2000 . - 496-501.
Languages : English (eng)
in American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene > 62(2002)4 [04/01/2000] . - 496-501
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adult ; Age Factors ; Cross-Sectional Studies ; Epidemiology ; Female ; Haiti ; HIV Infections ; Humans ; Journal Article ; Male ; Peer Review ; Poverty Areas ; Pregnancy ; Prevalence ; Questionnaires ; Risk Factors ; Rural Population ; Sexual Partners ; Sexually Transmitted Diseases ; Socioeconomic Factors ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading] ; United StatesAbstract: A study was conducted to determine the prevalence rate and risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in Haiti's rural Artibonite Valley. Women attending antenatal services at Hospital Albert Schweitzer from October to December 1996 were tested for gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, syphilis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Of the 476 women tested, 121 (25.4%) had trichomonas, 11/475 (2.3%) had gonorrhea, 51/475 (10.7%) had chlamydia, 32/474 (6.8%) were seropositive for syphilis, 20/469 (4.3%) were seropositive for HIV, and 191 (40.1%) had at least one STD. Nearly 30% of the women reported having entered a sexual relationship out of economic necessity and had increased odds of HIV infection, Odds Ratio (OR) 6.3 (P < 0.001). We postulate that due to recent economic hardship in rural Haiti, women are entering into sexual relationships out of economic necessity and that this trend is contributing to the growing HIV epidemic. We recommend STD prevention and development programs that target young people and economically disadvantaged women. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] (Embargo 1 years) Record link: [article]Exercise Testing for the Prediction of Cardiac Events in Patients with Diabetes / Bing Guo / Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics (2009)
Exercise Testing for the Prediction of Cardiac Events in Patients with Diabetes [printed text] / Bing Guo, Author ; Christa Harstall, Author . - Alberta [Canada] : Institute of Health Economics, 2009 . - vii, 68 p. : ill. ; A5. - (IHE Report, ISSN 1710-6605) .
ISBN : 978-1-897443-57-6 : 0 €
This report on Exercise Testing for the Prediction of Cardiac Events in Patients with Diabetes examines the clinical research evidence on the prognostic value of exercise testing (including electrocardiogram exercise testing and cardiopulmonary exercise testing) for the prediction of cardiac events in patients with diabetes.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WK 810 Diabetes mellitus
Canada ; Diabetes Mellitus ; Exercise Test ; Heart Diseases ; Prognosis ; Risk Factors ; Technology Assessment, BiomedicalContents note: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IV -- ABBREVIATIONS VI -- GLOSSARY OF TERMS VII -- Introduction 10 -- Scope of the Report 10 -- Background 11 -- Clinical condition 11 -- Definition 11 -- Epidemiology 11 -- Prognosis 11 -- Management − physical exercise 12 -- Safety concerns about exercise 13 -- Pre-exercise examinations 13 -- Overvie w of Technology – Exercise Testing 14 -- Description of exercise testing 14 -- Exercise ECG test (graded exercise test) 14 -- Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) 15 -- Six-minute walking test (6MWT) 16 -- Indications and contraindications 17 -- Indications 17 -- Contraindications 17 -- Safety issues 18 -- Local Context 18 -- Methods of Analy zing Prognostic Studies 19 -- Definitions 19 -- Analytical methods and interpretation 19 -- Available Evidence 20 -- Description of the selected studies 20 -- Methodological quality of the selected studies 21 -- Prognostic value of exercise testing 22 -- ECG ST-segment deviation 25 -- Duke Treadmill Score 26 -- Delayed heart rate recovery 27 -- Metabolic equivalents (METs) 28 -- Peak VO2 28 -- Impaired chronotropic response (CR) 29 -- Safety 29 -- Guidelines/Consensus Statements /Position statement 30 -- Discussion 31 -- Summary of results 31 -- Methodological issues 32 -- Questions unanswered 32 -- Which patient groups can forgo the exercise stress testing? 33 -- The best way to predict patients’ risk of future cardiac events 34 -- Limitations 34 -- Conclusion 35 -- Appendix A: Method 36 -- Appendix B: Living Well Exercise Test Triage 45 -- Appendix C: Excluded Studies 48 -- Appendix D: Quality Assessment Results 52 -- Appendix E: Summary Of Results From The Selected Prognostic Studies 55 -- Appendix F: Covariates Considered In The Included Prognostic Studies 61 -- Appendix G: Patients With Chronic Diseases Who May Forego Exercise Testing 62 -- References 63 -- List of Tables and Figures -- Figure 1: Living well exercise test triage 46 -- Table 1: Contraindications to exercise testing 17 -- Table 2: Overview of the included prognostic studies 21 -- Table 3: Characteristics of the included participants 23 -- Table 4: Prognostic variables under investigation 24 -- Table A.1: Search strategy 36 -- Table C.1: Excluded studies and reasons for exclusion 48 -- Table D.1: Methodological quality assessment results 53 -- Table E.1: Prognostic studies for diabetes 55 -- Table F.1: Covariates considered in the univariate analysis 61 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (1,3 MB) Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01733 WK 810 /GUO Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Factors associated with prevalence and severity of caries experience in preschool children / Dominique Declerck in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 36(2008)02 ([04/01/2008])
PermalinkFeeding practices and factors contributing to wasting, stunting, and iron-deficiency anaemia among 3-23-month old children in Kilosa district, rural Tanzania. / P.S. Mamiro in Journal of health, population, and nutrition, 23(2005)3 ([09/01/2005])
PermalinkLeptin-adiponectin ratio in pre-diabetic patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention / P. A Nguyen in Acta Cardiologica, 70(2015)06 ([12/31/2015])
PermalinkMONICA, monograph and multimedia sourcebook / Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe ; World Health Organization. MONICA Project / Geneva ; Manilla : World Health Organization (2003)
PermalinkMultidisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation following cardiac revascularization or valve surgery / Danielle Strens in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 20(2013)03 ([06/01/2013])
PermalinkParticipating or not in a cardiac rehabilitation programme / Cedric De Vos in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 20(2013)02 ([04/01/2013])
PermalinkPitfalls in economic analysis / Hans Van Brabandt in European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology, 12(2010)05 ([05/17/2010])
PermalinkPitfalls in health-economic evaluations / Hans Van Brabandt in European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology, 11(2009)12 ([12/01/2009])
PermalinkPrécarisation, risque et santé / M. Joubert / Paris : Ed. INSERM (2001)
PermalinkPsychosocial factors and multiple unhealthy behaviours in 25- to 64-year-old Belgian citizens / Dominique Roberfroid in Archives of Public Health, 59(2001)5-6 ([06/01/2001])