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Author Matthew Jowett |
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Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe / Sarah Thomson / Mc Graw Hill Education (2015)
Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe : imapct and implications for policy [printed text] / Sarah Thomson, Author ; Matthew Jowett, Author ; Tamas Evetovits, Author ; Philipa Mladovsky, Author ; Anna Maresso, Author ; Josep Figueras, Author ; Jonathan Cylus, Author ; Marina Karanikolos, Author ; Hans Kluge, Author . - Mc Graw Hill Education, 2015 . - 188 p. : ill. ; A5.
ISBN : 978-0-335-26400-1 : € 37.99
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
W 74 Medical economics. Health care costs (General)
Economic Evaluation ; Economic indicators ; Europe ; Health Care ; Health Care Costs ; Health Care ReformAbstract: Economic shocks pose a threat to health and health system performance by increasing people’s need for health care and making access to care more difficult – a situation compounded by cuts in public spending on health and other social services. But these negative effects can be avoided by timely public policy action. While important public policy levers lie outside the health sector, in the hands of those responsible for fiscal policy and social protection, the health system response is critical.
This book looks at how health systems in Europe reacted to pressure created by the financial and economic crisis that began in 2008. Drawing on the experience of over 45 countries, the authors:
analyse health system responses to the crisis in three policy areas: public funding for the health system; health coverage; and health service planning, purchasing and delivery
? assess the impact of these responses on health systems and population health ?
identify policies most likely to sustain the performance of health systems facing financial pressure ?
explore the political economy of implementing reforms in a crisis
The book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the choices available to policy-makers - and the implications of failing to protect health and health-system performance - in the face of economic and other forms of shock.Contents note: Making sense of health system responses to economic crisis -- The crisis and its implications for household financial security, government resources and health expenditure -- Changes to public funding for the health system -- Changes to health coverage -- Changes to health service planning, purchasing and delivery -- The health effects of the crisis -- The impact of the crisis on health systems and health: Lessons for policy -- Appendix Record link: Hold
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