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Author Douglas Badenoch |
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Catalogue of Bias / Catalogue of Bias Collaboration / Oxford [United Kingdom] : Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) (2023)
Catalogue of Bias : A collaborative project mapping all the biases that affect health evidence [electronic document] / Catalogue of Bias Collaboration, Author ; Douglas Badenoch, Editor ; Carl Heneghan, Editor ; David Nunan , Editor . - Oxford [United Kingdom] : Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM), 2023.
Continuous update
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WA 950 Theory or methods of medical statistics
Bias (Epidemiology) ; Database ; Information ScienceAbstract: Bias enters health studies at all stages and often influences the magnitude and direction of results. To obtain the least biased information, researchers must acknowledge the potential presence of biases and take steps to avoid and minimise their effects. Equally, in assessing the results of studies, we must be aware of the different types of biases, their potential impact and how this affects interpretation and use of evidence in healthcare decision making.
To better understand the persistent presence, diversity, and impact of biases, we are compiling a Catalogue of Bias, stemming from original work by David Sackett. The entries are a work in progress and describe a wide range of biases – outlining their potential impact in research studies.
The Catalogue of Bias Collaboration started in June 2017 with a meeting at the Harbour Hotel, Bristol. The first pages were posted in December 2017, and a launch event was held in Oxford at the Practice of Evidence-Based Healthcare module on the 17th January 2018. In 2019 we moved our away day meetings to Ettington Park, in Stratford. We continually refine and update this resource.Contents note: Admission rate bias, All's well literature bias, Allocation bias, Apprehension bias, Ascertainment bias, Attrition bias, Availability bias, Biases of rhetoric, Centripetal bias, Chronological bias, Collider bias, Compliance bias, Confirmation bias, Confounding, Confounding by indication, Data-dredging bias, Detection bias, Diagnostic access bias, Diagnostic suspicion bias, Differential Reference bias, Hawthorne effect, Hot stuff bias, Hypothetical bias, Immortal time bias, Incorporation bias, Industry Sponsorship bias, Information bias, Informed presence bias, Insensitive measure bias, Lack of blinding, Language bias, Lead time bias, Mimicry bias, Misclassification bias, Non-contemporaneous control bias, Non-response bias, Novelty bias, Observer bias, One-sided reference bias, Outcome reporting bias, Partial reference bias, Perception bias, Performance bias, Popularity bias, Positive results bias, Prevalence-incidence (Neyman) bias, Previous opinion bias, Publication bias, Recall bias, Referral filter bias, Reporting biases, Selection bias, Spectrum bias, Spin bias, Starting time bias, Substitution game bias, Unacceptability bias, Unacceptable disease bias, Unmasking (detection signal) bias, Verification bias, Volunteer bias, Wrong sample size bias, Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: Website Record link: Evidence-based medicine toolkit / Carl Heneghan / Malden, Mass. : BMJ Books/Blackwell Pub. (2006)
Evidence-based medicine toolkit [printed text] / Carl Heneghan ; Douglas Badenoch . - 2nd ed. . - Malden, Mass. : BMJ Books/Blackwell Pub., 2006 . - v, 105 p. : ill.
ISBN : 0-7279-1841-9
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
WB 102 Clinical medicine
Evidence-Based MedicineAbstract: This bestselling pocket guide to the skills of evidence-based medicine succeeds in demystifying the terminology and processes in a handy and easy-to-follow format, all within the space of 100 pages.
With an improved layout, this second edition of Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit offers more up-to-date guidance as well as new sections on important areas of research.
New features of this second edition include:
A box for each major database showing how to search the evidence, and highlighting the differences between them
Flow charts for different study types
New critical appraisal sections on qualitative research and economic evaluation
Expanded list of EBM resources on the net.
With these added features to make the job easier, the new Toolkit is now an even better companion for all health care professionals using evidence-based methodology in their research and practice.Contents note: Asking answerable questions -- Finding the evidence -- Appraising guidelines -- Appraising systematic reviews -- Appraising diagnosis articles -- Appraising articles on harm/aetiology -- Appraising prognosis studies -- Appraising therapy articles -- Appraising qualitative studies -- Appraising economic evaluations -- Applying the evidence -- Evidence-based medicine: glossary of terms -- Selected evidence-based healthcare resources on the web -- Levels of evidence -- Study designs. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 10273-00966 WB 102/HEN Book KCE Library (10.124) Available Readers who borrowed this document also borrowed:
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Patient and public involvement toolkit [printed text] / Julia Cartwright ; Sally Crowe ; Carl Heneghan ; Rafael Perera ; Douglas Badenoch . - Malden, Mass. : BMJ Books/Blackwell Pub., 2011 . - vii, 98 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
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Descriptors: Indexation
Delivery of Health Care ; Great Britain ; Handbooks ; Health Planning ; Methods ; Patient Participation
W 49 Handbooks. Resource guidesAbstract: Record link: Hold
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