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Author Stuart Birks |
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[serial] See available issues Search in serial Applied Health Economics and Health Policy = Appl Health Econ Health Policy [printed text] / Stuart Birks, Editor ; Gary Buurman, Editor . - Auckland [AUSTRALIA] : ADIS, 2002.
ISSN : 1175-5652
IF : none mentioned
Indexed In : Index medicus (2002-....)
MEDLINE (2002-....)
PubMed (2002-....)
Reader accessibility : none mentioned
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
AP - Periodicals
Australia ; Economics, Medical ; Health Care Costs ; Health Policy ; Peer Review ; PeriodicalsAbstract: Applied Health Economics and Health Policy is an international, peer-reviewed journal designed to communicate the latest applied information in health economics and health policy. Considering regional and national studies and their geographical limitations within the context of increased globalisation of products, services and policies, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy encourages well-considered discussion of why and how findings and developments in one region may be of relevance to others. While emphasis is placed on information with practical applications, a strong basis of underlying scientific rigour is maintained. Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: