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Author J.-M.G.v.d. Schulenburg |
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European Journal of Health Economics (The) / J.-M.G.v.d. Schulenburg / Berlin - Heidelberg [Germany] : Springer-Verlag (2002)
[serial] See available issues Search in serial European Journal of Health Economics (The) [printed text] / J.-M.G.v.d. Schulenburg, Editor . - Berlin - Heidelberg [Germany] : Springer-Verlag, 2002.
ISSN : 1618-7598
IF : none mentioned
Indexed in :
Index medicus (2004)
MEDLINE (2004-....)
PubMed (2004-....)
Reader accessibility :
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
AP - Periodicals
Economics, Medical ; Europe ; Health Care Costs ; Peer Review ; PeriodicalsAbstract: The European Journal of Health Economics is a journal of Health Economics and associated disciplines. The growing demand for health economics and the introduction of new guidelines in various European countries were the motivation to generate a highly scientific and at the same time practice oriented journal considering the requirements of various health care systems in Europe.
The international scientific board of opinion leaders guarantees high-quality, peer-reviewed publications as well as articles for pragmatic approaches in the field of health economics.
We intend to cover all aspects of health economics:
• Basics of health economic approaches and methods
• Pharmacoeconomics
• Health Care Systems
• Pricing and Reimbursement Systems
• Quality-of-Life-Studies
The European Journal of Health Economics, which is mainly devoted to original papers and review articles, also includes invited papers as well as editorials and guest editorials on current, controversial topics (see above). The internet-based discussion forum ( provides the possibility for a rapid exchange of comments and information concerning previously published papers and topics of current interest.Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: