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Author Linda Abetz |
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Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) : a user's manual [printed text] / Jeanne M. Landgraf, Author ; Linda Abetz, Author ; John E. Jr. Ware . - Boston, Ma [U.S.A.] : Health Act, 1999 . - iv, 552 p. : Questionnaires ; 28 cm. + IBM PC disk 3 1/2 ", ITQOL-97 parent form NL version,.
$ 900,00
Languages : English (eng)
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WA 900 Public health statistics (including narrative reports on health conditions and health surveys)
Adolescent ; Child ; Health Status ; Quality of Life ; QuestionnairesAbstract: The Child Health Questionnaire™ (CHQ) is a family of generic quality of life instruments that have been designed and normed for children 5-to-18 years of age. The CHQ measures 14 unique physical and psychosocial concepts.
The parent form is available in 2 lengths - 50 or 28 items. Scores can be analyzed separately, the CHQ Profile Scores, or combined to derive an overall physical and psychosocial score, the CHQ Summary Scores.
The CHQ Manual includes copies of the forms and SAS scoring. SPSS code is provided upon written request.
In the US, normative values and benchmarks for the parent-reported versions of the CHQ are available for some conditions. The CHQ has been extensively translated using rigorous international guidelines. The youth self-report version is 87 items, and was developed for ages 10 and older. Authorized translations are available from HealthActCHQ. Norms, benchmarks, and summary scoring for the youth version will be forthcoming upon the development and testing of a short-form by the Principal Developer.Link for e-copy: [...] Format of e-copy: PDF - Infant and Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire (ITQOL-97) Patient Form - 97 (Dutch) Record link: Hold
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