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Author Jorg Fegert |
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Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health / Jorg Fegert / London [UK] : BioMed Central Ltd (2007)
[serial] See available issues Search in serial Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health = Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health [printed text] / Jorg Fegert, Editor . - London [UK] : BioMed Central Ltd, 2007.
ISSN : 1753-2000
IF: none mentioned
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adolescent ; Medicine ; Mental Disorders ; Mental Health ; Peer Review ; PeriodicalsAbstract: hild and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health is an open access, online journal that provides an international platform for rapid and comprehensive scientific communication on child and adolescent mental health across different cultural backgrounds.
The journal is aimed at clinicians and researchers focused on improving the knowledge base for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of mental health conditions in children and adolescents. In addition, aspects which are still underrepresented in the traditional journals such as neurobiology and neuropsychology of psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence are considered as well. CAPMH aims to help integrate basic science, clinical research and practical implementation of research findings.Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Open Access] Record link: