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Author Nancy Thiry |
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An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents / Nancy Thiry in Vaccine, 22(2004)27-28 ([09/09/2004])
[article] An economic evaluation of varicella vaccination in Italian adolescents [printed text] / Nancy Thiry, Author ; Philippe Beutels, Author ; Francesco Tancredi, Author ; A. Zanetti, Author ; Paolo Bonanni, Author ; Giovanni Gabutti, Author ; Pierre Van Damme, Author . - 2004 . - 3546-3562.
Languages : English (eng)
in Vaccine > 22(2004)27-28 [09/09/2004] . - 3546-3562
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
Adolescent ; Adult ; Age Factors ; Aged ; Chickenpox Vaccine ; Child ; Child, Preschool ; Cost of Illness ; Cost-Benefit Analysis ; Economics ; Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster ; Epidemiology ; Female ; Hospitalization ; Humans ; Italy ; Journal Article ; Male ; Markov Chains ; Mass Immunization ; Middle Aged ; Netherlands ; Peer Review ; prevention and control ; statistics and numerical data [Subheading]Abstract: An economic evaluation was performed to assess five varicella vaccination scenarios targeted to 11-year-old Italian adolescents. The scenarios were: "compulsory vaccination" of all adolescents, recommended vaccination of susceptible adolescents on the basis of an "anamnestic screening", a "blood test" or a combination of both ("both tests") and vaccination of adolescents in the private sector, at the parents' charge ("private vaccination"). Probabilities and unit costs were taken from published sources and experts opinion. The accuracy of the anamnestic screening (81.6% sensitivity and 87.3% specificity) was derived from a separate descriptive study among 344 Italian adolescents. The costs and benefits of each scenario were simulated using a Markov model and cost-effectiveness, budget-impact and cost-benefit analyses were conducted. Of all considered scenarios, "both tests" and "anamnestic screening" were the most appealing options with an estimated net direct cost of 5058 and 8929 per life-year gained (compared to no vaccination) versus 14,693-42,842 for the other scenarios. These two scenarios further resulted in substantial net savings for society (over 600,000 per cohort, BCR: 2.17). The need for a serological confirmation was highly dependent on the sensitivity of the anamnestic screening, which is believed to increase once such a program is launched. For practical considerations, "anamnestic screening" seems to be the most convenient option. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: VDIC IP recognition Record link: [article]Analyse coût-efficacité de la vaccination des garçons contre le virus HPV / Nancy Thiry / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2019)
Analyse coût-efficacité de la vaccination des garçons contre le virus HPV : Synthèse [printed text] / Nancy Thiry, Author ; Sophie Gerkens , Author ; Justien Cornelis , Author ; Vicky Jespers , Author ; Germaine Hanquet, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2019 . - 21 p. : ill., ; A4. - (KCE Reports B. Health Technology Assessment (HTA); 308B) .
ISSN : D/2019/10.273/12 : € 0,00
Languages : French (fre)
Descriptors: Indexation
2017-04 ; Costs and Cost Analysis ; Female ; Male ; Papillomavirus Infections ; Papillomavirus Vaccines ; R308 ; Technology Assessment, Biomedical
QZ 204 Precancerous conditions. Tumor virus infectionsAbstract: Le vaccin contre le papillomavirus humain (HPV) responsable du cancer du col de l’utérus est introduit depuis une petite dizaine d’années dans notre pays, mais seules les filles en bénéficient. Or il est désormais établi que ce même virus est également impliqué dans d’autres cancers, dont celui de la gorge. Les recommandations ont donc été revues et, dans la plupart des pays occidentaux comme chez nous, il est désormais conseillé de vacciner les garçons aussi. La question de l’impact clinique et économique d’une telle extension des programmes de vaccination a donc été posée au Centre fédéral d’Expertise des Soins de Santé (KCE), qui publie aujourd’hui une étude favorable. Contents note: PRÉFACE. 1 -- SYNTHÈSE . 2 -- TABLE DES MATIÈRES. 2 -- 1. CONTEXTE. 4 -- 1.1. LE VIRUS HPV ET LE RISQUE DE CANCER 4 -- 1.2. LES VACCINS ANTI-HPV 4 -- 1.3. LA VACCINATION ANTI-HPV EN BELGIQUE . 6 -- 1.4. QUESTIONS DE RECHERCHE 7 -- 2. MORBIDITÉ ET MORTALITÉ DU HPV EN BELGIQUE. 8 -- 2.1. CANCERS LIÉS AU HPV. 8 -- 2.2. DESCRIPTION PAR TYPE DE CANCER. 10 -- 2.2.1. Cancers du col utérin 10 -- 2.2.2. Cancers de l’anus 10 -- 2.2.3. Cancers de la vulve 10 -- 2.2.4. Cancers du vagin 10 -- 2.2.5. Cancers du pénis 11 -- 2.2.6. Cancers de l’oro-pharynx 11 -- 2.3. VERRUES ANO-GÉNITALES. 11 -- 2.4. AUTRES COMPLICATIONS DE L’INFECTION PAR HPV 11 -- 2.5. DIFFÉRENCES HOMMES-FEMMES DANS LES AFFECTIONS LIÉES AU HPV 12 -- 3. EFFICACITÉ ET SÉCURITÉ DES VACCINS. 12 -- 3.1. EFFICACITÉ. 12 -- 3.2. PROTECTION CROISÉE 13 -- 3.3. DURÉE DE LA PROTECTION13 -- 3.4. SÉCURITÉ. 13 -- 3.5. EFFET INDIRECT . 14 -- 4. VACCINATION DES GARÇONS DANS D’AUTRES PAYS INDUSTRIALISÉS.14 -- 5. ANALYSE ÉCONOMIQUE 16 -- 5.1. QUEL SERAIT LE RAPPORT COUT-EFFICACITE D’UNE VACCINATION UNIVERSELLE (FILLES ET GARÇONS) PAR RAPPORT A LA VACCINATION DES FILLES SEULES, DANS LES « INDICATIONS EMA » ? 17 -- 5.1.1. Pour une couverture des filles similaire à celle de la Communauté flamande 17 -- 5.1.2. Pour une couverture des filles similaire à celle de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles 17 -- 5.2. QUEL SERAIT LE RAPPORT COÛT-EFFICACITÉ D’UNE VACCINATION UNIVERSELLE PAR RAPPORT À LA VACCINATION DES FILLES SEULES, POUR PROTÉGER CONTRE TOUTES LES AFFECTIONS LIÉES AU HPV ? . 18 -- 5.2.1. Pour une couverture des filles similaire à celle de la Communauté flamande 18 -- 5.2.2. Pour une couverture des filles similaire à celle de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles 18 -- 5.3. EST-CE QU’UNE AUGMENTATION DE LA COUVERTURE VACCINALE CHEZ LES FILLES -- SEULES SERAIT PLUS COÛT-EFFICACE QUE L'EXTENSION DU VACCIN AUX GARÇONS? 18 -- 5.4. SI LA VACCINATION UNIVERSELLE EST CHOISIE, QUEL SERAIT LE VACCIN LE PLUS COÛTEFFICACE ?. 19 -- 5.5. QUEL SERAIT LE RAPPORT COÛT-EFFICACITÉ DE LA VACCINATION UNIVERSELLE PAR RAPPORT À CELLE DES FILLES SEULES AVEC DES PRIX DE VACCIN BAS ? 19 -- 5.6. QUEL EST L'IMPACT DE LA DURÉE DE PROTECTION DU VACCIN SUR LE RAPPORT COÛTEFFICACITÉ ?. 19 -- 5.7. QUESTIONS AUXQUELLES CETTE ÉTUDE N’A PAS PU RÉPONDRE 19 -- 6. CONCLUSION 20 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF (1,31 Mb) Record link: Belgian guidelines for budget impact analyses / Mattias Neyt in Acta Clinica Belgica, 70(2015)03 ([06/01/2015])
[article] Belgian guidelines for budget impact analyses [printed text] / Mattias Neyt , Author ; Irina Cleemput ; Stefaan Van de Sande ; Nancy Thiry . - 2015 . - 175-180.
Languages : English (eng)
in Acta Clinica Belgica > 70(2015)03 [06/01/2015] . - 175-180
Descriptors: Classification
W 1 Serials. Periodicals
2011-44 ; Belgium ; Budgets ; Economic Evaluation ; Journal Article ; Practice Guideline [Publication type] ; R183 ; Reimbursement MechanismsAbstract: Objectives: To develop methodological guidelines for budget impact analysis submitted to the Belgian health authorities as part of a reimbursement request. Methods: A review of the literature was performed and provided the basis for preliminary budget impact guidelines. These guidelines were improved after discussion with health economists from the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE) and different Belgian stakeholders from both government and industry. Preliminary guidelines were also discussed in a workshop with health economists from The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare. Finally, the guidelines were also externally validated by three external experts. Results: The guidelines give explicit guidance for the following components of a budget impact analysis: perspective of the evaluation, target population, comparator, costs, time horizon, modeling, handling uncertainty and discount rate. Special attention is given to handling varying target population sizes over time, applying a time horizon up to the steady state instead of short-term predictions, and similarities and differences between budget impact analysis and economic evaluations. Conclusion: The guidelines provide a framework for both researchers and assessors to set up budget impact analyses that are transparent, relevant, of high quality and apply a consistent methodology. This might improve the extent to which such evaluations can reliably and consistently be used in the reimbursement decision making process. Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: PDF [Requires Subscription) Record link: [article]Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations / Nancy Thiry in International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 30(2014)06 ([12/01/2014])
[article] Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations : 2nd edition [printed text] / Nancy Thiry, Author ; Mattias Neyt , Author ; Stefaan Van de Sande , Author ; Irina Cleemput , Author . - 2014 . - 601-607.
Languages : English (eng)
in International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care > 30(2014)06 [12/01/2014] . - 601-607
Descriptors: Classification
QV 736 Drug industry. Economics of pharmacy. Advertising
2011-44 ; Belgium ; Economics, Pharmaceutical ; Guidelines as Topic ; Journal Article ; Peer Review ; R183Abstract: OBJECTIVES:
The aim of this study was to present the updated methodological guidelines for economic evaluations of healthcare interventions (drugs, medical devices, and other interventions) in Belgium.
The update of the guidelines was performed by three Belgian health economists following feedback from users of the former guidelines and personal experience. The updated guidelines were discussed with a multidisciplinary team consisting of other health economists, assessors of reimbursement request files, representatives of Belgian databases and representatives of the drugs and medical devices industry. The final document was validated by three external validators that were not involved in the previous discussions.
The guidelines give methodological guidance for the following components of an economic evaluation: literature review, perspective of the evaluation, definition of the target population, choice of the comparator, analytic technique and study design, calculation of costs, valuation of outcomes, definition of the time horizon, modeling, handling uncertainty and discounting. We present a reference case that can be considered as the minimal requirement for Belgian economic evaluations of health interventions.
These guidelines will improve the methodological quality, transparency and uniformity of the economic evaluations performed in Belgium. The guidelines will also provide support to the researchers and assessors performing or evaluating economic evaluations.Link for e-copy: Record link: [article]Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations and budget impact analyses / Irina Cleemput / Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (2012)
Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations and budget impact analyses : second edition [printed text] / Irina Cleemput , Author ; Mattias Neyt , Author ; Stefaan Van de Sande , Author ; Nancy Thiry, Author . - Brussels [Belgium] : KCE = Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg = Centre Fédéral d'Expertise des Soins de Santé = Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, 2012 . - VII, 76 p. : ill. ; A4. - (KCE Reports. Health Technology Assessment (HTA); 183C) .
ISSN : D/2012/10.273/54 : € 0,00
Study n° 2011-44 HTA Pharma-Eco Evaluation Update
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: Classification
QV 736 Drug industry. Economics of pharmacy. Advertising
2011-44 ; Economics, Pharmaceutical ; Guidelines as Topic ; R183Contents note: SCIENTIFIC REPORT 8 -- 1 BACKGROUND 8 -- 2 OBJECTIVES 10 -- 3 METHODS10 -- 4 OVERVIEW OF THE BELGIAN GUIDELINES AND GENERAL REMARKS 12 -- 4.1 OVERVIEW OF THE BELGIAN GUIDELINES 12 -- 4.2 GENERAL REMARKS 13 -- 5 GUIDELINES FOR HEALTH ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS 15 -- 5.1 GUIDELINE 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 15 -- 5.2 GUIDELINE 2: PERSPECTIVE OF THE EVALUATION 17 -- 5.3 GUIDELINE 3: TARGET POPULATION 18 -- 5.4 GUIDELINE 4: COMPARATORS 19 -- 5.5 GUIDELINE 5: ANALYTIC TECHNIQUE 21 -- 5.5.1 Cost-effectiveness analysis 21 -- 5.5.2 Cost-utility analysis 22 -- 5.5.3 Cost-minimisation analysis 22 -- 5.5.4 Cost-benefit analysis 23 -- 5.6 GUIDELINE 6: STUDY DESIGN 23 -- 5.6.1 Trial-based economic evaluations 23 -- 5.6.2 Modelling 24 -- 5.7 GUIDELINE 7: CALCULATION OF COSTS 25 -- 5.7.1 Cost categories 25 -- 5.7.2 Measurement of resource use 26 -- 5.7.3 Valuation of resource use 26 -- 5.8 GUIDELINE 8: ESTIMATION AND VALUATION OF OUTCOMES 36 -- 5.8.1 Effectiveness evaluation in cost-effectiveness analysis 37 -- 5.8.2 Utility assessment in cost-utility analysis 37 -- 5.9 GUIDELINE 9: TIME HORIZON 39 -- 5.10 GUIDELINE 10: MODELLING 39 -- 5.10.1 Need for modelling 39 -- 5.10.2 Choice of the model design 40 -- 5.10.3 Precision of model structure and hypotheses 40 -- 5.10.4 Calibration, face validity and cross-validation of a model 41 -- 5.11 GUIDELINE 11: HANDLING UNCERTAINTY AND TESTING THE ROBUSTNESS OF THE RESULTS 42 -- 5.12 GUIDELINE 12: DISCOUNT RATE 43 -- 6 GUIDELINES FOR BUDGET IMPACT ANALYSES 44 -- 6.1 SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS AND BUDGET IMPACT -- ANALYSES 44 -- 6.2 GUIDELINE 13: PERSPECTIVE 45 -- 6.3 GUIDELINE 14: TARGET POPULATION 45 -- 6.4 GUIDELINE 15: COMPARATORS 46 -- 6.5 GUIDELINE 16: COSTS AND OUTCOMES 47 -- 6.6 GUIDELINE 17: TIME HORIZON 48 -- 6.7 GUIDELINE 18: MODELLING 48 -- 6.8 GUIDELINE 19: HANDLING UNCERTAINTY 49 -- 6.9 GUIDELINE 20: DISCOUNT RATE 49 -- 6.10 GUIDELINE 21: PRESENTING RESULTS 49 -- 7 DISCUSSION 50 -- 8 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS 51 -- 9 REPORTING GUIDELINES 53 -- 9.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 53 -- 9.2 INTRODUCTION 53 -- 9.3 OBJECTIVES 53 -- 9.4 LITERATURE REVIEW 53 -- 9.4.1 Clinical literature review 53 -- 9.4.2 Economic literature review 54 -- 9.5 BASIC ELEMENTS OF THE ECONOMIC EVALUATION 54 -- 9.5.1 Analytic technique 54 -- 9.5.2 Study design 54 -- 9.5.3 Methods used for valuation of costs 54 -- 9.5.4 Methods used for outcome assessment 54 -- 9.5.5 Method of analysis of the data 54 -- 9.5.6 Time horizon and discount rate54 -- 9.5.7 Sensitivity analysis 54 -- 9.6 RESEARCH METHODS 54 -- 9.6.1 Identification, measurement and valuation of costs 54 -- 9.6.2 Identification, measurement and valuation of health-related outcomes 55 -- 9.7 RESULTS 55 -- 9.7.1 Basic results 55 -- 9.7.2 Uncertainty analysis 55 -- 9.8 DISCUSSION 55 -- 9.9 CONCLUSION 55 -- 9.10 TRANSPARENCY OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT 55 -- 9.11 REFERENCES 56 -- 9.12 ADDENDA 56 -- 10 PRESENTATION OF A MODEL 56 -- 10.1 DATA 56 -- 10.2 RESULTS 56 -- 10.2.1 Reference case analysis 56 -- 10.2.2 Uncertainty analysis 56 -- 11 METHODOLOGICAL REFERENCES BY TOPIC 57 -- 11.1 COUNTRY-SPECIFIC GUIDELINES 57 -- 11.2 METHODS FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS 57 -- 11.3 LITERATURE REVIEW 58 -- 11.4 STUDY DESIGN 58 -- 11.4.1 Trial-based economic evaluations 58 -- 11.4.2 Modelling 58 -- 11.5 CALCULATION OF COSTS 58 -- 11.5.1 Measurement of resource use 58 -- 11.5.2 Valuation of resource use 58 -- 11.6 HANDLING UNCERTAINTY 58 -- 11.6.1 Overview 58 -- 11.6.2 Confidence interval around the ICER 59 -- 11.7 INDIRECT COMPARISONS 59 -- 11.8 DISCOUNTING 59 -- 11.9 BUDGET IMPACT ANALYSES 59 -- APPENDICES 60 -- APPENDIX 1. CLASSIFICATION OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 60 -- APPENDIX 2. CHECKLIST FOR ASSESSING ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS 61 -- APPENDIX 3. DATA EXTRACTION SHEET FOR ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS 61 -- APPENDIX 4. TECHNICAL NOTES 62 -- APPENDIX 4.1. ASSESSMENT OF EXTERNAL VALIDITY 62 -- APPENDIX 4.2. OUTCOME VALUATION 63 -- APPENDIX 4.3. USE OF EXPERT PANELS 64 -- APPENDIX 4.4. HOSPITAL PER DIEM PRICES 64 -- APPENDIX 4.5. INDIRECT COMPARISONS 66 -- APPENDIX 5. THE COST-EFFECTIVENESS PLANE, COST-EFFECTIVENESS ACCEPTABILITY CURVE, AND EFFICIENCY FRONTIER 67 -- APPENDIX 6. LIST OF BELGIAN DATABASES FOR THE MEASUREMENT AND VALUATION OF RESOURCE USE 70 -- APPENDIX 7. FLEMISH EQ-5D INDEX VALUES 73 -- REFERENCES 74 Link for e-copy: Format of e-copy: pdf (797 Kb) Record link: Hold
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