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The coding manual for qualitative researchers / Johnny Saldaña / Los Angeles : Sage Publications (2013)
The coding manual for qualitative researchers [printed text] / Johnny Saldaña, Author . - 2nd ed. . - Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2013 . - xix, 303 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-4462-4736-5 : € 30,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
H 62.A5-Z Social Sciences (General) - Study and teaching. Research - - General works
Handbooks ; Methods ; Qualitative Research ; Social sciencesContents note: An Introduction to Codes and Coding -- Chapter Summary -- Purposes of the Manual -- What Is a Code? -- Codifying and Categorizing -- What Gets Coded? -- The Mechanics of Coding -- The Numbers of Codes -- Manual and CAQDAS Coding -- Solo and Team Coding -- Necessary Personal Attributes for Coding -- On Method -- Writing Analytic Memos -- Chapter Summary -- The Purposes of Analytic Memo-Writing -- What Is an Analytic Memo? -- Examples of Analytic Memos -- Coding and Categorizing Analytic Memos -- Grounded Theory and Its Coding Canon -- Analytic Memos on Visual Data -- First-Cycle Coding Methods -- Chapter Summary -- The Coding Cycles -- Selecting the Appropriate Coding Method(s) -- Overview of First-Cycle Coding Methods -- The Coding Methods Profiles -- Grammatical Methods -- Elemental Methods -- Affective Methods -- Literary and Language Methods -- Exploratory Methods -- Forms for Additional First-Cycle Coding Methods -- Theming the Data -- Procedural Methods -- After First-Cycle Coding -- Chapter Summary -- Post-Coding Transitions -- Eclectic Coding -- Code Mapping and Landscaping -- Operational Model Diagramming -- Additional Transition Methods -- Transitioning to Second-Cycle Coding Methods -- Second-Cycle Coding Methods -- Chapter Summary -- The Goals of Second-Cycle Methods -- Overview of Second-Cycle Coding Methods -- Second-Cycle Coding Methods -- Forms for Additional Second-Cycle Coding Methods -- After Second-Cycle Coding -- Chapter Summary -- Post-Coding and Pre-Writing Transitions -- Focusing Strategies -- From Coding to Theorizing -- Formatting Matters -- Writing about Coding -- Ordering and Re-Ordering -- Assistance from Others -- Closure -- Appendix A: A Glossary of Coding Methods -- Appendix B: A Glossary of Analytic Recommendations -- Appendix C: Field Note, Interview Transcript and Document Samples for Coding -- Appendix D: Exercises and Activities for Coding and Qualitative Data Analytic Skill Development -- References -- Index Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02689 H 62.A5-Z / SAL Book KCE Library (10.124) Available The Individual and the Welfare State Life Histories in Europe / Axel Börsch-Supan / Berlin - Heidelberg [Germany] : Springer-Verlag (2011)
The Individual and the Welfare State Life Histories in Europe : Life Histories in Europe [printed text] / Axel Börsch-Supan, Author ; M. Brandt, Author ; K. Hank,, Author ; M. Schröder, Author . - Berlin - Heidelberg [Germany] : Springer-Verlag, 2011 . - 285 p. : ill.
ISBN : 978-3-642-17471-1 : € 125,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Indexation
Europe ; Health ; History ; Social sciences ; Welfare state
HV 11 -- General worksAbstract: Our health, our income and our social networks at older ages are the consequence of what has happened to us over the course of our lives. The situation at age 50+ reflects our own decisions as well as many environmental factors, especially interventions by the welfare state such as education policies, access to health care and many types of social protection from poverty relief to housing subsidies and maternity support. This book explores the richness of 28,000 life histories in thirteen European countries – ranging from Scandinavia to Central and Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean – collected as part of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Combining these data with a comprehensive account of European welfare state interventions provides a unique opportunity to answer the important public policy questions of our time – how the welfare state affects people’s incomes, housing, families, retirement, volunteering and health. The overarching theme of the welfare state creates a book of genuinely interdisciplinary analyses, a valuable resource for economists, gerontologists, historians, political scientists, public health analysts, and sociologists alike. Contents note: PART I: Income, Housing, and Wealth.- PART II: Work and Retirement.- PART III: Health and Health Care.- Part IV: Persecution. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02447 HV 11 / BOR Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
Justice Sandel, Michael J. A History of Macroeconomics De vroey, Michel La sécurité sociale: son histoire à travers les textes. Tome VI - 1981-2005 Laroque, Michel The role of complementary and alternative medicine Callahan, Daniel Nudge Thaler, Richard H. Détermination du ticket modérateur en fonction de la valeur sociétale de la prestation ou du produit Cleemput, Irina Détermination du ticket modérateur en fonction de la valeur sociétale de la prestation ou du produit Cleemput, Irina Filiation et procréation Healthcare Fraud, Corruption and Waste in Europe Sauter, Wolf Public ends, private means Preker, Alexander S. Handbook of health economics Culyer, A. J., Newhouse, Joseph P. The landscape of qualitative research / Norman K. Denzin ; Yvonna S. Lincoln / Los Angeles : Sage Publications (2008)
The landscape of qualitative research [printed text] / Norman K. Denzin ; Yvonna S. Lincoln . - 3rd ed. . - Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2008 . - x, 620 p. ; 23 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-4129-5758-8 : € 42,82
"First volume of the paperback version of The SAGE handbook of qualitative research, third edition"--P. [4] of cover.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
H 62.A5-Z Social Sciences (General) - Study and teaching. Research - - General works
Qualitative reasoning ; Research ; Social sciencesAbstract: The Landscape of Qualitative Research, Third Edition, the first volume of the paperback versions of the The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Third Edition, takes a look at the field from a broadly theoretical perspective, and is composed of the Handbook's Parts I (“Locating the Field”), II (“Major Paradigms and Perspectives”), and VI (“The Future of Qualitative Research”).
The Landscape of Qualitative Research, Third Edition attempts to put the field of qualitative research in context. Part I provides background on the field, starting with history, then action research and the academy, and the politics and ethics of qualitative research. Part II isolates what we regard as the major historical and contemporary paradigms now structuring and influencing qualitative research in the human disciplines. The chapters move from competing paradigms (positivist, post positivist, constructivist, critical theory) to specific interpretive perspectives, feminisms, racialized discourses, cultural studies, sexualities, and queer theory. Part III considers the future of qualitative research.
New to the Third Edition
• Contains a new Reader's Guide prepared by the editors that helps students and researchers navigate through the chapters, locating the different methodologies, methods, techniques, issues, and theories relevant to their work.
• Presents an abbreviated Glossary of terms that offer students and researchers a ready resource to help decode the language of qualitative research.
• Offers recommended Readings that provide readers with additional sources on specific topic areas linked to their research.
Intended Audience
This text is designed for graduate students taking classes in social research methods and qualitative methods as well as researchers throughout the social sciences and in some fields within the humanities.Contents note: Preface Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln -- 1. Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln -- Part I. Locating the Field -- 2. Reform of the Social Sciences and of Universities Through Action Research Davydd J. Greenwood and Morten Levin -- 3. Compositional Studies, in Two Parts: Critical Theorizing and Analysis of Social (In)Justice Michelle Fine and Lois Weis -- 4. On Tricky Ground: Researching the Native in the Age of Uncertainty Linda Tuhiwai Smith -- 5. Freeing Ourselves From Neocolonial Domination in Reserach: A Kaupapa Maori Approach to Creating Knowledge Russell Bishop -- 6. Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research Clifford G. Christians -- 7. Institutional Review Boards and Methodological Conservatism: The Challenge to and From Phenomenological Paradigms Yvonna S. Lincoln -- Part II. Paradigms and Perspectives in Contention -- 8. Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences Egon G. Guba and Yvonna S. Lincoln -- 9. Critical Ethnography: The Politics of Collaboration Douglas Foley and Angela Valenzuela -- 10. Early Milennial Feminist Qualitative Research: Challenges and Contours Virginia L. Olesen -- 11. The Moral Activist Role of Critical Race Theory Scholarship Gloria Ladson-Billings and Jamel Donnor -- 12. Rethinking Critical Theory and Qualitative Research Joe L. Kincheloe and Peter McLaren -- 13. Methodologies for Cultural Studies: An Integrative Approach Paula Saukko -- 14. Critical Humanism and Queer Theory: Living With the Tensions Ken Plummer -- Part III. The Future of Qualitative Research -- 15. Afterthought: On Writing; On Writing Sociology Zygmunt Bauman -- 16. Refunctioning Ethnography: The Challenge of an Anthropology of the Contemporary Douglas R. Holmes and George E. Marcus -- Epilogue: The Eighth and Ninth Moments --- Qualitative Research in/and the Fractured Future Yvonna S. Lincoln and Norman K. Denzin -- Reader's Guide -- Suggested Readings -- Author Index -- Subject Index -- About the Editors Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-01041 H 62/DEN Book KCE Library (10.124) Due for return by 03/25/2016 Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
The Great Psychotherapy Debate Wampold, Bruce E. The Delphi technique in nursing and health research Keeney, Sinead Epidemiology Rothman, Kenneth J. Comment traiter le burn-out Delbrouck, Michel The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine Ernst, Edzard Evidence for policy and decision-making Argyrous, George Dix ans d'avancées en économie de la santé Sailly, Jean-Claude Eléments d'épidémiologie Beaglehole, R. Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes Drummond, Michael F. Child protection systems Gilbert, Neil Balancing institutional and community-based care McDaid, David A visual guide to stata graphics / Michael N. Mitchel / College Station, Tex. : Stata Press (2012)
A visual guide to stata graphics [printed text] / Michael N. Mitchel . - 3rd ed. . - College Station, Tex. : Stata Press, 2012 . - 499 p. : Ill ; 20 cm.
ISBN : 978-1-59718-106-8 : $ 62,00
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QA 276.4 Mathematical statistics. Data processing
Computer Graphics ; Social sciences ; StatisticsAbstract: Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-02761 QA 276.4 / MIT Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
The relationship between hospital volume and quality of health outcomes Sowden, Amanda J. SAS survival analysis techniques for medical research Cantor, Alan A good life in old age? Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Commission Modelling survival data in medical research Collett, David Cancer Care Risk adjustment for measuring health care outcomes Iezzoni, Lisa I. Evidence synthesis for decision making in healthcare Sutton, Alexander Categorical data analysis Agresti, Alan Design and analysis of clinical trials Chow, Shein-Chung Le financement des hôpitaux en Belgique Durant, G. Health at a glance 2013 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE)
WorldWideScience : The Global Science Gateway [electronic document] . - Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), 2011.
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 26.55.I4 Information systems. Information storage and retrieval
Agriculture ; Biological Sciences ; Databases, Full-Text ; Medicine ; Social sciences ; Web portalsAbstract: is a federation of national science portals where research results are made available by participating nations Link for e-copy: Website Format of e-copy: Open Access Record link: Copies(0)
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